Video: Vet Who Cut Down Mexican Flag Flying Over US Flag Tells Why He Did It

October 4th, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.


A Veteran who cut down a Mexican Flag illegally flown on top of the US flag is facing charges! Rep. Jim Brossard explains how he heard about the flag and why he did what he did. Video available at Ian

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28 Responses

  1. Cridhe.Saorsa

    It’s time veterans got together and kicked somebody’s ass.

  2. CPLViper

    That is a prime example of the American way!


    An American hero and a true patriot! I support this guy 100% He has shown more courage in this symbolic act than the entire democratic party has in the last 60 years! :beer: :beer:

  4. Jim

    Identity theft? The store owner?

  5. myles t

    this guy should run for president

  6. Lamplighter

    Right on. If I were him, I’d be proud to be charged with a crime for that action, in these days when laws are turned on their heads. :smile:

  7. sully

    “Identity theft? The store owner?”

    The identity theft was stealing the identity of Reno, Nevada and making it Mexico by flying the Mexican flag above the American flag.

    It is illegal to fly the flag of another nation above the American flag on US soil. For that very reason.

    Wonder why Hairy Weed, D-NV did nothing about it?

  8. Clyde Conner

    I’m with the old vet.

  9. Goodbye Natalie

    You good sir are a hero in my book. Thank you for doing that!

    Wish we had 10 million more like you.

  10. Jim

    Thanks Sully I didn’t put 2 and 2 together…I was lost in thought over the store owner watching him with his Kabar, and being “frozen in time”.

  11. radgy

    i’ll contribute to this dudes legal fund,he might be out of the service,but i see he’s still makeing a stand for America :beer:

  12. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    Give that man a medal! :beer:

  13. D.C.

    That bone-head mexican bastard who claims he didn’t know it was illegal to fly flags like that shud have had that mexican flag rolled up and shoved up his ass!
    Frankly, I’m surprised he didn’t get the shit kicked out of him…..

  14. Future0311 (the infidel)

    What the…? If he removed an illegal flag, why is he being charged?

  15. Greg M

    Damn good man if he gets charged even a penny some bad shit is going down. The man that put the flags up in that order makes me sick I even go down there every year… Well I want to thank that man for for doing a thing that all real Americans should do.

  16. jsc0311

    It is the United States of America - NOT Mexico. If you love Mexico so much then go the fuck back home. Otherwise, assimilate into American society and swear the Pledge of Allegiance. My parents never tried to fly the Taiwanese flag over the US flag because they came to America to become US citizens.

  17. Dannyboy

    Good move! That there is America in action. If anything should happen to that man, he’ll have all the support he needs. Don’t be surprised, by the way, if Dems try to overturn that law. Maybe they’ll try to tack it on to a Military funding bill.

  18. Dean Wormer

    Why do immigrants say they love Mexico more than America when they’ve proven they love America more by moving here?

    All this immigration totally proves how badly Mexico sucks. Every immigrant is a walking billboard: “Mexico is a failed shitty country populated by people who built a country so shitty everyone is trying to get out”.

  19. just posting

    i bet the aclu cant wait to get their hands on this

  20. Wendy

    :beer: :beer: Hero in my book!! God Bless America!!!

  21. jam

    If this dude (my hero) needs any legal defense money, I’ll damn sure help out. I hope if there is a fund started we can get the info here.

  22. ssgduke54

    :mad: That stupid store owner new what he was doing! He is part of I hate America group/it was part of Mexico group! I am very glad their was someone with enough guts to go over there and that Mexican flag down. We have better started acting like a United Country or bit by by our sovereignty will disappear! Already a small group wants to succeed from the Union and parts of Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico are at a saturation point of being overrun by Illegals that their is talk of succeeding to form a new third world country. This is what we get because of corporate greed and the diversity crowd. In most schools American history and citizenship is rarely taught or at has been distorted. We have better wake up for if we don’t a 2nd Civil will will take place within five to ten years from now.

  23. steve m

    Jam: With you on the defense fund :beer: :beer: we need more modern day “Boston Tea Party’s” etc…, also that scumbag store owner needs to have his pitiful mug plastered on TV and that shithole of a store he/she/it owns and a boycott begun..If Mexico is so wonderful a place, why leave it?..Go back home and straighten out that basketcase of a country you came from

  24. Dan (The Infidel)

    The store owner ought to be charged with a crime. I thought it was a felony to fly another flag above that of our own. This guy is the kind of patriot that this country needs more of. And by his actions, we here who feel the same way, ought to emulate his example. It is time for another Boston Tea Party. And my message to illegals is don’t tread on me motherfuckers, or my country or my flag.

  25. 3-7dad

    sully,, dimwit weed was toooo busy attacking rush for calling a phonyvet a phonyvet..

    future03,,for the same reason illegal aliens get legal drivers license free and medical whhhhhhhat????

  26. Lamplighter

    The more I think about this, the funnier it gets. That Mexican restaurant owner knew what he was doing, and he deserves what he gets, which will be to lose customers, maybe then he’ll think twice about the opportunity that he is given here to even have a restaurant. If Mexico is so great that you think you need to fly the flag here, then go open your restaurant down there, don’t bother us Americans with it here. What? You can’t open a restaurant there? Too oppressive? No economic opportunity to have your own business? Too much government taxation and graft? Yeah, that’s why you should be flying the American flag ONLY.

  27. Trey

    There’s a link to the video that was taken of him cutting down the Mexican flag.

  28. Sandy K.

    GOD BLESS THIS MAN! :cool:

    There should be no charges against him. There should be charges against the store owner only. It is illegal what the store owner did. It is also disrespectful and was an obvious slap in the face to every true American. If I had seen it I know it would have caused me great distress. There is no way it would have remained there one way or another. Jim should get an accomodation for his continued service to our country as a true patriot.

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