LCpl Jeremy: A Young American In Iraq #2

October 8th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Marine in Iraq
The picture above is a classic. I’m using it today because I like it. LCpl Jeremy promised lots of pictures soon.

Continuing with our LCpl Jeremy: A Young American In Iraq series…Today Jeremy talks about his very first patrol in their Area of Operations…and he promises lots of pictures soon!

Sunday October 7, 2007 05:06 hours:

Hey Bash,

I thank everyone for all of their good-wishes and prayers. Time is extremely limited, so more will come later.

As a matter of fact, the sweat still has not dried from my first combat patrol. The pucker-factor was extremely high, and you could sense the tension and excitement. For the four hours we foot-patrolled around a portion of our area of operations, you know that the locals know that you are the new kids on the block. Not only does your sixth sense tell you this, but also by deeds it is being communicated: attempting to ride bicycles or walk through your patrol (not allowed), you speak - confidently - “Salam.”

Nothing. Deadpan stares.

Also, tempting fate by driving vehicles all too close the patrol. Extremely bad idea, innocent or insurgent, they know this, but still they are testing the waters. They may not be the ones setting the IEDs, sniping or suicide bombing you, but they damn sure know who will. This rings true especially if you convey being weak.

One thing that I have come to understand about this culture, as foreign as it may seem to most of the West, is that they respond WELL to one thing, and that is power. I am not stating that being a completely domineering force here is going to work to win, but a combination of goodwill as well as this powerful presence. We own this AO and we are not leaving. The next group of Marines that relieve us in seven months will do the same job and do it well as we will.

I promise pictures will come, but I am actually about to go on post for 6 hours and there is no time to upload them. This connection is EXTREMELY slow.

I will hit you up with my APO (address) soon… ~Bash note: I asked him for his APO so that my wife and kids and I could send him CARE packages from time to time, I’ll ask him if he wouldn’t mind my sharing it privately with any of you who might want to do the same, just let me know.

I just bounced in here after our debriefing and wanted to relay my feelings when they were still somewhat raw… Have a great one, look forward to hearing from you.

Lcpl Jeremy

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4 Responses

  1. Brian H

    Seems like you might like to carry a few of those beanbag guns to warn off the daredevils. Make a hell of a racket slamming into a grill or hood or windshield. :lol: :mrgreen: :twisted:


    Bash, count me in on Lcpl Jeremy APO if he does not mind sharing it. My family and I would love to send a small token of appreciation for all the hard work our military does for us!!!!

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yeah man, send me your APO and I’ll send you a care package.

  4. Sandy K.

    Count me in too. Will send what I can.

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