Ron Paul: “We Could Defend This Country With A Few Good Submarines”
“There’s nobody in this world that could possibly attack us today,” he said in the interview. “I mean, we could defend this country with a few good submarines.”
Sorry folks, I just couldn’t resist: Umm…WTF? And blame me for the pic.~Bashman
Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul said today that he could see no possible reason to ever launch military action or initiate a war, vowing instead to battle efforts he said are undermining the individual liberties of people in America.
In an interview with’s PostTalk program, the Texas congressman said he could see “no reason” to justify military action if he were elected president. He compared the United States to a schoolyard bully and said the country has no reason to flex its muscles overseas.
“There’s nobody in this world that could possibly attack us today,” he said in the interview. “I mean, we could defend this country with a few good submarines. If anybody dared touch us we could wipe any country off of the face of the earth within hours. And here we are, so intimidated and so insecure and we’re acting like such bullies that we have to attack third-world nations that have no military and have no weapon.”
Paul has been intensely opposed to the war in Iraq and to a potential attack against Iran during his campaign for the presidency. During this week’s GOP debate in Dearborn, Mich., he once again became red-faced as he blasted the Middle East war effort.
“The thought that the Iranians could pose an imminent attack on the United States is preposterous,” he said Tuesday night. “There’s no way. This is just war propaganda, continued war propaganda, preparing this nation to go to war and spread this war not only in Iraq, but into Iran, unconstitutionally. It is a road to disaster for us as a nation.”
But during the PostTalk interview, Paul said he does not believe he is too angry to be president.
Full Washington Post Article by Michael D. Shear HERE
I’ll just sit in the corner here with my tin foil hat and wait for the Ron Paulites to lob pies at me…
October 11th, 2007 at 4:13 pmDoes Rhue paul mean attcks like 9-11? Khobar towers? The Cole? Tanzanian Embassies? Perhaps the Marine Barracks in Lebanon in 1983? Or maybe the first World Trade Center Bombing? Or could he mean the attack on the Penatgon also on 9-11. What fucking delluded world does this idiot live in anyways? You know if this was 20 years ago, I’d swear this guy was doing mushrooms or PCP?
October 11th, 2007 at 4:14 pmYep, just like any of the liberals. He is willing to sit back and let an enemy cause havok and kill American citizens on American soil before doing anything.
October 11th, 2007 at 4:17 pmDoes he honestly believe that rougue nations and terrorists can be bargained with?? Does he honestly believe that there should be dialogue with those that swear to kill us if they EVER got the ability or chance??
What a f-ing moonbat…..
October 11th, 2007 at 4:39 pm“You know if this was 20 years ago, I’d swear this guy was doing mushrooms or PCP?”
I still wouldn’t put it past him.
October 11th, 2007 at 4:50 pmHow is this ignorant old bastard a Republican? anyone? anyone? Every time i hear him start his shit at the debates i just imagine rudy telling him to shut the fuck up but its never that bluntly
October 11th, 2007 at 5:02 pmThis may come as a shock to the lunatics, but the alleged popularity of Ron Paul just isn’t happening.
…The e-surgents are out and at it again. The Islam hype, the anti-war hype and now the Paul Paul hype?
…Are they all from the same e-terrorist group, or is this a trend that I’ve just now realized is like spam.
I have no problem with the mans views…just his solutions.
October 11th, 2007 at 5:04 pm“vowing instead to battle efforts he said are undermining the individual liberties of people in America.” Hmmmmm….Islam? Nah….he wouldn’t think of that.
October 11th, 2007 at 5:10 pm“too angry to be president.” Naw! Too totally friggin insane.
October 11th, 2007 at 6:45 pmAngry is the least of his problems. I absolutely can’t understand the people who see this man as a potential President of the US. Defend us with a few submarines? He is completely incompetent to be dogcatcher, let alone President, unless you’re talking about President of the Lion’s Club or something like that…
October 11th, 2007 at 6:58 pmYep a few of our submarines could destroy any country that would attack us. They do carry nuclear trident missiles. Going to war in Iraq sure would stop a few people with box cutters from committing terrorist acts in the USA. You guys sure do make sense.
October 11th, 2007 at 7:17 pmGreat picture…your missing the yellow submarines
October 11th, 2007 at 7:24 pmWell he’s got a good point. We’re getting bent out of shape for no reason. Seriously, if you’re scared of Iran which doesn’t even have a working economy and has pathetic military capabilities, you’re either paranoid or scared of your own shadow.
October 11th, 2007 at 7:49 pmSo this is where the fearful hang out.
You think you can define his whole foreign policy and views on defense from one remark? And he is right if a country attacked us we could wipe them off the face of the planet and, if warranted, Paul would do it. Reagan trusted him!
With most countries it would only take one submarine to do it.
Hawaii wasn’t a state when attacked so when has a country, its people, its government attacked us and can Iran do that now?
I grew up in the cold war and I won’t lose sleep about Iran wanting a nuke.
You people are so scared of the big bad world. Quick, HIDE, the Iranians are coming! Someone call JulieAnne to save us! Morons!
October 11th, 2007 at 8:06 pmThe tinfoil hat keeps the mind rays away…
I think he is a plant put in there to make the rest of the GOP candidates look conservative.
October 11th, 2007 at 8:18 pmAnd I suppose our troops could just set their water pistols to “stun” …
Good Crikey!
October 11th, 2007 at 8:38 pmSo wait, let me get this straight…
what Ron Paul is saying, is don’t defeat an enemy’s military; let’s just go and throw away any and all means to remove a hostile countries ability to make war, as well as removing our means of interdicting in such a situation as say, oh I don’t know, a genocide in Bosnia…
and what we’ll do instead is, after we get hit by some country, why, we’ll just wipe out their entire population. What does it matter what neighboring country the fallout lands in, they shouldn’t have lived next door to an asshole anyways. I mean, who the hell needs a scaple when you’ve got a bazooka.
And when the next 9/11 happens (God willing it won’t), why, we’ll just find out the nationality of every terrorist involved, and hey, we’ll glass each of their parant countries. Let’s just do the whole Middle East. Hell why not Eastern Europe and Russia while we’re at it? And also Santa I’d like a pony.
October 11th, 2007 at 8:58 pmcheezewhiz said:”Seriously, if you’re scared of Iran which doesn’t even have a working economy and has pathetic military capabilities, you’re either paranoid or scared of your own shadow.”
Roark said:
“I grew up in the cold war and I won’t lose sleep about Iran wanting a nuke.”
Yeah? Me too and it wasn’t fun. Glad you enjoyed it though. Nukes in the hands of a bunch of nihilistic theocrats with apocalyptic pipe dreams in their hookahs would be a whole lot worse that the Soviets you fuckin dumbasses. If you have any power over your brains at all, think about what just one nuke going off in one city in this country would be like. Annihlating the country responsible, if it could be shown to BE a country, would be small consolation.
You’re both as stupid as your idol. But then that would figure.
“Reagan trusted him!”
It’s a different world today than 1984 you fucking idiot. Grow the fuck up.
October 11th, 2007 at 8:58 pmRon Paul doesn’t scare me nearly as bad as his supporters. These whack-jobs honestly think they belong to the same Republican party I do?
I’m with TedB. He’s GOT to be a plant. And if he’s not, just tell me his is anyway.
October 11th, 2007 at 9:16 pmMoron
Jeff Roark
Did you play any part or have any role in keeping us a super power during the cold war. You bragged you slept soundly fucknut so I hope so. Or are you one of those people who think Peter Pan keeps us the leader of the free world. My guess is the latter.
October 11th, 2007 at 10:36 pmI notice that Ron Paul ever mentions anything about importance of good people inside the few submarines. They don’t matter only the equipment does. I never see Ron Paul talk about the amount and type force we decide not to use in AG and IQ. I don’t recall nukes or overwhelming force in these operations. Flexing muscles. we have yet even come close doing what could be brought to bear upon these so called innocent nations.
Nobody can attack us? WTF? has been going on the last 30 years. One finally got through now he doesn’t see it. Iratn. He doesn’t get the idea that Iran is willing to sacrifice it’self to destruction to bring about a new war against the Great Satan. Yet we have not not done so speaks volumes. He’s only speculating war.
He considers fighting back as a form of weakness, the only real hostility that an enemy perceives is the pathetic weakness in person who is unwilling to fight back at all for anything. To them that is immoral and invites hostility. 12 UN resolutions and an approval from congress to authorize the use of force using Bill Clintons own intelligence, words, and Tennant Cronies not Bush’s. According to Paul, GW he’s not smart enough to come up with such data on the fly.After all how can an idiot come up with such a genius plan so quickly he was only in office about 9 months prior to 9/11. Ron Paul is a two bit libertarian anarchist and a kook.
October 11th, 2007 at 10:38 pmsully ,
excellent points.
cheezedick and roark.
Calling us cowards does not refute the essential premise of pre-emption: not waiting to have to have to make the decision to nuke someone. perhaps pre-emption would have prevented our nuking of hiroshima and nagasaki or even having entered world war 2. Instead we chose negotiation.
I would rather do surgical strikes now or an invasion on their land, than drop the big one later. and to say Iran is weak is exactly what many were saying when we fought in vietnam. the iranians like arab muslims, dont use traditional methods of warfare. I would think 9-11 would have convinced you of that. They have already proven their unconventional ways by fighting a proxy war in Iraq while denying it to the MSM.
I dont know about you but iran doesnt scare me, what scares me mostly is the advancement of Islam which appeasement and negotioation has done nothing to abate. the more of this iranian propaganda that is spread via their baiting of the USA, the more it is seen as a victory for Islam, the worst tool of (arab)imperialism in history.
And please tell me why it is liberals dont careabout the suffering iranian people or will you wait until after we invade to empathize. It seems you only sympathize when it is american soldiers doing the killing. Dictators around the world are proped up by libs like ron paul in our country, which is why they overwhelming ly root for democrats in our elections. the nasty governments will spread their propaganda across the earth until somebody stands up to them. Jefferson did it, reagan did it, and now Bush is doing it.
October 11th, 2007 at 11:08 pmJeff Roark:
This is where the fearful hang out? ROFLOL. You must be new here fucktard. So you lived through the Cold War? So what?
So did I. Your point is meaningless.
Tell you what skippy, why don’t you click your heels a few times and repeat after me: There’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…
October 12th, 2007 at 5:13 amHey Bash:
In honor of Mr. Roark, the next time that you put up a pic of Rhue Paul, instead of the tinfoil hat, how about changing that to a beanie with a propeller on top of his head?
October 12th, 2007 at 5:45 amIs this guy serious…
October 12th, 2007 at 6:32 amBrilliant! We’ll reduce the military to the point that we have no choice but to nuke any aggressor off the face of the planet! Why didn’t I think of that?!
All I can really say is “wow”.
October 12th, 2007 at 6:35 amRon Paul is too stupid to be president.
October 12th, 2007 at 7:48 amRon Paul is the greatest comedian of all time! More proof that politics is becoming synonomous with entertainment. Whenever I see this guy I can’t help but think of Purdue Chicken.
I think he’s right tho. America can defend itself with a few submarines… couple SSBN’s and a nuclear holocaust later we wouldn’t have any enemies… problem solved right? I really hope this guy gets re-elected so he can give us an encore on Comedy Central.
October 12th, 2007 at 8:32 amWell at least this is not as bad as when Pat made it on to Drudge’s site. Maybe franchie/frenchie is a plant to let the wackjobs know what is going on here.
I totally agree with Roark on the fact that Iran is not capable of a direct attack against the USA. Although indirectly, he is a sponsor of terrorism and has connections to terrorists groups. Couple that with the fact that if he can build a big nuke he could probably shrink one down to suitcase size. If one can be shrunk to that size you would be crazy to say that it could not make its way into this country. We can’t stop cocaine!!!
The biggest flaw in your thinking Jeff is that we are not fightning a country or even a religion. We are fighting and ideological war. Our enemies do not have a country, or a nation that claims them as their own. Iran has been in bed with these thugs since the 444 days that our embasy personel were held in Iran.
October 12th, 2007 at 8:33 amI do not fear the Iranians. I worry about the nut that will have his finger on the firing device/button.