One Of The Dems’ Favorite Lies
“The Surge was supposed to allow for a poltical reconciliation, and since there is no political reconciliation, the Surge is a failure.”
Moronic. No date certain was given for the completion of a political reconciliation in Iraq. There is a big difference between “No political reconciliation yet” and “No political reconciliation possible.” Anybody with half a brain could see that a political reconciliation was going to take time, so any claim that the surge is a failure because one hasn’t happened yet, is either a propaganda lie or an expression of plain stupidity. The surge was intended to provide the security necessary for a poltical reconciliation to both occur and survive. We are on track.
Ugly-ass Colmes.
September 11th, 2007 at 6:40 pmcolmes looks like a serpent.
September 11th, 2007 at 6:47 pmif we were building a house we could have an exact blue print,, or if were playing a football game we could have time tables,, but this is life in the mean ugly world and just to get the hatfields and mccoys to sit in the same town without lopping off heads is a victory,,and worth 7 points in the first qtr.. but we have 3/4s to go,.. and the game plan is a contiueing changeing arena..especially when there is interference fm both sides of the court and some idiots on our own team that seem to bet against our victory,, if there ever will be a victory by WWII standards…
September 11th, 2007 at 6:48 pmI occassionally watch H&C anymore and the times I do it’s because I hope to hit it the night that someone like Oliver North reaches over and knocks Colmes on his ass.
September 11th, 2007 at 6:49 pmThe usual crap. Deny, deflect, accuse.
In this case, deflect. They want to shift emphasis away from all the jihadi corpses piling up and onto the political situation. The Maliki regime ain’t great, but given “option b” I’m sure most Iraqis are counting their blessings.
September 11th, 2007 at 6:50 pmNot a monkey - A fucking turtle. Sick your head back in there and hide Colmes.
September 11th, 2007 at 6:53 pmThey were calling it a failure before it ever even started. They are just nitpicking to find things to latch onto to say “See! Told ya!”
They will NEVER admit the Surge is working.
Look at how the Dem politicians have treated this whole thing. Despicable.
September 11th, 2007 at 7:02 pmMy wife calls him Mr Bug-eyes. He looks like a bug that crawled out of a hole somewhere. He was trying that same Dhimiparty BS on TV tonight…trying to imply that Sunni and Shia deaths were not counted in Petraeous’s report…which if anyone was listening, was specifically mentioned by the General. So Bug-eyes told a flat-out lie and Rich Galen or whatever his name is…called him on it.
Mr Bug-eyes also insisted that Al-Anbar was already getting it’s shit together before the surge. Another flat-out lie.
This guy is a walking, talking asswiper for the ratfink Dhimocrat party.
I’m waiting for the day when this fucktard goes home on the subway and has a heart attack or some similar fate, because God finally got tired of his lying, sorry, ass.
September 11th, 2007 at 7:06 pmTheir ignorance is amazing, their consistent treasonous behavior is now expected.
The ’surge’ is doing exactly what was desired, the violence is abating and that is giving the government of Iraq the chance to develop.
Actually the fact that much of the improvement has come from the ground up is even better than planned. That is a sign the individual citizens are willing to take possession of their own security rather than wait for a central government.
September 11th, 2007 at 7:07 pmmy son and the hundreds of military families i have talked to concur with the good generals assesment,, the only thing wrong is the meddleing by our enemies,, mainly the DFL..we can kill the ones on the battle field but it is hard to kill the treasonists…they hide amongst the innocent..hmmmmm sound familiar???
September 11th, 2007 at 7:17 pmVietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)
Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)
Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)
Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)
September 11th, 2007 at 7:47 pmThis is a miracle! ! ! ! this is the first picture that I have ever seen of this asshole standing up… I thought that you have to have a spine in order to do that. . . WOW THE WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE.
September 11th, 2007 at 8:45 pmGo here….
…and open patraeus’s slides on the right. Look at those(in particular slides 3-6 and and tell me the surge aint working.
Fuck the congressional dems.
September 11th, 2007 at 9:06 pmThey have a FAVORITE lie? I thought everything that comes out of their mouths was lies.
“We care about poor people.”
“There were no WMD found in Iraq.”
“We won’t raise your taxes.”
“Lawyers are good for America.”
“Public Education in America is just fine.”
“We want to fix Social Security.”
“And Medicaid.”
“And Medicare.”
“We believe in freedom of speech.”
“We support the Constitition.”
“We can support the troops without supporting the War.”
Shall I go on?
September 12th, 2007 at 9:10 am