Video: Rush On Anti-War Crowd’s In-Fighting

October 4th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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7 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Those of us who lived through the protests of the 60’s and 70’s and who remember the “winter soldier” fraud, have known since that time that these fucktards were commies. Nothing new here.

  2. Lil Mac

    Better DEAD than Red !!!
    Liberal Assholes !

  3. EdinTampa

    Rush, I loved that chest thumping at the end of this lil video & I agree, these Liberals will pay for their unpatriotic, appeasement stance.

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Sir!

  4. GF

    These people who support communism need medical help. Did they see the U.S.S.R. disolve into chaos. Do they see the corrupt communist party in China allow anti-freeze and god knows what else in it’s food products and toys. Do they see boatload after boatload of refugees from Cuba? Do they see Chavez shuting down free speech and trying to become President forever? They must be BLIND and/or INSANE.

    Besides they are racist, they only support the so called ‘worker’ class ;)

  5. Professor Bill

    The communist beleivers in this country have always said communism will work if the right people are in charge. Thats their way around the flawed principle. It’s like the unflapable sports fan who beleives their team will win if they just have the right quarterback.

    Communism eliminates personal reward. Personal acheivements mean nothing and people who didn’t work for the prize share the reward. What kind of wacko idea is that? Communism is for losers who are filled with class envy and hatred for those who succeed.

  6. sully

    A.N.S.W.E.R being pro communist is not news either. They were on C-SPAN in a discussion/debate with Gathering of Eagles back on 9/15. Answer was ’supporting’ the ‘protest’ in DC that day and were not shy at all about their afilliations and aims. You can visit their website and get you a nice CHE hoodie if you like. If not for divisive issues like war, immigration, etc. that they can use to try and convert the unwitting they would be marginalized back into the back rooms of campus book stores where they come from.
    As for Communism/Socialism vs. Capitalism; the primary distinction remains whether or not the individual can or should be considered the property of the state. The balance of their ideology stems from that basic premise.

  7. JayMS

    I dated a girl from Poland. My neighbors were Russian and I have friends from Latvia and Romania. I hearned all I need to know about how great communism was from them.

    Those fucwits that shill for communism have never had to make a sacrifice in their lives. They live in nice homes, have a car that runs, and plenty of food. They enjoy rights and freedoms they would NEVER have in say Romania.

    Fucking morons.

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