Video: Republican Councilman Reacts To Getting Punk’d

October 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

A Norwegian comedy show tried to punk Republican New York City Councilman James Oddo. This one is priceless.

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40 Responses

  1. DMac

    he’s got my vote

  2. Jim

    James Oddo had no patience for that amateur crap…and that’s the same way I would have handled it.

  3. John Goodrow

    Republicans don’t tollerate bullshit.(most of them anyway)

  4. deathstar

    The blond Norweigan bimbo looked pretty scared. LOL

  5. Grumpy

    Councilman James Oddo for president!

  6. Dean Wormer

    I would’ve loved to have seen Ron Paul’s reactions.

  7. RTLM

    MANY more Republicans like James Oddo.

  8. John

    Seriously best thing I have ever seen, he didnt take shit from any of those fuckers. He should run for Pres

  9. Future0311 (the infidel)

    That’s the New Yorkers I know, haha.

  10. Ted B

    The guy takes his position seriously, it’s plain. He doesn’t have time to be fucked with by those t.v. people. I like his style.

  11. Ranger

    Holy Shit! My new favorite Republican. Took his bullshit sensor what, two questions? Probably take Pelosi at least a couple dozen.

  12. Mike - libNOTSr

    That was Priceless! I agree….run this guy for the Senate or some higher office.

    I’d love to know the reaction if the tables were turned and it was a Lib instead.

    I wish he was out here on Long Island, except for Peter King none of these politicians in NY are worth much.

  13. franchi (se)

    is he a macho italian ? :razz:

  14. Ted B

    No, he’s a New Yorker. Actually, rather nice people, just don’t fuck with them, ask the Norwegians.

  15. franchi (se)

    hehe, seems the Parisians are gentle (polite) people compared to the NYorkers :lol:

  16. One Shot

    That’s because our males have testicles, Frenchie.

  17. EdinTampa

    I think we’ve found a VP Candidate with Rudy.

    Outstanding reaction, I don’t blame him.

  18. Ted B

    Like I said, if you don’t fuck with them they won’t go off on you. Don’t start no shit, there won’t be no shit. Remember that and enjoy yourself in NYC.

    I am a reformed NYC-hater. I remember that place as it was under Mayor Koch in the ’70s, plus I grew up a Red Sox fan. I went there this August to attend a wedding and was pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the people. Everyone is in a hurry, but in the tourist areas they know what’s up. Hell, I even got help on the subway with what train to catch. Don’t bash those NY-ers. :beer:

    I have yet to visit Paris, I understand it is nice. I also understand from the Brits that are over here that have been there that they would be quite content if France had stayed under Nazi occupation, and in particular Paris.

    As I like to make up my own mind, and the fact that you at least picked the ‘Socialist-lite’ candidate for president, I will wait until I get to visit before I damn France altogether. I will say that I did boycott French products until this year because of the socialists that were running your country and their vociferous lack of help when we needed them. Thanks for the cheese, I don’t drink French wine because it tastes like vinegar by the time it gets to where I live in the US, or maybe it is too pricey for the local economy. Anyway, I like Washington State wines better anyhow. You guys do have good cognac though.

    Visit NY and see what Mssr. Eiffel gave us.

  19. franchi (se)

    hey, I was kidding

    I also understand from the Brits that are over here that have been there that they would be quite content if France had stayed under Nazi occupation, and in particular Paris.

    Well, that’s not that actually they say here : I had a few Brits customers (not retirees, about 45 years old) a few weeks ago telling me that they want to settle in France because UK is f…up and, rather funny, because we are more patriotic :lol:

    don’t drink French wine because it tastes like vinegar by the time it gets to where I live in the US, or maybe it is too pricey for the local economy. Anyway, I like Washington State wines better anyhow. You guys do have good cognac though

    vinegar ? you don’t know where or the right ones to buy

    pricey, yes, I accord you that, because they are not industry wines, but “Terroir wines, small artesan products, hand cares…

    yeah, cognac is good, but I am afraid, the Russians are buying the lands of cognac

    here is a blog from a french photograph and wines amateur, all in good english :lol:

  20. TerryTate

    Fuckin aye. Right on Bro.


  21. Heckler

    Thats why I love New Yorkers…that was great!

  22. Dan (The Infidel)

    Don’t mess with NYers. Not real smart. That dude wasn’t fucking around with those punk ass tarts from Norway. Notice he took off his coat? LOL. Oh he definitely meant business. Get some…….

  23. franchi (se)

    Ted B,

    hehe, funny my post has been swallowed up !

    anyway, I was kidding !

    what’s the hell the Brits have to do in the middle :?:

    I can provide you goood links for info on wines,

    I guess not here :twisted:

  24. Kurt(the infidel)

    man that fucking sweet!!!! that dude took off his jacket and even his ring, he was about to throw down on those dumbasses..thats a Republican for ya, dont take no shit :beer:

  25. hegelbot

    That guy is fucktarded. your gonna attack someone for pulling a joke, that will be good for your career…you folks are high and that guy is a DB

  26. Infidel

    don’t feed the trolls.

  27. Cdoginyoeye

    Hell yeahhh! That guy knows whats up!

  28. EdinTampa

    There are times for jokes and there are times for business.

    The joke is on the idiots who tried to set him up. LOL, he didn’t fall for the crap so GET THE FUCK OUT OF HIS FACE!

    We need a few more good, no non-sense Republicans that will put the media & Democrats straight!

    Although I’m inclined to think Hillary may have been spreading Monica’s puss lips apart for that cigar penetration & then taking a few hits off of it.

  29. john

    ^your a d-bag, he did not want to waste his time for a bunch of Europeans to try and make America look stupid

  30. Mike in Dallas

    Priceless. I loved it!

  31. Tom

    Hegelbot. Believe me, in Brookly, NY that is called diplomacy. Maybe in your metrosexual schools in Europe he might not win any popularity contests (Except we KNOW that that blonde was aroused by his anger…) That bitch got slapped hard across the face and I think secretly she loved it.

    A fucking NY star is born. Fuck them!

    You gotta love NY.

    See how the blonde looked down and kind of scared?


    This guy has GOT to run for higher office.


  32. will

    hahaahahahhahaha i wish more people in politics were like that, no bullshit just be real gdamn it

  33. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    Got my vote!!!

  34. The Word-Drum

    New Yorkers use words rather than blows(usually), since they talk like that to friends and family too.
    Away from there (near the West Coast)) people fall apart if you say anything disagreeable. He was mad then but later…
    Fogetta bout it.

  35. franchie

    He was mad then but later…
    Fogetta bout it.

    much like the Frenchs

    well only when they talk to friends or unknowns, but in businesses they are careful and polite even when a journalist has a blond attitude

  36. Lamplighter

    This is what I love about genuine New Yorkers. Maybe a bit too many f*bombs, but you gotta appreciate his instincts. You go, Councilman Otto. Funny of the day.

  37. Lamplighter

    Oop. Oddo. :oops:

  38. Ted B

    Of course you were kidding fanchie, but as far as wines go, I like what I like, ergo I am a wine expert on what I like. :wink:

    I thank you for the link anyhow.

    Perhaps I am into apertifs more, since I really like a good Porto as well. Most table wines just don’t agree with me.

  39. franchie

    wine is better for your health though, natural medicine and minerals supply

  40. korndawg

    YEAH….FUCK YEAH Now here is an example of a RepubliCAN…not a RepubliCAN’T Like those douchebags Arlin Spector and Ted Stevens.

    If I was him that would be the theme for my next campaign…

    “Get the fuck outta here Harry Reid” or
    “I don’t have time for this bullshit Nancy”

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