Video: Liberals As Racist As The Ku Klux Klan

October 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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23 Responses

  1. Jim

    The Honorable C. Thomas will get the last laugh at those pretensious low life liberal scum…He said his Yale degree is worth 15 cents, to him, because thats how much he paid for the frame

  2. lwssdd

    Why do they always call him the accused and never call Anita the liar she is?
    She has even admitted to being a liar.

  3. Future0311 (the infidel)

    “There’s so many people now who will make judgments based on what you look like. I’m black. So I’m supposed to think a certain way. I’m supposed to have certain opinions. I don’t do that. You don’t create a box and put people in and then make a lot of generalizations about them.”

    Goddamn right. I hate it when people do that.

  4. Future0311 (the infidel)

    This one really hit home for me. Every fuckin’ word said here, I understood and identified with. I see it all the damn time.

  5. cdlester2

    Off topic…. but….. the Democrats say.. the surge isn’t working…. we are losing in Iraq…. Tell the truth Pelosi and Reid…. tell me the facts….

  6. sully

    “…..You don’t create a box and put people in and then make a lot of generalizations about them.”

    Oh but ‘Progressives’ do. They are consistently the most racist and intolerant people I meet.

  7. Dan(The Infidel)

    I love Judge Thomas. Who better to judge the liberal (progressives) than a man who was bushwhacked by them. I hope he keeps slapping them down. They’re the real racists,
    the liars, the filth that infects this great country. Judge Thomas is a great story of rags to success and should be an inspiration to all. But no…he ain’t black enough…or he ain’t this or that enough…

    Go get ‘em judge. Remind them who they are and why they are sucking the life out of this country.

  8. 0311inohio

    Holy Crap Batman! The fucking wacko libs have got to be uping the blood pressure medicne by three times on this one. I love it. He speaks the truth.

  9. Sherry

    Liberals offer minorities the peanuts of entitlements in exchange for votes. Republicans offer them the bounty of a responsible, healthy, industrious and profitable lifestyle, instead of tossing them those peanuts and agreeing with their corrupt leaders who tell them they are not responsible for their own lives.

  10. Future0311 (the infidel)

    “Oh but ‘Progressives’ do. They are consistently the most racist and intolerant people I meet.”

    Yes, they are, and they always have been. And I see people constantly fall for their façade all the time - hook, line, and sinker. Yeah, ignorance is bliss, wrong is right, right is wrong, and if you think any differently, you’re an outcast. According to them, you’re dumber than the rest of the population. You’re less than them, something to be looked down upon. Pisses me off just thinking about it.

  11. TJ (the Kafir)

    If you’re trying to help him sell his book, pat, you have done a great Job. Its nice to see a conservative stop taking abuse from liberal elites and come out with what he really thinks. :grin:

  12. Ted B

    I have thought this for years, that the ‘liberals’ did the most racist thing you could do to black folks. My prime example would be ‘The Great Society’ socio-experiment. A collosal failure by the way, or maybe not. I say maybe not because LBJ was a real bigot who hated blacks. What better way to screw the black man than to remove his importance to the black family. They destroyed black neighborhoods by making ghetto highrises and gave them away to the people in those neighborhoods making them owing and dependant upon a bureaucracy. Gave them welfare and food stamps instead of job training and opportunity. They took away a man’s identity by making him irrelevant and were ’shocked’ by what happened. I think not, I think it was a mean recepie of fear mixed with loathing and a dash of guilt. When I was a kid in the 70’s I went to school in a neighborhood that experienced white flight in the 60’s. There was only a handfull of white kids in the entire school and I saw first hand how different the kids whose fathers were still around versus those who were not. They were the ones who were in trouble most of the time. I didn’t make the connection then, but as I got older it all made sense. You can’t teach a boy how to be a man without a man in the house. Period. If the man of the house is in jail, dead, or just always out on the street, WTF do you think is going to happen? Once you have destroyed a man’s self image, Frankenstein emerges and he will kick your ass for fun or whatever you got. Remove the responsibility and conscience will have no footing. I’m no psychologist, but it just makes sense to me. What the ‘liberals’ did was a crime against humanity, and I mean all of us, not just the black population. They then make things worse with their PC fascism, don’t get me started on that shit. As the old saying goes, and is sooooo true, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The gullible and guilt ridden libs followed their racist masters and shoved The Great Society down everyone’s throats. Every boy who grew up without a father and had to find his own way through is owed the most profound apology by the US government. The ‘liberals’ have been vastly successful in destroying the black family and marginalizing the concept of family in general. Just look at pop culture where bad is good and good is bad. It goes on and on, this could tangent out into thousands of topics.

    All I can do to change this is be a good example to my son, teach him right from wrong, be a leader, show him that he has value, love him, and be his dad. That is all any of us can do besides voting for the right people and boycotting the shit that pop culture puts out.

    Fuck the liberal Amerikkka, I want the one the Constitution promised. God bless us all.

    Okay, off the soapbox now…

  13. LftBhndAgn

    Ted B: :beer:

    I couldn’t have said it better!!!!


  14. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Yeah, definitely agreed. :beer:

  15. sully

    “My prime example would be ‘The Great Society’ socio-experiment.”

    Good post.
    Although H.L. Mencken was referring to ‘The New Deal’ when he said;
    ‘It began, like the Salvation Army, by promising to save humanity. It ended, like the Salvation Army, by running flop houses and disturbing the peace.’
    That fits most if not all grandiose societal experiments.

  16. Ted B (follower of the book)

    Thanks, it just poured out in frustration. I feel much better. :beer:

  17. Ted B (follower of the book)

    Agreed sully, but my main topic was about what big brother did to the blacks. But just like the dems to take advantage of a bad situation and make it worse and declare if not victory, certainly empathy, and maintain their strangle hold on a population. Patronizing, no?

  18. sully

    “… my main topic was about what big brother did to the blacks.”

    Same plot line… different actors.
    Still doing it too. Look again at the way they diss Juan Williams.

    “Patronizing, no?”

    Maybe. I think it’s racism though.

  19. Bob USMC

    Libs are indeed the most intolerant pieces of cancerous trash on this planet!

    One liberal I know too well, who, in futility, staunchly defends “multiculturalism”, uses the “N” word more than any person I have ever met in my life. And, of course he won’t live or hang out in the “multicultural” areas his politics would try to shove down everybody else’s throats. This after having two separate incidents happen to him personally in a multicultural area, one an attempted mugging or worse and a break-in of his car leading to theft of a $3,000 bike.

    Out of one side of his mouth, he’ll say he lives in a “conservative, redneck little town” and out of the other, he says “it’s nice, quiet and safe where he can sleep with his front door wide open”. HAHA!! TOO FUCKIN’ FUNNY!


  20. TJ (the Kafir)

    for liberals, good intentions is what counts, for conservatives it is the results that count. I dont question liberal economic policies intentions, i question the results that foster dependency.

  21. drillanwr

    Ted B -

    While at the bookstore to get a copy of Justice Thomas’s book, also pick up a copy of Laura Ingraham’s “Power To The People” … She and Justice Thomas are great friends, and she’s one of his biggest fans. Both speak truth to fuckturds. :wink:

  22. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Ted B: I’ve got to thank you. You really put it into perspective for me.

  23. Ranger

    Well put, well said.

    Like others, I’ve long thought the same.

    To wit: I find it “cultural condescension” (call it whatever) of the most egregious magnitude that libtards could be against the war because they were against the idea of Iraqis ever, any of them, being capable of “grasping” democracy. Friends of humanity indeed.

    They can trace their roots right back to the slave masters. They even use the same terms for “lesser whites” such as redneck.

    The way Thomas put it was perfect. Their patronizing, condescending attitude is racism of a far worse sort than that of a simpleton who hasn’t learned basic genetics.

    They intentionally (emphasis) keep blacks as a beholden community, constantly waiting for the Dems to keep fighting the good fight and maybe one day dey get da deluxe apartment in da sky. Any time one strives to succeed on his own they beat him down with cries of “house nigger” and “uncle tom”.

    What a fucking joke. Republicans fought for black rights, Dems stole them away, then claimed credit for them finally getting them back 100 years later. We need more of J.C. Watts and Clarence Thomas, less Democrats giving crackheads crack to get on the bus and go punch D.

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