Video: Wesley Clark Demands Armed Forces Radio Pull Rush

October 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Clark: “You can only interpret it one way” and “I don’t hear the left politicizing the military”

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21 Responses

  1. Marine Dad

    What a limp-wristed pantywaist of an officer.

  2. sully

    MSLSD strikes again with their latest hallucination of a wannabe American trippin’ on his favorite drug of choice; obfuscation.


    Westly Clark, a failed general, failed polititian, cowardly defeatist and OUTRIGHT traitor, who gives a shit what he says!

  4. Dave Farley

    Lead a dick to your ass!Wants to be in Hillary’s cabinet, boot licker!~

  5. cdlester2

    Why isn’t anyone telling the facts here… Rush was referring to “phony soldiers” brought up by a caller, which had obviously heard the PREVIOUS day’s show in which Rush had talked about “phony soldiers”. The vid he “edited” was edited “in context” (the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event)… who gives a shit if he edited 1 min 50 secs of out of CONTEXT crap…. This is ridiculous….. Give ‘em hell Rush…. give ‘em hell….

  6. cnchess

    One of the most prominent soldiers in the country…? God, get me a barf bag, quick!

  7. stimpy

    Another Clinton-era general that needs higher speaking fees. He almost got us into war with Russia at Pristina International Airport.

  8. ego sum homo indomitus

    I cant believe the deceit coming out of this mans mouth. This is completely bogus, it doesn’t even cover what was really said. It amazes me that these defeatists successfully get a message out thats rooted in lies. And the true story, Jesse Macbeth bitched out after 43 day of basic. He was phony!!!!! How can a political martyr be conjured up out of no where??? Is there any one man responsible for this? Where the fuck is that guy? Where is the group responsible for that shit?

  9. D.C.

    Clark is a monumental waste of skin…!

  10. martymar

    Another case of “phony” outrage. Just a way for people with no credibility and who have said infinately worse to try and tarnish the credibility of somebody who threatens their power. They don’t give a shit that he said that. Not to mention that is basically what the NYT and called the great General Petreaus because he told the truth and didn’t agree with them. Oh yeah, if there were ever a “phony” soldier I think Franks makes a good candidate.



    Franks!!!WTF are you crazy?…he is an Ass Kicking General. Clark is the BIGGEST fu–ing phony out there! Bombing civilians from 30,000ft. He proudly wears the yellow ribbon for cowardice! LOL

  12. BlueOval8950

    Wesley Clark has his head so far up George Soros ass that lump in Soros’s throat is Wesley’s chin. I am so sick of hearing him do nothing but parrot the garbage the surrender monkeys are spewing. I don’t think there has been a single liberal independent thought since 1962. It is truely group think at its worst, if one thinks it the others just mindlessly repeat it. Wesley Clark, Alan Colmes, Pelosi, you name em…they all have the same soundtrack for each issue or non issue that comes up.

  13. BlueOval8950

    Another thing…this whole “non-issue” is nothing more than classic Sun Tzu diversionary tactics to distract the ADD suffering general American public from how wrong the Demorats are about everything currently going on in this country and Iraq.

  14. sully

    “Wesley Clark has his head so far up George Soros ass that lump in Soros’s throat is Wesley’s chin. I am so sick of hearing him do nothing but parrot the garbage the surrender monkeys are spewing.”

    That’s worth repeating because Komrade Klarke believes that to be his ticket into Dhimmicrat politics… rightfully so I should add.

  15. Clyde Conneer

    Why was Clark relieved in Kosovo?

  16. Birdddog

    Wow…Did he really say all that bullshit? :roll:

  17. don schlatt

    God protect us from the stupid, for they know what they do!

  18. Grumpy

    If you ever want to know what kind of tool Clark is, just read what the late Col. Hackworth had to say about him. I think it was something like, “turd.”

  19. TerryTate

    Wesley Clark… “I know what Rush said”

    Wesley Clark… “I don’t hear left wing media calling people unpatriotic or questioning Mr. Bush”…

    Well clean out your ears Wesley they must be clogged with George Soro’s crap from having your head stuck so far up Mr. Sorocialist’s posterior.

    What a lying P.O.S. you are Clark.


  20. Scotty

    do these guys not have any fucking ears or a brain? Basically because rush added and S at the end of soldiers they think he means all soldiers, all he was referring to was the ones who never actualy went over to war and ARE “phony Soldiers” because they lie about their service

  21. Ranger

    Phony soldierS….such as Jesse MacBeth…fucking retards.

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