Christian Book Store Owner In Gaza Publicly Tortured And Killed

October 11th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Gaza Church
Christians in Gaza live in fear of death every day.

This kind of hits close to home for me, because in the 90’s we owned and operated a Christian book store. We had a new age shop called “Daughters of the Moon, next door, but the worst we got from those people was the nasty smell of sweat, and clove cigarettes. I guess it wasn’t so bad after all…


Gaza-The owner of a Christian bookstore in the Gaza Strip who was found dead this weekend was publicly beaten by Islamic gunmen accusing him of spreading Christianity, witnesses and Palestinian Arab security officials said.

The body of Rami Ayyad, director of Gaza’s only Christian bookstore, was found Sunday riddled with gunshot and stab wounds. He had been abducted the night before as he closed his shop, a local Christian group said.

Gaza-based Islamic groups had accused Ayyad, a Baptist, of engaging in missionary activity. His bookstore was firebombed in April, and since then Ayyad had told relatives he was receiving death threats from Islamists.

The day before his abduction, Ayyad said he was being followed by a car with no license plates.

Witnesses and security officials associated with Hamas’s so-called Executive Force told The New York Sun that Ayyad was publicly beaten a few blocks from his store before being shot to death.


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5 Responses

  1. Ted B (follower of the book)

    Religion of peace is such a shitty cliche’.

    Our politicians and religious leaders need to start getting vocal about this bullshit.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    This man was a real martyr. Unlike the suicidal maniacs in the religion of peace who serve a lower god. Not to worry. “He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps”. Just like Abel, his blood will cry out for vengence. And it is comming to Gestapo HQ in Gaza real soon.

  3. Grumpy

    Looks like the Brown Shirts are at it again.

  4. Lock and Load

    Just another indication of what Islam has in store for all of us Christians in the world. It becomes really interesting when you think about how the whacked-out left in America feels the same way about Christians - one more reason for both the Islamofascists and their left wing supporters to be defeated, with .50 cal rounds if necessary!!!! :twisted:

  5. TJ (The kafir)

    yet libs today constantly tell me that the fight for palestine is NOT a fight for Islam alone. If you cant spread christianity in an autonomous palestinian region then a palestinian country would be the same dont you think?

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