The Limbaugh Legislation

October 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Just check it all out to get up to speed. I’m not even going to start with the commentary or play by play.

Harry Reid takes to floor on Rush legislation

The Limbaugh Legislation on Rush’s website, as GOP pushes its own bill.

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21 Responses

  1. HJ in VA

    to those of us who are familiar with this web site…we are not surprised, perhaps this will prove just how anti-American Dirty Harry really is…

  2. Jarhead68

    Harry Reid and the democRat DEFINE chutzpah. :mad:

  3. kins55

    Can you believe how much time these idiots waste! I am just so disgusted with all this crap and these republicans have to start hitting back and expose, even more now, these assholes for what they are - cheating, lying, deceitful morons! Rush won’t cut them any slack though. He has big shoulders and if anyone was listening to the show you know exactly what he was talking about. Too bad one of those 50 cal rounds our brave troops use so skillfully, couldn’t locate the HQ of Media Matters and send them a “truthful” message for a change. And to our troops, no matter where you are, you have our love and respect - hang in there - you have our support!!!

  4. PhilNBlanx

    How dare Senator Reid D-feat question Rush’s patriotism? I thought the dem expectation would be that outside groups would do that for them.

  5. Dr D Semper FI

    I try to listen to Rush every day,He supports the real troops fighting, not the scam artists the Libs listen to, who portrayed them selves as compbat troops who who drumed out of bootcamp, Harry needs to be run out of the country, NOW! I am so pissed and these lying bastards who pertend to care about our troops, FUCK Them ANd the Horse THEY rode in on, Move on you BAstrds.

  6. Dan(The Infidel)

    Let’s see Harry Weed and his punk ass fucktards joined in and besmearched the rep of a fine upstanding General, General Petraeous. Murtha falsely accuses Marines and condemns them for something they did not do…as did John Fucking Kerry in Vietnam…all the while this punk ass motherfucker is undermining the war effort in Iraq.

    In the meantime, he took the completely cherry-picked comments out of context from the leftists at media matters and dared to ask an apology? . You obviously didn’t hear the show, nor did you read the transcript. Fuck you Harry Dickboy you white-flag waving yellow-bellied coward!

    Limbaugh was refering to the phony soldiers that have been ID’d and compared this tactic to the VVNAW clowns that pulled the same stunt in the 60’s and 70’s and he’s dead on right. Chief amoung these phonies is Jesse MacBeth. Another punk. Another liar.

    I’m going to rally the troops and do everything in my power to defeat you leftist punk ass motherfuckers in 2008.

  7. Lamplighter

    That idiot Reid didn’t even listen to the broadcast he’s complaining about–he just got his misinformation from The Hill or Media Matters or one of those places. Rush didn’t say anything wrong, he doesn’t have to apologize for anything. Is Reid really as stupid as he acts, or does he just think he can get away with something?

  8. Goodbye Natalie

    I’d pay good money to see Harry Reid debate Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh would tear Harry a new one and wouldn’t be constrained by the stupid behavioral rules of the Senate.

    Harry Reid, Murtha, Babs Boxer, “Dick” Durbin - all scumbags would all get their butts handed to them if they didn’t have the curtain of our worthless congress to hide behind.

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    More TDB from Capitol Hill. Once again, the gullible assholes take something WAY out of context, to form an attack. When I do listen to Limbaugh, it’s not at all uncommon for at least one service member to routinely call in. Rush Limbaugh is as much their voice as he is ours. Those on the left hate that he and talk radio exist to challenge their stranglehold on information outlets. They wouldn’t hesitate to take him off the air (or other talk radio hosts on the right), if given a chance. Viva El Rushbo!! God bless the real soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who are too busy with their duties, unlike fraudulent wannabes.

  10. drillanwr

    You know, I’m with all you guys. I’ve been worked up for days about this (and the O`Reilly thing)… Just say a prayer with me that it all blows up in their faces (like that dumb-fuck terrorist in the video trying to use the RPG we saw on here a couple weeks ago) … And pray the REAL people of this country finally see the neoPRAVDA and the democrats and these lefty organizations for what/who/why they really are. :beer:

  11. JayMS

    This crap just makes my blood boil! Since the infamous Move-On ad, now the Dems have to have a manufactured controversy to make themselves look all patriotic. Anyone who over listens to Rush knows where he stands.

  12. drillanwr

    JayMS -

    Shit! A 1,000,000 pardons to Gen. Petreaus for my lapse in memory in ommitting him in my shout above.

    Thanks for jump-starting my Swiss cheese brain! :beer:

  13. Kermit

    Reid is definitely pimping for Soros what more can I say other than he would make a good dildo in SF, Montrose in Houston, or Marigny in NOLA.

  14. drillanwr

    JayMS -

    Thanks for reminding me about Gen. Petreaus. My total bad for ommitting him from my above angry post.

    (sorry if this a edited repeat of another post of mine that seemed to get lost, but might show up on the board after I re-tried with this one)

  15. Dan(The Infidel)

    BTW, Mark Levin will be interviewing prosecutors who are ACTUALLY prosecuting “phony soldiers” on his show tomorrow.
    Levin is on 1800 - 2000 EST on the radio.

    Don’t worry, this shit is comming back to bite these fucktard leftist pukes right in their asses. Just like the Petraeous ad has done, and just like Murtha’s false accusations have done to him.

    Harry Weed and that idiot Harkin, better hope Limbaugh doesn’t sue their asses. He has the bucks. It’s time to take these punks to task.

    Incidently there is a host of “phony soldiers” Levin just named off 8 of them.

  16. Jim

    You cam’t get any lower then to be a democrat with Harry Reid as your low life master….This is FRAUD!

  17. Dean Wormer

    This is hilarious. It’s a very desperate attempt to get “our moveon scandal”. But it’s a phony.

  18. Dan(The Infidel)

    Dean Wormer:

    “This is hilarious. It’s a very desperate attempt to get “our moveon scandal”. But it’s a phony.”

    Exactly right. It’s an attempt by the Punkocratz to get some payback. But this time the Winter Soldiers are going to lose. AGAIN…LOL…

  19. lwssdd

    I can’t count how many legislators I have written so far on this issue and i encourage each of you to do so as well. Let these so called patriotic dems hear your discust for their lies. This is pay back for the Petreaus back lash.

    This only proves the add really hurt the dems so while they are on their heels I would like to go in for the finishing punches.

  20. Clyde Conneer

    4 of 6 D’rats supported by MorOn last election voted for the condemnation of the Petraeus Smear. I’d bet they are not as worried about Soros as they are the folks back home.

    D’rats are a sick pack of yellow dogs.

  21. Marked Right

    I believe the majority of people in this country can see that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s attack on Rush Limbaugh is an attempt to deflect the attention from his own treasonous remarks “The War is Lost!”

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