Video: Hannity On Soros

October 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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16 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Time to investigate this bastard and everyone with their hands in his pockets … and down his pants.

  2. Dan(The Infidel)

    The left isn’t for this country. The left is for socialism. They call themselves “progressives”. That’s the new buzz word for marxism-lenninism. Soros is a marxist, hell-bent on destroying the traditional values and the American sytem. He’s as much an enemy to this country as any jihadi is. Only Soros is a soft jihadi. His jihad is more quiet..a useful idiot in the jihadis way of thinking.
    He’s trying to buy the election…and change the rules.

    But he and his money won’t buy shit, so long as we stand vigilent against all such jihadis. I just wish he’d take his propaganda to the streets like Hitler and his other buddy Lenin did. Then we’d give him the rope that he needs and hang him by his own petard.

  3. Dr D Semper FI

    send him back to Iraq

  4. danielle

    Omg he’s crazy like Victor Bout

  5. One Shot

    Soros is a POS of the first order. If gets terminal cancer, I won’t miss him.

  6. danielle


    Gosh I’m so pissed.

  7. Egfrow

    The New Face of Communism.

  8. Humble Janoslav

    Both jihadis and liberals see each other as useful idiots. Both have the same goal, just different means. Both have to weaken the country before asserting control and they don’t mind if the other saves them to trouble and does it for them. Neither of them assumes that there will ever be a head-on collision of interests. They both assume that the struggle to destroy America will destroy the other and they, themselves, can climb the smoking ash-heap and plant their flag.

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    First-rate work, Mr. Hannity.

  10. RTLM, Media Matters and the Clintons are in a three way daisy chain. Throw in DKos in for good measure and you got some hot political group sex. The Dems are scared shitless of these groups and you can bet your ass they’ll want representation and pay back if Clinton is elected - likely in the form of cabinet posts and judge appointments.

    Whatever your disagreements with whoever Repub is nominated, VOTE FOR HIM. The country is fucked if Hillary is elected.

  11. Joe

    Recently found this site and I love it. Soros is a piece of trash and has close ties to Progressive Insurance.


    Stunningly, Media Matters, can accept tax-deductible contributions under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code and has been aided by Peter Lewis, the chairman of Progressive INSURANCE Corporation and a longtime friend of leftist financier George Soros. (Anyone have Progressive Insurance?) Indeed, the group has long labored to obscure any financial ties to George Soros. In March 2003, the Cybercast News Service (CNS) detailed the copious links between Media Matters and several Soros “affiliates”—among them, the Center for American Progress, and Peter Lewis. Confronted with this story, the organization explained that “Media Matters for America has never received funding directly from George Soros.” No, most likely, it has gone through the TIDES FOUNDATION as well saw yesterday.

    Keep up the good work.

  12. sully

    In my view, Comrade Premier StaliSoros does not give a rats ass about anyone other than himself and his own agendas and amusements. In my experience, there is no one more opportunistic (in all venues) than a ‘currency trader’. He makes a ‘living’ on influencing the one thing that effects people more than they know… the value of the money in their pocket.
    I also believe his statement about getting involved in politics in 2004 to “get Bush out of the White House” is total bullshit. I don’t think he gave a fuck about Bush OR Kerry and 2004 was way too late anyway.
    I’ve read his 100+++ OSI report (2006) and found zero indication that the man cares about anything other than himself and the ‘possibility’ (in his dementia) of cornering the dollar by influencing American politics.
    In my opinion, he is certainly not what anyone here would call an American. Definitely not me.

  13. Greg M

    Dan(The Infidel) I totally agree!

  14. Vaquero

    Never forget that Soros is a traitor, the scumbag as a child helped the Nazis find his fellow Jewish countrymen during WW11…

  15. Mess

    The left takes their orders from this guy. If a dem is elected president in 08, The president will have to answer to Soros first and the American people later.

  16. Boombop

    With Soros around I guess the anti-christ can take a little R&R.

    Oh yea, don’t forget Soros is also Robert Redford’s sugar daddy.

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