Crowd Steals Groceries From Dying Elderly Man Hit By Truck

October 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Boro Mitrovich said he was sitting close to the old man when the victim was hit. “He didn’t even know what happened,” said Mitrovich, 51, of Mesa, who dove out of the way. “The old man took the brunt of it,” he said.

The elderly man was thrown across a parking lot, landing in front of a restaurant and a pawn and loan shop.

See video here


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10 Responses

  1. TJ (the Kafir)

    if the thieves are a member of a PC minority group, someone will make excuses for them.

  2. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Goddamn thievin’ ass hoodlums. I hope they get the book thrown at them when they get caught!

  3. just posting

    i would say unreal but i dont think anything is anymore. this is fuckin insane.

  4. Zachary

    They stole his groceries?

    What the hell is wrong with the world today?

  5. mindy abraham

    God, some people are now as low as vultures :mad: :evil: I can’t believe it. What happend to calling 911?

  6. TerryTate


    Geeze, I hate to say it, but I work on Main Street a couple of streets to the east of where this man was killed, and that area is overrun with illegal immigrants. It is sad for me to see how that part of Mesa has deteriorated, and I am not surprised to see that this has happened there.

    It is evident to me as a current resident, that many of the people that are residing in those neighborhoods have little respect for the community or other people, as they don’t take care of the public property. Mesa is known as a family town, it has lots of public facilities, such as parks, and if you go to that part of town a lot of the facilities are vandalized and have been abused.

    As an Arizona native, I have noticed the increase of these types of incidents (lack of respect for people, property, and laws) as the illegal population has grown. While that behavior is still shocking, I am not surprised. Personally, I am pretty tired of it. Gee, anyone got any suggestions on how to reverse this trend?


  7. Rob

    I have a suggestion, get the torches and the pitchfolks and chase those a$$holes back to Mexishithole

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    This is the kind of shit that happens in the third world. Ship em all back to their shitholes…minus their hands after they are caught.

  9. kozanne



    Geeze, I hate to say it, but I work on Main Street a couple of streets to the east of where this man was killed, and that area is overrun with illegal immigrants. ”

    Sure is. I live south of there near Baseline. I only travel thru the area you mention during daylight hours. Of course, my neighborhood is rapidly turning into the same kind of area.

    May God send straight to hell each person that stole from that man as well as the one who hit him.

  10. Sandy K.

    It is sad to say that I am not surprised by this either. I have family in Mesa and the type of crime that goes on there and in Phoenix is incredible. I worry about their safety. There are many illegals and other assorted a’holes who just do not care and have not an ounce of respect or decency for anyone. They should be removed from society. I think Sheriff Joe Arpaio has plenty of tents in tent city waiting for them. :mad:

    That poor old man. R.I.P.

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