Video: Muslim Med Student Arrested In Mich Park With AK-47 - “Allegiance To Hezbollah”

September 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


He’s currently being held on a million dollars bond while the FBI investigates for a terrorism connection. According to police “He was all dressed in dark clothing and had his face blackened out”. He tried to resist police, and had to be tazed. His website professed allegiance to Hezbollah. FBI: “We can’t confirm or deny terrorism at this time”.

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Video here.

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11 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    “We can’t confirm or deny terrorism at this time”. We’re desperately trying to find someone else to pin this on, perhaps his mother had square nipples. And when he was three he stubbed his toe.

  2. Steve in NC

    Ah yes, Dearbornistan Michigan.

    I hope we have ilegally tapped that entire city.

    I wonder if that nice young man would like to take a bath, he may get board with it, but we would like to listen to his stories anyhow.

    Reminds me of September 12, 2001 when I went to my local gun shop to stock up on 12 guage shells and he was out. A man from Dearbornistan had driven down and bought every shell he had. He had a christian name I was told, and wanted to be ready if he needed it.

  3. Ted B

    Hey, a new place to try out the new and improved MOAB…

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yes Deabornistan, the new Londonistan. Lots of targets. Would make a nice training area for urban combat. :evil:

  5. Howie

    You guys are looking at this all wrong. This dumbass is not, was not a terrorist he is a wannabe. Think about it. If truly were a terrorist with a loaded AK-47 he would have used it to attempt an escape from police. This dip shit got tasered without firing a shot.
    If this idiot and the morons in London are the type being recruited to carry out jihad bring them on.

  6. Irish Gal

    Is he Amish??? Lutheran??? I’m sure he is just a lost soul. Maybe Nancy should fly to Michigan and have dialogue with him. I’m sure he’s just misunderstood.

    Howie: Timothy McVeigh wasn’t a terrorist either.

  7. Humble Janoslav

    I know guilt by association is a horrible thing but he’s running a website which professes his allegiance to Hezbollah, which is a known terror organization. I think that’s proof enough! It doesn’t matter whether he’s a “wannabe” or actually has connection with Hezbollah. It shouldn’t change how he’s prosecuted.

  8. MikeP

    If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, you know the rest. Throw his ass in jail and hope that some anti jihadi inmate needs a date for the evening.

  9. Ranger

    Good point and counterpoint Howie and Humble, respectively.

  10. TJ (the Kafir)

    1 million bond could be easily paid by hezbollah, i also notice that this hasnt made national news. Hmm… :wink:

  11. Sandy K.

    I am sure this man had no intention to harm anyone. I sure hope there was no rough handling of the nice man by the brutes in the police force and FBI. I am sure the illegal war and that horrible Bu$h pushed him into this state of mind. He is a freedom fighter for the Dems. :mrgreen: :lol:

    Hang em’. :evil:

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