Live Video: Watch President Bush’s Iraq Address…

September 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



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9 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Victory in Iraq means that we leave AFTER the Iraqis can stand on their own two feet and defend their own country.
    That’s victory. Anything less than that is just cutting and running.

    Anyone who studies AQ and his culture understands that if AQ loses this fight, they lose face. They lose face, they become discouraged. And all of the Muslim world will know it.

    We kick their ass here it will go along way to winning the strategic war on Islamofacism.

    Iraq is just one battlefront in a multitude of AO’s throughout the world. This is only the beginning. This is the Battle of Britain, or the early days of Guadacanal.

    Quitting is not an option.

    God Bless our CIC and our heroic Armed Forces.

  2. Bashman

    You know, I have to say, I had lost some faith in the Bush administration post ‘04, but in the last several months, after civilian micromanagement was removed from our troops over there, GW has gained a lot of the points back with me that he had lost previously.

    Reed’s (not Reid) response was pathetic and just an outright lie. The things he said Bush didn’t do in his speech, he DID do. Can’t think of them off the top of my head, LOL, but I remember sitting there looking at Reed and going, “WTF speech did YOU just watch? Was it the same one I just watched?”

    The polarization is so extreme, and I think that the liberal lefties in this country are so blinded by their hatred for Bush and his administration, that they can in no way even hear anything Bush has to say. It’s like when Bush speaks, their eyes glaze over and I halfway expect to see Mr. Spock off in some corner performing a remote Vulcan Mind Meld on these idiots and they simply respond in the same old way.

    Once again, by their response this week, the liberal lefties in power have proven that they have no FUCKING clue what the hell they are doing, and just running on that same old Big Bob’s Used Car Sales Pitch…

    “You don’t want what you just had, you want us!’

    “Well, what are you going to do?”

    “Well, you know what THEY did? We ain’t doin’ that.”

    Just keep the rope shelf stocked because the left has almost enough to hang themselves now.

  3. Cridhe Saorsa

    By all that you hold dear..on this good earth… I bid you stand! Men of the West!!!

  4. Sandy K.

    What Dan said.

    Especially, “God Bless our CIC and our heroic Armed Forces.”

    They are LOYAL and they are THE BEST.

  5. Grumpy

    I had a thought… I remember getting mad at Bush, not for his policies but for not coming out and selling them. I remember getting mad that the only voice that we were hearing (from the establishment) was that of the Left. I remember thinking “where is Bush? Why isn’t he saying what people need to hear? why isn’t he being more of a leader?” Now I think that it was Rove. I think that Rove might have been trying to keep him from speaking out. I understand why. Because Bush is not a great public speaker and people make fun of him. But Bush NEEDS to tell people WHY he is doing what he is doing. I think that most Americans can get past the spoken fumbles. I think that, now with Rove gone, we will be hearing a lot more from Bush. I hope its not to little, to late.

  6. John Goodrow

    Damn fine speech.

    Too bad the country is so blinded be hate that most changed the channel.

  7. Mark Tanberg

    John I agree and believe that the hate is boiling on both sides so much so that we will be at each others throats soon. When Billy did Monika way back when, I was so pissed I coulda stomped blood puddles in dems and now things are only worse.

  8. danielle

    Great speech. He really knows what this war is all about. Too bad there are plenty “leaders” out there who don’t.

  9. Lamplighter

    Pres. Bush actually tried to reach out and make common ground. The surrender monkeys were calling for troop withdrawals, so he threw them a bone. Not that they could see the bone when it hit them in the face. The Dems would rather rally around UBL as he speaks their talking points than the Pres. of the US. Sad. P.S.: Bash hit the nail on the head.

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