Video: Russian Father Of All Bombs A Hoax?

October 4th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

A Russian Tu-160 like the one pictured in the video is supposed to have carried the FOAB. The details of the “new” bomb’s provenance and design are murky, but one thing is clear. The Father of All Bombs’ test model was not delivered by a Tu-160 bomber, as implied. Nowhere in the video are the bomber and the bomb in the same shot.

“All that is alive merely evaporates.”

That’s how a Russian official described the effects of what is reportedly the world’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb, tested on Sept. 11. A video released by state media shows a Tupolev 160 bomber, a bomb falling as a parachute unfurls and a huge fireball.

The Russians call the device the “Father of All Bombs,” an homage to the American GBU-43 Massive-Ordnance Air Blast munition nicknamed “Mother of All Bombs.”

Both weapons weigh around 8 tons, but the Russian device reportedly has a more powerful blast: equivalent to 44 tons of TNT, whereas the American bomb is equivalent to 10 tons.

Father of All Bombs “has no match in the world,” a military officer boasts in the official video.

Full Article At Wired

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7 Responses

  1. steve m

    Let ‘em try to keep up again, spent themselves broke last time, It’ll happen again.

  2. Birdddog

    It says it has 44 ton of TNT vs. 11 tons in the vid. But is only reaches out another 150m more. Shit…..Hey Dan…what is the name of that bomb bigger then this one? I forget which post it is in. It didn’t enve knock all the buildings down. :lol:

  3. BlueOval8950

    Wow I had never seen the TU-160 before, can the Russians rip off American designs anymore! I completely thought it was a B-1 at first.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)


  5. drillanwr

    So it’s a giant plastic Dixie cup?

    When I was in high school, we actually had a pop (soda) machine in the cafeteria. No cans or bottles. Served in a plastic Dixie cup, much like an automatic coffee machine.

    Anyhow, the guys, especially the dopey football players, liked reaching into the cup, pushing the bottom indentation to the outside, and go arouns pressing the cup to unsuspecting other kids’ ears, pushing the bottom back into place … causing a loud “Pop” sound that was deafening if it was to your ear.

    Anyhow, big enough, I suppose a giant plastic Dixie cup would have similar effects of the FOAB … knock down the surroundings and make you deaf.

    I gotta wonder … The last time Vlad Putin was a house guest at the Bush Crawford, Texas ranch, did he accidently walk in on W in the pisser … and is now trying to compensate for the lack of something?

  6. REN

    FOAB or MOAB, who cares? We all know DELIVERY is the real key! More power to ya Путин, Дурок!

  7. Korndawg

    Yo Putzin… Haven’t you learned that you can’t keep up with us. This guy hits the potato juice a little to hard.

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