Video: Hillary Refuses To Answer Question About Israeli Attack On Iran At Debate

September 27th, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

Hillary Clinton refuses to answer whether or not Israel should be able to attack Iran if they threatened the country’s security.

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17 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Those are the kinds of tough issues that Presidents have to decide on. If you can’t be specific HRC, then perhaps you should take your cookies and your little red wagon and go home bitch.

  2. chris dean

    and this is the indecisive woman libs want running the country? SCARY!!!

  3. Lil Mac

    Flip Flop Flip Flop
    Talkin outta my Ass ,,, Blah blah blah
    Its hypothetical whahh whaahh wahhh
    yeah , she’s right for the job !!

  4. Vaquero

    Blah, blah blah, HRC is incapable of giving a straight answer to any question….as her former associates attest, she is a sociapath and lies with immunity!

  5. tedders

    Did Russert ever mention Syria in the question? She’s tried to learn from Bill, she’s just not near as talented at double evasive speak as he is, in fact she sucks at it! Mrs, Clinton, the question was about Israel and Iran. Her answer, syria, North Korea, big boat, Syrian desert facility, feelings, blah, blah blah blah blah. Oh I changed my mind, I’m not going to answer that, highly classified. I’m not even sure if I know what I’m talking about.

    Did you see Russert as he was cut off time and time again by her? Lord help us if she ever gets near the White House again!

  6. Marine Dad

    Hillary……the American version of Imelda Marcos???? Having been raised in the P.I., mostly under Ferdinand and Imelda’s rule (over 20 yrs.), I thought I’d never ever see Imelda’s equal anywhere…much less right here under our very noses.


  7. jam

    Those answers are all just for the MSM to pick out headlines and sound bites that make their particular dog look good for the race.

    A voter that would throw his vote to anyone on that stage last night is also too stupid to understand the question or the answer, and the candidates know it.

  8. snook

    RUSSERT TO HILLIARY: “Would you really ride off into the sunset on Ted Nugent’s AR-15?”

  9. ssgduke54

    :wink: If she refuse to answer a simple question what kind of answer is she going to give when a complicated question is given?!! She can forget this voter to vote for her now or the near future!

  10. just posting

    i hate this bitch

  11. LadyAngler

    Take a good look, boys. You will she the pure evil thing she is. Ice woman… cold, calculated and clever. I fear her advancment more than anyone else’s.

  12. Lamplighter

    OK, that was very interesting. She just gave me more specific info on what happened in Syria than I’ve heretofore been able to get. She disclosed: a N. Korean tanker bringing suspected nuclear material, and a nuclear plant being built in Syria with N. Korean materiel. Why is it I’m getting this info from an oppposing party presidential candidate than from my gov’t. or the press? Is it because she leaked classified info?

  13. Lamplighter

    OK, I might be an idiot. I guess there was a story in the NYT, CSM, UK Guardian with these details, but since I don’t read any of them…Well, she confirmed the truth of the press reports, and her confirmation was probably based on classified briefings she received…

  14. Clyde Conneer

    There is the Soros’ puppet, unprepared for that one. MorOn.ort had better bug NBC for the questions.

  15. TWarrior


  16. TJ (the Kafir)

    I’m not sure even Bush could answer such a hypothetical other than to say that “it is not my place to decide what constitutes a serious threat to a soverign country such as Israel, that being said , their foreign policy is theirs alone, and you would need to raise such a question to them. more information and details would need to be in place before such an asessment could be made” etc etc.

    that would be an honest answer. I give her credit for at least saying directly she would not answer the question. Lets face it, not answering it, appeases her constituency a little.


    WTF? If you can’t answer the question, just make one up and answer it instead? What an asshole she is, if its a hypothetical, answer it as a hypothetical. This bitch has no place in American politics. I’m astonished that she has gotten this far on the ass-hairs of her husband.

    What?, its Bush’s fault Chillary could’nt answer the question? WTF? She’s a dumbass, that all…don’t swallow the Liberal load dude.

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