Graphic: Senior Al Qaeda In Iraq Killed In September

October 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“The Surge has failed” - Varios Democrats. Graphic and story from Bill Roggio’s “The Long War Journal”:


The US military has long maintained that al Qaeda in Iraq is led by foreign al Qaeda. Over the past year, senior al Qaeda operatives such as Omar Farouq, one of Osama bin Laden’s lieutenants and al Qaeda’s operations chief in Southeast Asia, and Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, one of bin Laden’s senior deputies who was “personally chosen by bin Laden to monitor al Qaeda operations in Iraq,” have been captured inside Iraq. Al Qaeda in Iraq’s leader, Abu Ayyub al Masri, is an Egyptian selected by al Qaeda Central. Al Masri was a close aide to Ayman al Zawahiri, and was a member of Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Its prior leader, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, was an experienced al Qaeda operative of Jordanian origin. Much of al Qaeda in Iraq’s senior leadership is of foreign origin.

In a press conference today, Major General Kevin Bergner, the spokesman for Multinational Forces Iraq, provided further evidence of al Qaeda in Iraq’s foreign influence. Bergner highlighted the arrest “Muthanna,” al Qaeda’s the emir of the Iraq/Syrian border. “During this operation, we also captured multiple documents and electronic files that provided insight into al Qaeda’s foreign terrorist operations, not only in Iraq but throughout the region,” Bergner said. “They detail the larger al-Qaeda effort to organize, coordinate, and transport foreign terrorists into Iraq and other places.”

Read the story here

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8 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I hope the golden rectangles are enjoying bath time.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Nice graphic. Of course the Dhimis don’t read much. Hell, they can’t even fathom a simple transcript, how in the hell are they going to figure out the war is being won?

  3. Iacobus

    What the MSM will say:


  4. Axem

    Think of all the intel, work, planning and risks that went into capturing each of these guys? Cheers, boys.

    Notice how the MSM does no comprehensive stories about the Surge’s successes? All you get is the occassional line “there have been some improvements in security”

  5. Jarhead68

    Did any of you link to the original story by Roggio? Check out the expense report that they found ( $2550.00 for Purchase of Sheep…ROFLMAO…that should have been listed in the entertainment section of the report, I’m thinkin’. No goats, though…their tastes must be getting a little refined after being exposed to the infidels.

  6. Brad W(the infidel)

    I loved the line about their expense reports include “sheep purchased”. :twisted: :twisted: Now they are running out of goats and have to use sheep as their new girl friends!! The best part is they have to pay for them!!!


  7. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Graphic: Senior Al Qaeda In Iraq Killed In September […]

  8. GBU43

    Wait! Wait! Harry Reid and Hillary said there was no Al Qaeda in iraq!

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