Iran Won’t Negotiate Its “Nuclear Rights”

October 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed Friday that Iran will not negotiate over its “nuclear rights” but said the government was prepared to answer questions from the UN nuclear watchdog agency.

On Wednesday, French diplomatic officials said Iran is set to run almost 3,000 centrifuges by the end of the month, nearing the threshold for industrial-scale uranium enrichment.

Ahmadinejad said Iran has already achieved proficiency in the whole nuclear fuel cycle, from extracting uranium ore to enriching it, and that Teheran has removed any hurdles in the way of its nuclear progress.

“The Iranian nation favors talks but it won’t negotiate over its definite and legal nuclear rights. They (world powers) have to know this,” Ahmadinejad said in comments before Friday prayers in Teheran.

In a setback for the United States, Iran won a two-month reprieve from new UN Security Council sanctions over its nuclear program last month. The Bush administration and its European allies ceded to Russian and Chinese demands to give Teheran more time to address international concerns.

The US and some of its allies accuse Iran of seeking to build nuclear weapons but Teheran has denied the charges, saying its nuclear program was geared toward the peaceful generation of electricity.

Ahmadinejad’s comments came after French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner said Friday that his nation respected Iran and would continue dialogue with Teheran over its disputed nuclear program.

“Iran is a country which we respect and it has to abide by international agreements. Our negotiations will continue,” Kouchner told a news conference during a visit to Turkey.

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12 Responses

  1. sully

    “Iran is a country which we respect and it has to abide by international agreements. Our negotiations will continue,” Kouchner told a news conference..”

    Thought you were ready for war you duplicitous fuck.

  2. franchi (se)

    Sully, your might be clever in rethoric but not in analyse ;

    a diplomat has to blow the hot and the cold, depends with whom he is talking or on the circonstances

    in the occurence, he is in Turkey, a close neighbour of Iran ; both countries have interactions in different matters ; Kouchner therefore can’t say to the turks, that they deal with the axis of evil ; I suppose, if he is in Turkey, he has something to request (dunno what yet, I have to check the infos), so he measures his language for once ; anyway he told that he won’t use the word “war” anymore, unless a “pearl harbour” happens

  3. Dan (The Infidel)


    Sully knows exactly what he’s talking about. He doesn’t need your apologist views to analyze the facts. This fucktard in Iran is a madman who needs to be destroyed.

    You have failed once again to see the forrest for the trees.
    Ahmedinajihad is NOT going to get nuclear weapons to use against Israel or the US. He has already stated that he would use nuclear weapons as a means to destroy Israel, and the US forces in the ME and to threaten the EU.

    Not going to happen on our watch.

  4. franchi (se)

    agree, but “Thought you were ready for war you duplicitous fuck.” was my last impression

    I just blend it ; ok, with too much acrimony, I release it and apology

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    For all you academics let us review the statements vis vis Israel and the US that Ahmedthejihadi has made:

  6. franchi (se)

    the problem is in EU, we are almost the only country which wanted to push harder on the pressions, Italy and Spain have just say no more pressions ; they wait for the Baradai report and discussions ; Germany has already statued a few weeks ago ; and seems it’s statu quo till november

  7. sully

    *IF* Iran had any “nuclear rights” they abdicated them long ago.

    “the problem is in EU,……….. they wait for the Baradai report and discussions….”

    Yeah? Great plan. Good to know there are other countries in the world that know what to do.

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. franchie

    Good to know there are other countries in the world that know what to do.

    arrêtes de pleurer, tu donnes le bourdon à tout le monde

  9. sully

    “arrêtes de pleurer, tu donnes le bourdon à tout le monde”


    “Good to know there are other countries in the world that know what to do.”

    that was sarcasm. no indication in that article that France knows what to do…. :roll:

  10. franchie

    that was sarcasm.

    yeah, I noticed that, and my replies were equally sarcastic, but not edited (someone is looking after my mood over there )

    no indication in that article that France knows what to do

    and neither Mr Bush though

  11. sully

    they look after everybody’s mood

    Mr. Bush knows what to do
    right now he’s looking for support and finding none

  12. franchise

    “The U.S. and France have urged tougher penalties for Iran, which is suspected of pursuing a covert nuclear weapons program. Tehran insists it needs its own nuclear fuel for power generation and wants to be independent from foreign supplies. ”
    Russian News

    and I have an idea, on what’s going on though, but I forget it ; it’s not politically correct

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