Video: Code Pink Bitch Benjamin On The Berkeley Beef

October 6th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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17 Responses

  1. Jim

    Code Dingbat, won’t take responsibility for their actions. Her higher political purpose allows them the right to do what ever it takes regardless of the opositions view

  2. sully

    “…regardless of the opositions view”

    and obviously the law as well.

    another fucking loser at war with America

  3. The Word-Drum

    Sorry Bashman, I can’t watch it. I keep seeing these freaks on C-Span and other places. They are sitting in the background, getting off on everybody seeing their pink hats.
    The Demorats don’t even like them. I say round then up and give them their own little nation: Berkeley, California.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Can’t stand Colmes or any member of Code Fink. All of them ought to readjust their tinfoil hats, recalibrate their antenas and maybe the’ll be able to contact the mothership.

    Also, the bitch in the vid has delusions of adequacy.

  5. Q_Mech

    Sorry, but I can’t watch it either. I live in DC and got to watch these freaks from the sidelines at GOE I and III, and I’d only watch if you promised a video of several of them getting hit by a truck.

    For a goodly dose of the urge to maim, come down here and watch these assholes outside of Walter Reed Army hospital any friday night. They like to do such charming things as wave signs at the wounded veterans’ buses as they come and go.

  6. Cridhe Saorsa

    I just wish somebody would knock that bitch’s teeth out on camera. That would be great media and a great message for the nightly news.

  7. Dan (The infidel)

    The good news here is that according to birth statistics for blue staters, they are breeding themselves into extinction. It takes 2.0 births per 1000 to guarantee a next and follow on generation. Blue staters are breeding at 1.2 while red staters are breeding at 1.9. So in a couple of generations these fucktards will be extinct. :mrgreen:

  8. JJIrons

    More of “the ends justify the means” garbage. Cold Dink are as we all know a bunch of morons. I’m glad they made idiots of themselves for all to see. Now, let’s get Iran!

  9. Howie

    I wish I was assmart as Ms. Benjamin. I would love to know how much time she has spent on the ground in Iraq to hold the opinion that General Petraeus is not telling us the truth of what is actually going on on the ground.

    I do not like the things that she is saying or what she stands for. I respectfully disagree with her idea of the right to free speech being defended by civilians and not our military. I believe that without our military doing it’s job over the past century we not be debating this issue in English. But, I will still defend her right to say it.
    In fact I encourage her to keep running her mouth. It is our best weapon against their own ideology.

  10. Humble Janoslav

    I like how she kept hedging the issue of winning or losing in Iraq. She wanted to define the issue on her own terms bc she KNEW that to come out and say that she wished our defeat would automatically cause a popular revolt against her organization.

    Note also her assertion that each local chapter of CP is autonomous. Read: “I have no responsibility for what Berkeley does.” This is blatantly dishonest in light of the fact that there is most certainly an organizational hierarchy which would censure any individual group if it did something out of turn.

    As an aside, did anyone notice that she looked really washed up? I wonder how many joints she had to smoke to look that hung over.

  11. snarfybobo

    “i actually think that its people like myself that have been fighting for our rights for free speach and i would like to defend my own right to free speach and not have soldiers doing it for me, i dont need soldiers…

    yeah thats why we have free speach, cause of a bunch of dirty hippies protesting and refusing service. good thinking, cunt.

    “i dont think he painted the picture in iraq like it really is”

    like that idiot actually knows what is going on in iraq. when did she go there? did she talk with soldiers, and iraqis? what about the iraqi paliament? at what point did she decide to pull ideas directly from her vagina?

  12. Q_Mech

    Oh wow - I just saw a picture of Medea Benjamin on another site. I’ve never seen her up close before, but wow - she is THE poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome.

    I’m not kidding, and that explains a lot.

  13. Goodbye Natalie

    If there is justice, S.F. will be overrun with Wahabbis and this garden gnome will be dressed in a burka before being buried up to her neck.

    Somebody hand me a good sized rock…this is one time I’ll join up with the jihadis.

  14. LftBhndAgn

    I refuse to watch it too. Their mnentality is that of 4 year olds. Here is the response to Code Pink-o from the US Marine whos recruting office was VANDALIZED by these “Children”.

    “While the protest that you staged in front of my office on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, was an exercise of your constitutional rights, the messages that you left behind were insulting, untrue, and ultimately misdirected. Additionally, from the comments quoted in the Berkeley Daily Planet article, it is clear that you have no idea what it is that I do here. Given that I was unaware of your planned protest, I was unable to contest your claims in person, so I will therefore address them here.
    First, a little bit about who I am: I am a Marine captain with over eight years of service as a commissioned officer. I flew transport helicopters for most of my time in the Marine Corps before requesting orders to come here. Currently, I am the officer selection officer for the northern Bay Area. My job is to recruit, interview, screen, and evaluate college students and college graduates that show an interest in becoming officers in the Marine Corps. Once they’ve committed to pursuing this program, I help them apply, and if selected, I help them prepare for the rigors of Officer Candidate School and for the challenges of life as a Marine officer. To be eligible for my programs, you have to be either a full-time college student or a college graduate. I don’t pull anyone out of school, and high school students are not eligible.

    I moved my office to Berkeley in December of last year. Previously, it was located in an old federal building in Alameda. That building was due to be torn down and I had to find a new location. I choose our new site because of its proximity to UC Berkeley and to the BART station. Most of the candidates in my program either go to Cal or to one of the schools in San Francisco, the East Bay, or the North Bay. Logistically, the Shattuck Square location was the most convenient for them.

    Next, you claim that I lie. I have never, and will never, lie to any individual that shows an interest in my programs. I am upfront with everything that is involved at every step of the way and I go out of my way to ensure that they know what to expect when they apply. I tell them that this is not an easy path. I tell them that leading Marines requires a great deal of self-sacrifice. I tell them that, should they succeed in their quest to become a Marine officer, they will almost certainly go to Iraq. In the future, if you plan to attack my integrity, please have the courtesy to explain to me specifically the instances in which you think that I lied.

    Next, scrawled across the doorway to my office, you wrote, “Recruiters are Traitors.” Please explain this one. How exactly am I a traitor? Was I a traitor when I joined the Marine Corps all those years ago? Is every Marine, therefore, a traitor? Was I a traitor during my two stints in Iraq? Was I a traitor when I was delivering humanitarian aid to the victims of the tsunami in Sumatra? Or do you only consider me a traitor while I am on this job? The fact is, recruitment is and always has been a part of maintaining any military organization. In fact, recruitment is a necessity of any large organization. Large corporations have employees that recruit full-time. Even you, I’m sure, must expend some effort to recruit for Code Pink. So what, exactly, is it that makes me a traitor?

    The fact is this: any independent nation must maintain a military (or be allied with those who do) to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. Regardless of what your opinions are of the current administration or the current conflict in Iraq, the U.S. military will be needed again in the future. If your counter-recruitment efforts are ultimately successful, who will defend us if we are directly attacked again as we were at Pearl Harbor? Who would respond if a future terrorist attack targets the Golden Gate Bridge, the BART system, or the UC Berkeley clock tower? And, to address the most hypocritical stance that your organization takes on its website, where would the peace keeping force come from that you advocate sending to Darfur?

    Finally, I believe that your efforts in protesting my office are misdirected. I agree that your stated goals of peace and social justice are worthy ones. War is a terrible thing that should only be undertaken in the most dire, extreme, and necessary of circumstances. However, war is made by politicians. The conflict in Iraq was ordered by the president and authorized by Congress. They are the ones who have the power to change the policy in Iraq, not members of the military. We execute policy to the best of our ability and to the best of our human capacity. Protesting in front of my office may be an easy way to get your organization in the headlines of local papers, but it doesn’t further any of your stated goals.

    To conclude, I don’t consider myself a “recruiter.” I am a Marine who happens to be on recruiting duty. As such, I conduct myself in accordance with our core values of honor, courage, and commitment. I will never sacrifice my honor by lying to anyone that walks into my office. I will never forsake the courage that it takes to restrain myself in the face of insulting and libelous labels like liar and traitor. And, most importantly, I will never waver from my commitment to helping individuals who desire to serve their country as officers in the Marine Corps.

    Captain Richard Lund is the United States Marine Corps’ officer selection officer for the northern Bay Area.”

    OOH RAH! Captain Richard Lund.

  15. Future0311 (the infidel)

    I don’t even want to watch it.

  16. Future0311 (the infidel)

    About his response: That’s an honorable response to a dishonorable piece of trash organization. He’s a better man than me.

  17. TJ (The kafir)

    When was an abortion protester, we had some members who went into clinics and defaced the property and they were labeled terrorists by the media, does anyone think the same treatment will be given to these nasty feminazi’s? :roll:

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