Video: Mattera And His Murtha Ambush On Cavuto

September 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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17 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    Go, Jason Mattera…a new American hero. Murtha’s a coward and a liar. Pork barrell bottom feeder. Traitor. Doesn’t know what Semper Fidelis means. Probably never did.

  2. dad 3/7

    he is an embarassment to the EAGLE,GLOBE AND ANCHOR

  3. Jim

    Murtha is NOT Semper Fi but a political pawn of the Democrats.

    “He is damaging to recruiting,” Pace said. “It’s damaging to morale of the troops who are deployed, and it’s damaging to the morale of their families who believe in what they are doing to serve this country.”

    His own acts have shades of treason (all for personal and political gain). He is no longer relevant.

  4. Bashman

    Materra’s got a pair.

  5. EdinTampa

    He is Representative of my fellow Americans in SW Pa and I ask them when I go home how they could have re-elected this traitor to the Corps & his Country… I get that deer in the headlights look from most of them & the others claim they didn’t vote for him.

    This man disgusts me more than John Kerry & Hillary Clinton combined.

  6. Video: Jason Mattera Talks About Confronting John Murtha at Ian Schwartz

    […] YAF’s Jason Mattera confronted John Murtha about condemning innocent soldiers as “cold blood[ed]” killers earlier this week. He appeared on ‘Your World’ earlier this afternoon to discuss what happened. […]

  7. JayMS

    I’ll never forget seeing Murtha on ABC news. He openly accused these Marines of pre-meditated murder and stated that he had “reliable sources” and evidence to prove they were murderers. Of course ABC gave him all the time he wanted to say this and just lapped it up.

    I can’t put into words my disgust for Murtha and ABC news.

  8. drillanwr

    When the questions got tough, a bloody John Murtha cut and ran to the elevator … He’s redeployed to a men’s bathroom stall next to Larry Craig.

    Great job, Jason! :beer:

  9. Jim

    Materra should have kicked him in the balls and ran…That would have been the funniest thing imaginable to see.

  10. A.S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    The endorsement of Murtha alone is why I didn’t renew my membership to the NRA, nor make any donations towards them since ‘05.

  11. cnchess

    Is it my imagination, or are all the good MSM clips from FOX News? These guys are all that is left of the American News Media.

  12. Howie

    Call the TRAITORS office in Washington and talk to his press guy Matt Mazonki. I called him three weeks ago to ask if this Blue Falcon (Buddy was going to make a public apology after the last of the four were cleared and Matt told me that to comment on a situation that is ongoing as there are still two that have not been cleared would just be speculating.
    Murtha did not seem to have a problem speculating abot those Marines guilt, did he?
    Murtha was more than likely the type of Marine that would do whatever he had to advance himself. His attitude then was more than likely the same as it is now “Fuck The TROOPS!!!”

    Semper Fidelis Rep. Murtha, probably the only ex-Marine I would love to spit on and punch in the face!!

  13. Dan(The Infidel)

    “Sounds like a comment from Al-Jizzera and not a comment from a US Congressman”. Right on brother Mattera. You rule dude.

    To Abscam Murtha: I don’t give a fuck about your service anymore. You are a despicable old man. I can’t even compare you to Benedict Arnold…that would be a compliment. Jane Fonda is a better comparison.

  14. jam


    Anybody got info on Murtha’s service record? He keeps falling back on it…I would like to know where, or if, he was deployed.

  15. Top Ward



    Anybody got info on Murtha’s service record? He keeps falling back on it…I would like to know where, or if, he was deployed.

    You’ve read my mind. What did this wad do, when & where? Any of you PA types have this info?

  16. Dan(The Infidel)

    I’m not a PA-type. I’m a 13F/11C type, but I got the goods on Abscam John. He served in the Marine Reserves 20 years. Two tours in VN. Either as an MI-type or PA type…no combat experience. He was in the rear with the gear his whole career.

  17. GREG G. S.

    Congressmen nobody cares what you did in uniform 40 years ago, in the mature adult world you’re only as good as your last sale, stop trying to delegitimise Americans that haven’t worn the uniform… shut up and answer the God dam question.

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