Maliki Says Flow Of Terror Into His Country Must Stop

September 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Hmmm…..just who is he talking to here?

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki warned the U.N. General Assembly Wednesday that the continued flow of weapons, suicide bombers and terrorism funding into his country would result in “disastrous consequences” for the region and the world.

Al-Maliki, who met with President Bush Tuesday, urged the international community and countries in the region to support Iraq’s national reconciliation process to rid terrorism from the country and bring peace to the region.

“National reconciliation is stronger than the weapons of terrorism,” he said. “Today we feel optimistic that countries of the region realize the danger of the terrorist attacks against Iraq, that it is not in their interest for Iraq to be weak.”

Al-Maliki said his country had reduced sectarian killings and brought stability to some regions, such as Anbar province in the west. He said thousands of displaced families have been able to return to their homes.

He said Iraq also has hundreds of political parties active within 20 political alliances; more than 6,000 civil organizations; hundreds of newspapers and magazines and 40 local and satellite TV stations. But terrorists are targeting this “new Iraq,” he said.

“Terrorism kills civilians, journalists, actors, thinkers and professionals. It attacks universities, marketplaces and libraries. It blows up mosques and churches and destroys the infrastructure of state institutions,” al-Maliki said.

Al-Maliki said he has warned the countries in the region that “the continued overflow of weapons, money, suicide bombers and the spreading of ‘fatwas’ inciting hatred and murder will only result in disastrous consequences for peoples of the region and the world.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told world leaders Tuesday that the U.S. government’s policy on Iraq was destabilizing the occupied country.

“They even oppose the constitution, National Assembly and the government established by the vote of the people, while they do not even have the courage to declare their defeat and exit Iraq,” he said.

The U.S. delegation walked out of the General Assembly chamber when Ahmadinejad went to the podium, leaving only a low-ranking note-taker to listen to his speech, which also indirectly accused the U.S. and Israel of human rights violations. Gonzalo Gallegos, a State Department spokesman, said the U.S. wanted “to send him a powerful message.”

Cuba’s foreign minister told the general assembly Wednesday that President Bush “came into office through fraud and deceit” and has “no moral authority or credibility to judge anyone.”

In a blistering attack at the annual ministerial meeting, Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque accused Bush of authorizing torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

“He came into office through fraud and deceit,” Perez Roque said. “President Bush has no moral authority or credibility to judge anyone.”

The U.S. seat in the General Assembly chamber was empty during Perez Roque’s attack.

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7 Responses

  1. Iacobus

    “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told world leaders Tuesday that the U.S. government’s policy on Iraq was destabilizing the occupied country.

    “They even oppose the constitution, National Assembly and the government established by the vote of the people, while they do not even have the courage to declare their defeat and exit Iraq,” he said.”

    Hello? Who’s financing and aiding terrorists in Iraq to destabilize that country? Yes, you are!

    What a fucking dickhead.

  2. deathstar

    I am sure that Iran and Syria will now rush home to clamp down on cross border terrorists heading to Iraq.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Al-Maliki has warned correctly of the wider war in the ME if Iran and Syria are not stopped. I’m sure Iran and Syria will be dully impressed and cease and desist their aide to terrorts post-haste. Yeah sure…

    While the little garden gnome continues to assail the US with empty rhetoric, his irhabi terrorists continue to rape, plunder and kill the citizens of Lebanon and Iraq.

    Ahmedinajihad’s arguments are as empty as his rhetoric. He deserves the same thing we give Al Quds: Jail or death.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    “It’s too bad that the leadership of Columbia University hasn’t learned the lesson…[that] America honors freedom of expression by being a refuge for the oppressed, not by giving a soapbox to the oppressors.”

  5. sully

    “Cuba’s foreign minister told the general assembly Wednesday that President Bush “came into office through fraud and deceit” and has “no moral authority or credibility to judge anyone.””

    It was Castro that “came into office through fraud and deceit”.

    The U.S. through its President George Bush, is one of a very few ‘nation-states’ on this planet with the moral authority to not only judge but to actually act upon that judgement.
    What has Cuba, or Iran for that matter, done to assuage the ills of the world? How many Cuban or Iranian humanitarian aid organizations or workers can we count?
    Fuck off Cuba.

  6. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Iraq Central 9-26-07

    […] Maliki Says Flow Of Terror Into His Country Must Stop — Pat Dollard Iraq’s Maliki with Bush: ‘Task before us is gigantic’ — Baltimore Sun […]

  7. Jim

    ” disastrous consequences for peoples of the region and the world.”

    Iraq could be the gem of the middle east if they keep it together

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