Update:Turk’s Prepare For Ops In N.Iraq, U.S. Warns Turkey To “Stay Out”

October 9th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Turk Commandos

UPDATE: The United States has urged Turkey to refrain from a cross-border military operation to chase separatist Kurdish rebels who operate from bases in northern Iraq.

SIRNAK, Turkey- The Turkish government has decided to seek parliamentary authorization for a cross-border military operation in northern Iraq to chase separatist Kurdish rebels there, a party official said Tuesday.

The decision, which follows deadly attacks on soldiers in recent days that outraged the public, came in a meeting between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and officials from his ruling party, said a party official who was at the meeting. He asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

It was not clear when the bill would go before parliament, but the government wanted it to pass “as soon as possible,” the official said after the meeting.

The government needs approval from parliament to act when it wants to, although it was not clear whether the military would immediately choose to stage any cross-border operation or wait to see if the United States and Iraqi Kurds take robust action against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.

Ruling party leaders have previously taken a cautious approach to the idea of a cross-border operation despite accusations from opposition parties that the government is weak on terrorism. However, public anger is such that lawmakers are now likely to grant approval for a military offensive into Iraq.

The government said earlier it had begun preparations for a military operation into Iraq to pursue the rebels.

Full (AP) Article Here

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4 Responses

  1. franchie

    funny how they find an escuse to go into northern Irak, as the Iranians did too ; it smells a conflict there, whos going to get the Kurdistan

  2. Ranger

    “it was not clear whether the military would immediately choose to stage any cross-border operation or wait to see if the United States and Iraqi Kurds take robust action against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.”

    Yea, classic. The Turks wait to see if we might take casualties for them…after stabbing us in the back during the invasion…fucking brilliant.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The PKK needs to be eliminated. They’re the only thing besides Iran and AQ preventing real peace from breaking out in Kurdistan. Their economy is booming, and it is the one place that Iraqis will travel to for vacation.

    As long as the PKK remains a threat, the counter-threat of invasion by Turkey will remain. Get rid of them.

  4. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Iraq Central 10-09-2007

    […] Update:Turk’s Prepare For Ops In N.Iraq, U.S. Warns Turkey To “Stay Out” — Pat Dollard […]

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