Radical Jihadis Kill 5 In Thailand

October 4th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


For all the idiots who claim that radical Islam does what it does as a result of American foreign policy, find another excuse besides the truth: Radical Muslims kill all who are not like them or will not submit to them.

FIVE people, including an army ranger, were shot dead by suspected Islamic separatists today in a spate of attacks in Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, police said.

The killings highlighted the almost daily violence in the troubled region where a separatist insurgency since early 2004 has left over 2600 people dead.

A 42-year-old Muslim army ranger was shot dead in an ambush in Narathiwat, one of three restive provinces bordering Malaysia, police said, adding that an elderly Muslim man was also gunned down at a market in the province.

A 44-year-old Muslim man who belonged to a volunteer village defence force was shot dead in an ambush in Narathiwat earlier in the day.

In neighbouring Pattani, two Buddhist men aged 41 and 65 were killed in separate drive-by shootings.

The restive region was annexed by mainly Buddhist Thailand a century ago and separatist tensions have simmered since.

Herald Sun

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3 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Muslims laugh at westerners who think that politics of Israel is wht pisses them off. And of course westerners continue to fail to see the folly of their idiotic anti-Islamophobic campaigns. Westerners are only too eager to ignor the 9.000 terrorist incidents committed by Muslims over the last 6 years. No it ain’t politics or Isreal that is pissing off the irhabis…It’s because they want to rule the world and kill or enslave every non-Muslim. It’s not even a religious thing. It’s a political thing. Islam is more about politics and lifestyle than anything else.

  2. Steady

    Individuals who perpetrate such crimes are not human. They are rabid animals and they must be killed.

  3. anthropomorphic

    Before you get all mad and start accusing me of religious aligance or religious biases, I am an aitheist who things ya’ll are a bunch of narrow minded idiots.

    Whats the matter ya’ll scared of a little compitition. Christians have been going into other countires for over a millenia and killing people who were different than them….such as north america the site possibly the worst act of genocide in human history.

    With concerns to Thailand, why don’t you look up Tak Bai, in which the Thai military rounded up muslims at a ramadan celebration and stacked the fasting men into the back of a trucks like logs, suffocating to death about 80 people. Those that would not fit in the truck were stripped naked and forced to wriggle like worms, on their fronts to the river and back. If you don’t beleive me look it up on u-tube.

    Around this time prime minister Thaksin created death squads who killed upwards of 3000 people all over Thailand, suspected of drug trade.

    The terrorist Muslims in the south of Thailand are directly linked to terrorist organizations in the ME, getting much of their training and funding from organizations in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the former of which gets a great deal of funding and support from the US. Indeed the Muslims in the south of Thailand used to be primarly shite, but have since been convereted to sunni (the promenent form of Islam in Saudi Arabia) as a result of said influence.

    This is not an islamic problem peoples…its a political problem, religion has been hijacked by people on all sides and utilized as a cure for conscience. As a good Muslim freind of mine says…”any muslim who hates or kills someone of another religion, is not a muslim at all”. In history Islam welcomed people of all religions into their territories as honored guests (trust me I have experianced Arabic/Islamic hospitality, it is second to none), the current terrorists who call them selves muslims are merely reacting to religious, political, economic and coloial intrusion into their land and culture for the past 100 years.
    Look up the “millet system”, which is a politico-religous system that was utilized by the Muslim Ottomen Turks previous to WW1 which ensured that all people of all religious in the Middle East were treated with respect. It was not until Post WW1 when Brits, French and Americans chopped up the region into nationstates in accordance to economic needs of western nations that the “muslim problem” really started.

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