Pelosi To Appear On “The View”

October 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


This’ll be a love-fest that is nothing short of fully clothed lesbian porn. Let’s see if Hasselbeck gives us something to remember.

Pelosi, terrified, as Hasselbeck approaches her with dangerous weapons


As a part of her new publicity initiative, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will gab with the gals on ABC’s “The View” tomorrow morning and “discuss her role as first woman Speaker of the House, children’s health insurance, Iraq, and news of the day,” said her communications director Brendan Daly.

The show airs live at 11 a.m. on the East Coast.

Pelosi resumed her weekly press conferences this month after a nine-month hiatus.

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19 Responses

  1. Dan2

    :shock: WOW! :shock:

    Hasselbeck…not looking too ‘conservative’ in that photo.

    Rock On!

  2. daytrader

    Hey she already gave me something thats “seared into my mind”.
    :mrgreen: :idea: :cool:

  3. Greg M

    Nice choice of pictures by the way!

  4. Future0311 (the infidel)

    I’m loving that top photo. :smile:

  5. Jim

    I think Pelosi see’s them coming at her…. :shock:

  6. Q_Mech

    What was that article about, again? :cool:

  7. Clyde Conneer

    Beauty over Beast,good always defeats evil.

  8. Dan(The Infidel)

    Wow…nice pick of Hasselbeck. Good golly miss molly.

    Incidently, I wouldn’t waste my time watching that fucktard show. And Hasselbeck ought to move over to Fox. No radio for her. She looks too good to hide from the world. But she’s wasting her time talking to progressive moonbats and lezzies on that useless show.

    Did I mention…wow…on that pic yet?

  9. One Shot

    Pelosi would slap those love puppies around if Hasselbeck would let her. Of course, she’d have to fight me off of them first.

    I feel sorry for Hasselbeck in a way because it will be gang warfare with the traitorous Pelosi there.

  10. sully

    to hell with the wicked bitch of Cali..

    dang lizbeth… sup wid dat??? :cool:

  11. cnchess

    Conservative women are babes!

  12. Chad

    Indeed… Our wimmen vs theirs.

  13. CJWarner

    Nice. Hasselbeck corrects my “view” on the subject after being traumatized by Hillary’s.

    As for the show itself with the most powerful woman in America making an appearance, I’m going to miss that show since I will be out of town that year.

  14. Sandy K.

    I would love to see Hasselbeck tear Pelosi a new one.
    She is in a pit of lib vipers with no ally though.
    Could Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin be scheduled for the same day??? Even the playing field somewhat. :lol:

    That would be very entertaining.

  15. LftBhndAgn

    I will catch that for the first time EVER. I hope Hasselbeck rips her a new one.

    AND BTW Sorry to burst your “Bubbles” guys, Hasselbeck is pregnant. Boobs get big when that happens. :lol:

  16. John Cunningham

    I saw Hasselbeck on FNC while they were in the middle of that rosie o’donnell dust-up, Hasselbeck would be all right if she’d do something with that voice. Kind of curdled my blood.

  17. Dean Wormer

    Yeah, Left, I’m gonna watch to see Elizabeth’s points too.

  18. Lil Mac

    CatFight CatFight !!

    However, Pelosi will make me wanna yak in my rice crispies this morning !

  19. cnchess


    I will catch that for the first time EVER. I hope Hasselbeck rips her a new one.

    AND BTW Sorry to burst your “Bubbles” guys, Hasselbeck is pregnant. Boobs get big when that happens.

    OK, pregnant conservative women are babes!

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