Dems Must Woo White Men To Win

October 4th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


The single greatest voter demographic of all, white males.

The 2008 election offers the most diverse array of presidential candidates in history. But this rainbow campaign will hinge on the most durable reality of American politics: White men matter most.

Every election cycle, a new slice of the electorate — suburban mothers, churchgoing Hispanics, bicycling Norwegians — comes into vogue as reporters and analysts study the polls and try to divine new secrets about who wins and why in American politics.

The truth is that the most important factor shaping the 2008 election will almost certainly be the same one that has been the most important in presidential elections for the past 40 years: the flight of white male voters away from the Democratic Party.

The hostility of this group to Democrats and their perceived values is so pervasive that even many people who make their living in politics scarcely remark on it. But it is the main reason the election 13 months from now is virtually certain to be close — even though on issues from the war to health care, Democrats likely will be competing with more favorable tail winds than they have enjoyed for years.

The “gender gap” has been a fixture in discussions about American politics since the early Reagan years. But it is usually cast as a matter of women being turned off by Republicans. By far the greater part of this gap, however, comes from the high number of white men — who make up about 36 percent of the electorate — who refuse to even consider voting Democratic.

In 2000, exit polling showed white women backed George W. Bush over Al Gore by 3 percentage points, but white men backed him by 27 percentage points. Four years later, with John F. Kerry carrying the Democratic banner, the margin was 26 points.

The Bush years have echoed with what-if questions: What if the votes in Florida had been counted differently in 2000, if Ralph Nader had not run or if Gore had been able to carry his home state? What if Kerry had responded more deftly to the Swift Boat Veterans in 2004?

A more powerful what-if is to imagine that Democratic nominees had succeeded in narrowing the white male gap to even the low 20s instead of the mid-20s. Both Kerry and Gore would have won easily.

In 2008, Democrats are assembling behind a front-runner, Hillary Rodham Clinton, with singular problems among white males. Polls show her support among this group is approaching the record lows scored by Democrats during the peak of Ronald Reagan’s popularity in the 1980s. Some recent hypothetical matchups — which are highly fluid at this stage of a contest — showed Clinton winning roughly a third of white males in a race against Republican Rudy Giuliani.

In the past three decades, the only two Democrats to win the presidency, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, were politicians who organized campaigns around rhetorical and ideological pitches that were designed to reassure voters skeptical of liberal values — an attitude that dominates among white males. Even these victories, however, took place amid special circumstances, with the Watergate backlash of 1976 and the Ross Perot independent boom undermining Republicans in 1992.

Full Article At Politico

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15 Responses

  1. GF

    Good luck on that.

  2. sully

    That little prick Ross Perot is the only reason we continue to have to deal with something called a Clinton at all.

  3. bill-tb

    The main question for the 2008 elections is whether or not the American people want to elect a socialist who will install a socialist government and implement socialist policies.

    Three Supreme Court Justices are expected to retire during the next President’s term. That, you need to seriously think about when casting your vote in 2008.

  4. JayMS

    Lots of luck with that one. No man with a modicum of intelligence of self-repect and intelligence would never vote for a castrating bitch like Hilary or empty suit like Obama. Edwards? :lol: Men like and admire alpha males, heroes. Not preening faggots.

    The only hope they have is to keep trying to convince us that life is shit because of Bush. Of course most folks have enjoyed relative peace and prosperity over the last 6 years so good luck on that.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hey assholes, good luck “wooing” this white man..If people would pay more attention to politics this party wouldnt be able to woo anybody.

  6. Steve in NC

    The biggest worry I have is that too many white males will be busy working to pay the ever growing socialist burden placed on our nation by the d’rats and will have trouble making it to the polls.

    Maybe the Republicans can offer whiskey and cigarettes to the homeless and dependent for votes like the d’rats do.

  7. drillanwr

    Yeah, can’t wait to see Hillary in a NASCAR jacket with a can of beer in hand …

  8. Rick

    This white male is all about more Bush. :wink: :arrow: :beer: :beer: and less fluff :shock: :shock:

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    This is one white, college age male, they can forget about getting a vote from. So long as they keep scapegoating us for what’s wrong in the country, we’re definitely not going to support them in large numbers.

  10. sully

    “Yeah, can’t wait to see Hillary in a NASCAR jacket with a can of beer in hand …”

    :lol: :beer:

    It’s coming to a track near you next summer.
    Gotta get that nomination from her fuckbuddies first.

  11. JAWS

    They ain’t getting the vote from this white boy!

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Get the white man vote? That’s too funny. Good luck D-rats.

    JayMS hit the nail on the head when he said: “No man with a modicum of intelligence of self-repect and intelligence would never vote for a castrating bitch like Hilary or empty suit like Obama. Edwards? Men like and admire alpha males, heroes. Not preening faggots.”

    Best pay attention D-rats. And the Hildabeast could put on a NASCAR jacket and drink a beer all she wants. She’ll never get my vote. Hell she won’t even get my D-rat friends votes either. And most of them are women and minorities !!!!

    I wouldn’t pay much attention to what the MSM, or the talking heads say about 2008. The vote for POTUS will be decided by the people not some fucking pollsters. And so far, I can’t find anyone that wants to vote for a D-ratz; even amoung their traditional base.

  13. sully

    “And so far, I can’t find anyone that wants to vote for a D-ratz; even amoung their traditional base.”

    I run in to lots of ‘em. Even talked to a fella the other night that owns his own business and was leaning ‘left’ this election.
    If it ever applied to anybody… A taxpayer that owns a business voting Dhimmi is definitely like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.

  14. Ranger

    hehe “bicycling Norwegians”

  15. Lamplighter

    Regarding the worry of the men trying to get to the polls: tell your friends to register to vote absentee. No lines, no wait, and you can mail it in, or drop it off at the Registrar’s office. And you can do it early. Oh, and if it all hinges on this segment of the vote this time around (at least until they are outnumbered by demographics), then the Dems can hang it up. This is one segment that can be safely said to NOT vote for Dems. Unless they go soft in the head, like that business owner: “Yeah, I want higher taxes, more regulation, less profit for me. I may be able to shift my health care burden on the government, but then I’ll be so taxed (like the Dems have promised–tax the “rich”, which means the rates S Corp/partnerships/small businesses pay) that I won’t feel like creating any new business or jobs because they are just going to take it from me anyway. Maybe I’ll just become a slug and wait for a government handout program like Billary promised.”

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