Be respectful of others and their opinions. Inflammatory remarks and inane leftist drivel will be deleted. It ain’t about free speech, remember you’re in a private domain. My website, my prerogative.
If you can't handle using your real email address, don't bother posting a comment.
Too bad you didn’t have your video camera. Those were some great clips from your cell phone. Ron Paul attracts all kinds, even those crazy 9-11 conspiracy theorists, apparently.
October 8th, 2007 at 2:05 pmThe vid was not real smooth…but I get your point. What a waste of life these people are. Rhue Paul has zero chance of getting the nomination of the Republican Party for POTUS.
His neo-conartist spew is really boring at this point. I’m just wondering how many of these Rhue Paulities are smoking the ghanj. It’s either that or their tinfoil hats are on too tight, thus preventing normal synapse activity from ocurring in their little nihilist conspiratorial brains.
The dude with all the signs has a full six pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together.
October 8th, 2007 at 2:34 pmLOL. Ron Paul has successfully brought the fruitcakes out of their long term storage in the cabinet above America’s refrigerators.
heh heh
Good to see you up and at ‘em RHG…
October 8th, 2007 at 3:17 pmIt’s like Night of the Ling Dead. They’re not just everywhere in Austin, they’re everywhere everywhere.
October 8th, 2007 at 4:51 pmRightHandGirl,
Can you tell me why you don’t like Ron Paul?
Thank you,
October 8th, 2007 at 6:18 pmEric
She didn’t have to say anything. The vid explains it all? You blind and deaf or something?
October 8th, 2007 at 6:49 pmRon Paul is going to win!
October 8th, 2007 at 7:40
Fading in and out of reality is exactly what Ron Paul’s supporters do so the vid quality fit just perfect!
Good to see you again RHG!
All you have to do is watch them and listen to them and well . . . yeah.
October 8th, 2007 at 8:42 pmSteve:
And what exactly is Rhue Paul going to win? Fucktard of the year maybe? Just keep clicking your heels together there Dorothy and repeat after me: There’s no place like home…There’s no place like home….
October 8th, 2007 at 8:59 pmEric, can’t you think of something better to say to RHG?
You won’t get anywhere with that.
RHG- enjoyed your investigation. Glad to see you dismiss silly conspiracy theories.
October 8th, 2007 at 9:15 pmDo you think the Paulies and the Truthers will vote for Hillary (after Paul loses the primary)?
I’ve been a fan of your videos before Cynthia, but this type of behavior makes me lose all respect for you.
October 9th, 2007 at 5:37 amSandy K:
“Fading in and out of reality is exactly what Ron Paul’s supporters do so the vid quality fit just perfect!”
Good point. Didn’t consider the symbolism aspect. RHG, you’re so clever…
October 9th, 2007 at 9:16 amRightHandGirl - any chance that you might answer Eric’s question?
October 9th, 2007 at 10:05 amIReadHistory:
So do I. She’s already abswered the question. Tutn your tinfoil antenna to a different channel. Perhaps the mothership will land any minute and take you back to reality.
October 9th, 2007 at 10:24 am” Dan (The Infidel)
So do I. She’s already abswered the question. Tutn your tinfoil antenna to a different channel. Perhaps the mothership will land any minute and take you back to reality.”
Do you how to have a real intellectual argument, and not an ad hominem diatribe against anyone who doesn’t share your views?
October 9th, 2007 at 11:55 amAzzam you phony American:
“Do you how to have a real intellectual argument, and not an ad hominem diatribe against anyone who doesn’t share your views?”
I do it all the time. But I so enjoy taking you liberals and jihadis to task.
If you don’t like my postings takfir, feel free to leave anytime.
October 9th, 2007 at 1:46 pmthe supposed Mariki said:
“Do you how to have a real intellectual argument, and not an ad hominem diatribe against anyone who doesn’t share your views?”
Why? You don’t read them.
October 9th, 2007 at 2:06 pmsully:
Well said. That would be my point also.
October 9th, 2007 at 2:30 pmYeah. He/she/it is a jihadi poser with an internet link education. Bitchin about mistreatment of whatever the fuck a ‘Palestinian’ is and now Blackwater.
October 9th, 2007 at 3:14 pmHad no fucking clue what a ‘logical fallacy’ might even be till yesterday. Ask he/she/it to prove that which he/she/it presumes to be true and he/she/it ignores it.
“ad hominem” was in the A’s on the link he found.
sorry Dan(theInfidel) but RightHandGirl HASN’T “abswered the question” or even answered the question that Eric posed - unless it’s on another page. If so, maybe you can provide the link.
I’m not even sure wtf “Tutn your tinfoil antenna” is supposed to mean - is it some secret code or are you trying to make a valid point?
Also, not sure why you’d think that Liberals would support a fiscally conservative, pro-life, 10-term Republican congressman, especially when you consider that most Liberals are looking for tax&spend policies to feed the welfare state…
October 10th, 2007 at 10:56 am“Can you tell me why you don’t like Ron Paul?”
Um….because he “delivered” that 9/11 truther guy on the vid who also believes JFK was killed by our government because he was a “pot smoker”?
Yep. That’s good enough.
October 10th, 2007 at 1:23 pmDan & Sully, c’mon now. Stop picking on the retarded kids. You guys know that it is not a nice thing to do to people that cannot help their twisted thought process.
You guys should understand that they are absolutely correct about his foreign policy stances, he was just born 150 years to late for his view of world affairs to be relevent.
Oh yeah, to all you Paul morons. If you cannot take the time to view the video and actually pay attention in class, don’t expect anyone to bring you up to speed. This ain’t public school!!
October 18th, 2007 at 7:12 pmAll of you fucktard Republicans that suck the genitalia of our glorious POTUS need to open your minds, and consider that maybe the religious/political beliefs that have been passed down from your parents isn’t exactly correct, and you have become brainwashed by watching too much conservative news channels, namely Fox. Can’t you see that America is so much in debt, even the fucking Canadian dollar is worth more than the American dollar, and thats a shame. Stop watching TV so much, go out and meet new people. Don’t just hang around people who think the same as you and have the same belief/political affiliations as you, because you can’t learn from them. Thanks for listening to my rant, and have a good rest of your lives. Say what you want about me, because I am never going to go to this website again.
October 20th, 2007 at 8:09 pmOh yeah, and in the election, let the best man (or woman, haha) win, and God help us if the next POTUS is a Democrat OR Republican, because when they lead us, we’re all going to Hell in a hand basket. We need a 3rd, 4th, or 5th Party President, not the same crap we’ve been having for years. Go Green Party! haha.
Well then… that was refreshing wasn’t it. A 5th party president eh… anywho let’s all go down a step on the crazy ladder shall we? What I was going to say was, ‘Why in the hell do you all keep responding to these crazy dipshits!!!’ It seems whatever forums, blogs, etc. I go to everyone has this crazy idea that somehow acknowledging the insane ramblings of the troll-kind yields some kind of actual result! Just ignore them and let them wallow in their own self-assuredness as those of us who live in the real world move forward. You simply pile shit in the crap-engine whenever you even mention these loonies.
October 23rd, 2007 at 8:04 amJust because a Ron Paul supporter is a 911 conspiracy theorist doesn’t mean Ron Paul is nuts! You fucking fascists don’t understand what real classically liberal or conservative politics are because you are all sympathetic to Neo-Conservative Straussian Intellectual politics.
October 27th, 2007 at 8:02 amI’ve never met any other crazy people attracted to a Preisdential candidates campaign. I’m really impressed with your expose. What I would like to know, is how has Ron Paul’s only supporter managed to donate over $8 million to his campain so far this year? But, I understand that you can’t get every importan question answered when you were forced under hash field conditions to rely on a cell phone vid. Maybe, you should run your next expose on the conspiracy to promote ‘non-viable’ candidates. Now that would be fascinating.
Throw your hat in for the Pulitzer. You deserve it.
October 27th, 2007 at 9:52 amHAPPY BIRTHDAY CYN!
October 31st, 2007 at 4:02 amThat guy is just showing typical behavior of about 3/4 the population of Austin. He probably had a contact high from standing too close to the UT campus…
November 11th, 2007 at 12:46 amI didn’t think Ron Paul had any Nut’s after hearing his stance on the War in Iraq, but apparently he has more Nut’s than I realized; Thank you for setting me straight RHG!
November 11th, 2007 at 9:05 pmThe Ron Paul supporters don’t have lives? They were there campaigning for a man they believe will set the this country back on the right track. You were out on the street to??? Talk shit on Gore, sure it’s BS that he gets paid all this money and wins the nobel peace prize for telling us a bunch of shiv we already know… Who do you support in this election and why?
December 5th, 2007 at 2:38 pmIm convinced that the Ron Paul supported speaks on behalf of Ron Paul
December 6th, 2007 at 1:35 pmCyn, Love your videos. But this one was a shot below the belt, rather dirty. That man supports and represents Ron Paul, not the other way around.He is clearly a nit wit and not the best example of a Ron Paul supporter.
Your statement is faulty, there is no basis in either logic of fact, and in effect simple propaganda. This is below you if I may say it.
Can’t wait to see what your next vid is.
Also your title “Ron Paul’s Nuts” is grammatically incorrect your title would give the impression that Ron Paul himself is nutty. Instead “Ron Pauls Nut’s” Would be a better title implying the Idiodicy of Ron Pauls supporters.
Which seems a waste of time, to direct all your attention to the supporters of Ron Paul, instead of Ron Paul himself who seems more worthy of critization.
December 20th, 2007 at 3:11 pmScrew Ron Paul you nimrods, if he got the nomination i would do a write in vote for Dora the Explorer.
December 24th, 2007 at 9:07 amT Double Dash,
How profound…
I’m not a RP supporter. I think he has the right ideas, however they would have been useful 20 years ago. He might do more harm than good if elected, and would probably be the next candidate for assassination :P.
BTW. I’m voting for Fred Thompson.
December 25th, 2007 at 6:12 pm