Shiites Expect Peace Deal To Dramatically Stabilize Country, Hasten U.S. Exit

October 9th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


As Anbar goes, so goes the nation…

Baghdad, Oct 9, (VOI) – The deal signed recently between the two Shiite leaders Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim and Muqtada al-Sadr would significantly help in the departure of foreign troops, a key member in Badr Organiztion said.

“The agreement was preceded by deep negotiations to come up with a serious action and not just ink on paper. One of the political dimensions of the deal is to maintain security and stability in order to speed up the evacuation of foreign forces,” Diaa al-Din al-Fayyad told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) by telephone.

Badr Organization is an offshoot of al-Hakim’s Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC).

Hakim and Sadr had signed an agreement in the holy Shiite city of Najaf on Saturday to cement ties between the two Shiite groups and set up a joint committee working in all Iraqi provinces to control possible problems.

The deal emphasized “respecting for Iraqi blood under any circumstances…and mobilizing all cultural and media organizations of both sides to activate the spirit of endearment and rapprochement.”

Fayyad said Iraq is about to have important political changes like the British withdrawal from Basra.

“Accordingly, all the parties that control the area like the SIIC, the Sadrists and al-Fadhila (Virtue) Party have signed a code of ethics with the Iraqi security forces to help in imposing order and security,” he noted.

He pointed out that there were “intruding elements that feign loyalty to this or that mainstream.”

“The agreement also included the establishment of committees and subcommittees to stand up against this sedition,” said Fayyad, adding “the intelligence services of some countries in the region were proved involved in driving a wedge between the two sides in the country.”

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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    I smell B.S. Or is it camel shit? Not really sure. Funny, with all the talk of reconcilliation, I don’t hear a word about Sunnis or Kurds. Where do they fit in…with this agreement? And what about the Iraniac influence?

    The only way that we’re going to leave Iraq, is when all parties get together on a government that is secure and represents the interests of all Iraqis, not just the shitheads…er I mean Shit-ites.

  2. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Shiites Expect Peace Deal To Dramatically Stabilize Country, Hasten U.S. Exit […]

  3. الٲمريكي (The American)

    ” Dan (The Infidel)
    The only way that we’re going to leave Iraq, is when all parties get together on a government that is secure and represents the interests of all Iraqis, not just the shitheads…er I mean Shit-ites.”

    So, which kind of bigot are you? The one that hates all members of an ethnic group? or the the kind that hates just certain parts when it’s convenient?

  4. Brian H

    Armed groups signing agreements with the national security forces? Sounds like legitimizing private armies to me. I hope Gen. P. gives them the Scotch Brand response: “Tape it and stick it.”

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