Video: Critics Call De Palma Film “Both Simplistic And Unrealistic”

September 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Typical warrior unworthy of film treatment by Brian DePalma or the rest of the Leftist media bastion called Hollywood: The late Major Doug Zembiec, USMC, known as “The Lion of Fallujah.

Speaking of unrealistic, how cheesy was that scene of soldiers entering the house? Physically it’s just entirely unrealistic. And the soldiers just screaming at some old lady, LOL… troops pawing at little kids at a checkpoint - these are the things he chooses to feature. Then he reveals his primary intention again when whines that he can’t “criticize the troops” with impunity and dismisses any opinion contrary to his own as “pre-programmed”, a typical Leftist elitist position: “I think, you don’t.” Okay Mr. Ruling Class…oh, and if the film shows “the reality of the war in Iraq” and is “pro troop” as its producer Mark Cuban has said on this website it is, then why didn’t you premiere it to Iraq vets instead of rich Europeans at a rareified film festival?

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41 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    This guy is a complete liar. I’ve seen tons of vids of troops entering houses and they are always politite to the occupants…even under fire they are both calm and careful in their searches. So the scene is complete bullshit…

  2. mindy abraham

    Why would anyone WANT to say anything bad about the troops :mad: We should be giving them nothing but respect,and I for one am getting tired of people like hi insulting them. :evil:

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Depalma isn’t even worthy to kiss the boots of Major Doug Zembiec, USMC, known as “The Lion of Fallujah.

    I just see mixing a hero’s name with a zero’s name.

    Deplama=Jane Fonda & Adam Ghadan

    Major Doug Zembiec, USMC=Chesty Puller. You damn right Chesty would be pround to associate with that great Marine…

    Semper Fi to Major Doug Zembiec’s family and his troops. I raise my glass in his honor. :beer: :beer:

  4. B.A. Hokom

    You can tell he’s back pedaling, trying to support his film from a non-popular position, while the surge is working. His passion immediately after it release, about how real the film is, does not match the reality of how lopsided it is and patently unrealistic. It a very weak effort for such an Enormous Richard Director, who quite frankly has not made a good film since what 1978 or 1980. This project will not accomplish what the director and producer had planned for it, instead they will end up on the outside looking in and will forever be spit upon by brave men and women who have served this country honorably.

    I agree Pat, if he was honest about it he would screen it for veterans of the war first, but his society goals are far more important, what a loser. He can tell the military to surrender with a drink in his hand all he wants from Venice, but do you think he would go to Iraq or any U.S. military base and do it? Of course not, he does not have that kind of conviction, thus he will always live his life from now on with one eye trying to look over his shoulder.



  6. ssgduke54

    This PERSON who is very, very rich probably has a nice gated house…oops! I mean MANSION and his family lives a nice sheltered life and he is going to show us the dark side of our military?!! This person I have loss all respect for accusing our soldiers…my Son (who is in Iraq) of abuse!! He doesn’t have to deal with mortar attacks, indirect fire, sniping and IED’s day in and day out! My Son have already gone through a couple of IEDS already and Thank God he has not been wounded yet. As for padding down the kids well let me tell you a story my Son told me.

    One day my Son and his Platoon found a cache of mortars and other artillery shells so they decided to put a tracking device on it to see if someone or somebody will move the cache. Low and behold they were taken and my Son and his Squad raided a house not far where the cache was taken and guess what they found? A half dozen insurgents trying to convert the mortars to IEDs. The two youngest insurgents were from 14 to 16 years old! This bastard of a film maker can go to hell. My Son has other stories he told me about that are more fact then this “A hole” has in all of his documentary movie.

  7. Grumpy

    HA HA HA!!! Could you fucking imagine what would go down if this fag showed this crap at a VFW hall?

  8. Steve in NC

    Grumpy –

    What can you get the VFW to do if the local theater shows this?

  9. rumsfeld47

    Dear Friends,

    I’m drunk and typing from the LAX USO. OOH-RAH!

    Some German chick at the international bar was eye-fucking the shit out of me. Bet she wants some devil-dog in her life, she can’t have it.

    I’m about to go have dinner with a fellow Marine. We will have sex before the night is out, you understand me?

    Because that is what motivation is. I am fucking motivated, do you understand?

    If you’re in the LAX from now until 0100 and you like Marines, look for the guy wearing the jihadikiller T-Shirt. I’ve got trojans.



    PS. What ever the liberals say, they are ASSHOLES! Lazy, undisciplined, fat ASSHOLES and they don’t deserve to run a K-Mart.

  10. E4Puke

    How about showing this to soldiers on their forced 2 weeks on post after coming home from deployment? Cant get more pissed than coming home and being forced to stay on base after a year in a shithole country like iraq.

  11. drillanwr

    VFW Hall and Iraq Vets??!!??

    Fuck NO! If DePalma was so in complete support of his flick he should have a few special showings of it over for the troops IN Iraq … Then let him come out onto the stage after the credits have rolled and see if he gets a standing-O …

    After all … DePalma has said [this] is “what is REALLY happening in Iraq” … So, who better to give the director feedback than the troops who are REALLY serving right damn now over in Iraq?

    Show it to the troops serving in Iraq, DePalma … I fucking triple dog dare ya!

  12. E4Puke

    That two weeks was just giving your wife or girlfriend time to hide evidence anyway.

  13. UKatheist

    now if he made a film documenting the rise of islamofacism and indescriminate bombing of markets by insurgents[saudis syrians etal] i would pay to see it but not that great pile of liberal propaganda hogwash

  14. Steve in NC


    What the hell you doing? Trolling the airport looking for some meaningless sex with a girl passing through?

    Here’s a hint, look for the married ones, completely without strings, plus they got kinks built up from years of married sex.

    GET SOME!!

  15. E4Puke

    Hey rumsfield you should be trying to swing a threesome not typing online.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Depalma and Cuban better hope that they don’t run into any troops anytime soon. Maybe that’s why Depalma isn’t in America these days. I guess he’s too scared someone might punch his face in…

    Runmmy: You’re too much…That’s funny as hell. Good luck in your endeavors. And BTW, what’s wrong with German chicks?
    They can drink AND do the deed? Been there, done that. Germany was great. Their politics suck. The food, the beer and the chicks are OK.

    But then again there’s them Southern Girls…Just like the Beach Boys song says… Have another beer :beer:

  17. Jim

    Flippantly he say’s “you just can’t say anything critical of the troops”

    He was neither sincere nor genuine of stating his opinion in defense of the (evil drudge report)…His tone was overtly smug and his gesture transparent. He look foolish and off balance like “these people really think I suck”

    —The King that wore no clothes–thats DePalma—

    ..and by the way Jackass…we see right through your no talent facade so you better keep fooling who you have to. Keep blowing Cuban, he’s an easy sell obviously.

  18. drillanwr

    Hey, Rummy!

    [I’m about to go have dinner with a fellow Marine. We will have sex before the night is out, you understand me?]

    I hope I am “misunderstanding” that series of sentences … :beer:

  19. Jim

    Anybody else see this guy as hapless … therfore needing to do a cheap easy to hype film? He’s like a waning rock star who puts out a 3 chord ballard to get radio play.
    …and he knows it. He should be delegated to doing commercials but no, wide eyed Dunce Cuban is their to help peddle his over rated career….shit merchants inc.

  20. TJ (the Kafir)

    depalma has every right to be critical, but slanderous NO! He seems very defensive in the video, could it be because he is known as a director of fiction who has no first hand evidence of the manner in which our troops conduct themselves in combat?

    If its not firsthand, its considered fiction unless the viewer already has a bias. This is what depalma is banking on : the ignorance and bias of his viewers which resides in the hearts and minds of liberal americans and many europeans.

    He stands to make a killing and thats alll that really matters to him. :evil:

  21. TerryTate

    Wow, that is some really good acting….

    Were did he get those guys? Looks like a bunch of Jr. High kids playing war, or at least what they think is war. Guess that should tell the lefties who is gonna win any upcoming Civil War, eh? The left pretends to know what they are talking about, but too bad for them as they wouldn’t figure it out until they are getting bent over and spanked.

    Completely clueless DePalma. Geeze thought you’d said you had watched a lot of footage from Iraq, and that is the best sequence you and your actors can manage. DePalma, as a visually oriented employed person, should at least be able to tell the difference between the real military busting down a door and that fake crap he has released. I’ve seen more zeal and enthusiasm from a high school chess team heading into a big match, than what those limp dick actors were able to manage. Gee let me brake this door down, a one, a two, a three, a hey look an AK-47 is pointing out the peep hole… No wonder lefties don’t make it in the Military. You can’t cut it or is it that you are all can’t cu#t pos. Nice try Brian, better luck next time.


  22. Gary in Midwest

    To create yet another bash the military flick is far from courageous. It’s just the thing his dipshit buddies in Whoreywood will orgasm over. Typical path taken by a liberal eunuch. Just another good reason to save your money and rent a Bruce Willis flick!

  23. Heath C.

    HAHAHA!! Those were some good clips! HAHAHAHA!! Especially that woman coming to the door, BWAAA HAHAHAHAAAA!!! Quite possibly the worst house entry I’ve ever seen.

  24. Heath C.

    Oh and Rummy…yer fuckin hilarious!!!

  25. Goodbye Natalie

    De Palma = typical gutless lib. Starts to get a little heat over his stupidity and pulls a hamstring backpedaling. But I don’t give a crap about a washed up limp noodle from Hollywood. They all sound the same and are equally worthless.

    It’s Cuban I hope to see dogpiled. I want to watch that smug grin turn to gritting his teeth. He’s been an a*hole ever since he hit the national stage and it’s time for him to learn a little gratitude for our great country.

  26. Faith of Judas

    one word.


  27. danielle

    De Palma is a jerk!!! His movie looks stupid and his face looks stupid too. (Sorry I’m just mad!)

    Of course you can’t criticize the troops. Duh. If they’re fighting for your freedom, as well as the Iraqis’ freedom, why on earth would you trash them?

  28. Mark Tanberg

    What does it say about a guys ethics when he makes the movie Scarface which lifts up and idolizes crooks and thugs and their lifestyles then does the opposite when given the chance at a nonfiction scenario. He’s upside down.

  29. GF

    I have come to conclude that this war is wrong.
    It’s all about oil, god damn it!

    We should be attacking Mexico, Venezuela and Canada; they are a lot closer and it would be much more cost effective as the B-52’s don’t have to fly as far. Once we get Canada under our thumb we can finally build a pipeline to Anwar and drill the shit out of it. We can take back the Panama Canal and put a pipeline over it going to Venezuela. Woot! Tanks Depalma, Kos, Cindy, Moore and Cuban. Thanks for opening mine eyes dumb asses.

  30. Tom

    DePalmaLama knows he could not shine the shoes of the guys over in Iraq. Knows he would stare at his feet if he met them face to face. Knows that they fight a sadistic, vicious, malicious and malignant enemy.

    He knows he is not worthy of their sacrifice.

    Not having served creates a problem for anyone who hasn’t. Anyone who wishes to think of themselves as a man. It’s just a fact. You live with it, you deal with it. If you’re a conservative you deal with the “chickenhawk” thing and you either shut up or you face it and keep on sparring.

    Some of us address this by being humble in the face of our soldiers. By thanking them. By feeling shitty that we didn’t lace up boots, didn’t enlist, didn’t do the right thing, in time. And moving on and supporting them.

    Others face this issue differently. Rather than facing the fundamentally superior and nobler facts that are the volunteer Armed Forces in our times, they need to instead BRING THEM DOWN.

    How can someone like DePalma fill that gaping hole? By turning the largest group of heroes in the world today into monsters.

    It makes him feel better. It allows him to avoid his own weakness. It kills the pain he feels when he considers how much greater the Lion Of Fallujah is than he.

    De Palma is the sheep of Beverly Hills. In his heart of hearts, this pains him like a razor in his shoe that won’t ever go away. And it never, ever will. For he has been doped up with his own ego and told over and over that HE is great. Not some grunt in the Army or Marines. HE is the GREAT DIRECTOR!!! ALL HAIL!!!!


    When metrosexual Euros and MSMers gush all over him and he drinks his chablis and they toast him and tell him he’s “brave”…his heart of hearts aches.

    He may not know of the Lion of Fallujah. Not specifically. But he feels him.

    Just this knowledge pains DePalma and when he is alone -as we all are sooner or later- that pain makes him cry like a little girl.

    DePalmaLama will never, ever be great. Not even close. People will call him great, but it will be a Great Lie. And he will accept their praise, salve his ego and smile bravely as he accepts his golden trinket.

    But all know greatness will elude him. And that he will die clutching his golden trinket and knowing he is nothing, nothing at all.

    And he will regret, briefly at least, spitting on his superiors as he has now, in 2007.

    That is my review of his film. I don’t need to see it to believe I’m basically right.

  31. Mark Tanberg

    DePalma himself is quoted as saying:

    “The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people…. The pictures are what will stop the war. One only hopes that these images will get the public incensed enough to motivate their Congressmen to vote against this war…”

    Just found this here

  32. Ted B

    Simplistic + unrealistic = Hollywood.

    The truth is out. :roll:

  33. azbastard

    the only thig worse than him makeing the film, is all the boneheads that will watch it, believe it, and love it..because its a strike against America

  34. Dan (The Infidel)

    Redact this!! (Bitch)

    By Joseph Farrah:

    Imagine telling the story of World War II through the eyes of a victim of rape at the hands of U.S. soldiers among those liberating France.

    Would that be an accurate, truthful, contextual account of the war against fascism?

    Of course not.

    Nevertheless, an isolated case of exactly this kind of abhorrent crime by U.S. soldiers in Iraq is being hailed as a work of art, the crowning achievement of a perverted career by director Brian De Palma, a slime bucket who should never be allowed to step foot in America, again.

    That’s all you need to know about “Redacted,” a movie that shook up the Venice film festival last week.

    It is being hailed as brave. It is being hailed as truthful. It is being hailed as the movie that will end the war in Iraq.

    Al-Qaida must be so thrilled.

    De Palma is lucky I don’t run this country. He would never be allowed to return to the United States. And, if he did, he’d be arrested and shipped down to Gitmo for re-education classes.

    He has chosen sides in a war between what remains of Western Civilization and the barbarian hordes of Islamo-fascism. I don’t suppose I have to tell you which side he picked.

    Of course it is a horror that Abeer Qasim Jamza al-Janabi, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, was raped and murdered by some criminals allowed to enlist in the U.S. military. For the record, one of those involved in the brutal attack, Pfc. Jesse Spielman, has already been sentenced to 110 years in prison. The alleged ringleader, Steven Green, is facing the death penalty. Two others who pleaded guilty, Sgt. Paul Cortz and Spc. James Barker, have received life sentences for their participation in the crime.

    But that’s not enough for De Palma.

    He wants the United States of America to pay for those crimes.

    He wants al-Qaida to benefit from those crimes.

    He wants the whole world to blame the West for those crimes.

    He wants to use those crimes to bludgeon the U.S. and its allies to leave Iraq in a state of chaos, so that only one outcome is assured – the victory of America’s enemies.

    Make no mistake about De Palma’s motives. He wants to make money off this tragedy and besmirch the honor of the country that has made him a multimillionaire for making slasher films with little in the way of redeeming social value.

    “The movie is an attempt,” he says, “to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people.”

    That is garbage.

    The reality of what is happening in Iraq has nothing to do with this isolated horror story. Atrocities like this happen in war. There are always rotten apples in every army. Those who raped the little girl and killed her family are no more representative of America than are the criminals who perpetrate such acts in our own streets on a daily basis.

    While al-Qaida chops off the heads of innocent people in Iraq daily, the act chronicled in sensational style by De Palma is uncharacteristic of what American soldiers do in that country.

    So this film doesn’t represent reality; it distorts it.

    De Palma knows this, but he also knows where the dollars are.

    “Everything that is in this movie is based on something I found that actually happened,” he claims. “But once I put it in the script, I would get a note from a lawyer saying you can’t use that because it’s real, and we may get sued. So I was forced to fictionalize things that were actually real.”

    This sounds a lot like Michael Moore.

    What’s the matter with this guy? Is he afraid to get sued? Is he afraid some of his profits might have to go into legal defense?

    I’m faced with threats of lawsuits every day for telling the truth. I don’t have half the resources at my disposal that De Palma has. Is that courage? Is that conviction? Or is that the worst form of cowardice?

    It’s worse than that.

    It’s the worst form of treason.

  35. Marc

    As rightly enraged as Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, and yes Coast Guardsmen would be that they might punch the lights out of DePalma and Cuban for their “patriotic” film making they won’t; because everyday they have exhibited the one thing DePalma and Cuban have not through their promotion of this film, that is CLASS!

    They will keep on doing there jobs in 100+ degrees of heat, and dust, not asking for a thank you, only taking solace in the fact that they believe they are keeping there home safe. Their honor is intact and their intentions are true for all too see.

    The funny thing in all of this is how the only retort in regards to “Redacted” is that now the film makers themselves are trying to spin the reaction as a right wing frenzy with them as the victims.

    They lost me at the title “Redacted” the title alone by the definition of the word implies someone is trying to his something. You reap what you sow as far as I’m concerned.

    Anyway a question for Mr. Cuban and Mr. DePalma if they are reading this, What do you think will happen to the entertainment industry if Al-Qaeda and its franchise players succeed in bring the globe under the flag of Islam?

  36. Marc

    They lost me at the title “Redacted” the title alone by the definition of the word implies someone is trying to his something.

    That would be hide something

  37. drillanwr

    “Liberals stand on their heads and tell the rest of the world it’s upside down …” - Jim Quinn, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Radio Talk Show Host (”The Quinn & Rose Show” … local, regional, and on X-M Satellite Radio Channel 165 6am-9am EST … ) :beer:

  38. Howie

    Hey GF just a little history for your own educational purposes. There was this thing that started on August 1, 1990 called the Gulf War. We evil Amerians put together a bunch of countries to free Kuwait from the grips of a tyrant, Sadam Hussien. We had troops in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait when all was said and done. We had the overwhelming force, militarily, to do whatever we wanted. We could have taken the oil from both countries and then taken it from Iraq as well. NEWS FLASH!!! We did not. It has never been about stealing oil from anyone.
    And to the rest of you socialist lefties out there…. We are not nor have we ever really and truly been imperialists looking to build an empire. The only land we have ever taken after war was enough to respectfully bury our dead.
    So take your oil paranoia and use it as a personal lubricant!!

  39. Steve in NC

    re: Mark Tanberg,

    nice find on depalmas comments,

    That simply cements the fact that mark cuban is a punk bitch who will end up sucking cocks in hell until the end of time

  40. GF

    Howie, methinks you misunderstand. :beer:
    I am being sarcastic.

  41. R. Esker

    Please clarify the connection between De Palma’s “Redacted” and Major Zembiec. Is he referred to or portrayed in the film? Where can one view this film now? Thanks!

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