Video Follow-Up: Smackdown Eight Miles High And Falling

October 2nd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Brought you a story last week about a successful Interceptor missile defense test…here’s the video:

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13 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    They use to say that you can’t hit a bullet with another bullet. Obviously that’s BS. That was a helluva explosive impact field. Covering such a wide area should bring down any missile within the interceptor’s explosive max effective range.

    Hoo-ah and great job. This is only one of many other successes that they have had. Anyone know the timeframe on deployment? I heard it was funded…Haven’t seen too many follow-up reports.

  2. DMac


  3. LftBhndAgn


    Thank you for keeping the American public informed that we ARE the “Joneses” the the world needs to keep up with.

    I love this country!

  4. Dan2

    :cool: That Rocks! :cool:

    :cool: That Rockets! :cool:


  5. Egfrow

    I thought the video was pretty cool but, It looks like the target at the end was not really moving an only the interceptor was moving. This is relative to the star lights in the background. Maybe it was still in second stage boost and moving away relative to the camera. But the ending was not so convincing to establish anything like a real world test.

    If the target was hit in second stage boost, then how can we get a missile close enough to reach something shot from the other side of the globe?

  6. Clyde Conneer

    Has Ahmadinajerkoff seen this fine American devise?

    Efgrow, how ’bout we deploy this little jewel to the other side of the globe, say, oh Israel.

  7. Greg M

    Haha you gotta love what we can do!

  8. Egfrow

    The best defense is not likely to be a golden single weapon system but a combination of different systems to address different capabilities and stages of an attack such as the Boeing Laser based weapons platform.

  9. Jarhead68

    So who’s still laughing at Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars dream now? Stupid lefties didn’t think it could be done. It did take too long though.

    In that video, did fire melt steel? Or was that really a 757 hitting a stationary target instead of a missile. Did you notice the puffs of smoke just prior to impact? That had to be fake. Where are the truthers and all their scientific knowledge when you really need them? Rosey, hey, Rosey, you out there? To paraphrase that disgusting excuse for a human: It’s the first time in history that a missile hit a missile…can’t happen. :wink:

  10. John Goodrow

    They got nothing.

    Only A fantical belief.

  11. Professor Bill


    It was the interceptor that we saw in second stage, I don’t know how many stages the target had and remember the target is to model that flight path of an ICBM, therefore it may appear to moving slowly at its apogee but in reality its moving very fast. This is happening in low earth orbit.

    As computers get better and better this becomes easier and easier. We just have to hope that some dumocrat doesn’t try to sell the technology to China or someone else.

  12. GBU43

    If you look closely at the last slow speed hit.. It looks like there was a decoy deployed. The missile actually passes by the hotter object then strikes something behind it and vaporizes.

  13. drillanwr

    Dear Mr. Pres. Vlad Putin,

    It hasn’t gotten past our attention lately that some of your pilots seem to be following the Wrong-Way Feldmen aviation maps during their flights in the upper-most Northern Pacific … Most particularly off the coast of a United States land mass we like to call Alaska.

    We thought you might like to see how we intend to point your pilots in the right direction in the future.

    MOST Sincerely,

    Your BFF, The United States of AMERICA

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