Taliban Parade And Mutilate Captured Soldiers

October 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


From Bill Roggio’s The Long War Journal:

As the fighting rages between the Taliban and the Pakistani military in North Waziristan, the situation in South Waziristan is quiet. Over 40 days ago, the Baitullah Mehsud, the powerful Taliban commander in South Waziristan, captured nearly 300 Pakistani soldiers without a shot being fired. The Pakistani government has been negotiating for their release ever since.

Just one day after the capture, the government released 100 Taliban prisoners “in an effort to pave the way for the release of 210 kidnapped soldiers.” The Taliban responded by executing and mutilating three of the soldiers, and releasing 31 others.


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7 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    That trade worked out well now didn’t it? Maybe they should give them a place of power in the government also, I bet that will help….

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Brilliant strategy from the part of the world where the chimps are riding the ponies. (planet of the apes anyone?)

  3. Jim

    Their capture is inexcusable…

  4. Clyde Conneer

    “Taliban are organizing into well-trained military formations.”

    True Blaster_13,23,33,43,53_This is True Blaster3_FIRE MISSION_Grid ***-***_Enemy formation_in open_TimeOnTarget0600_FIRE FOR EFFECT.

    Fall In, you well trained Talibastards.

  5. TJ (The kafir)

    the talibastards are beeing treated as a legitamate nation. As such , like other dictatorships, they do what ever they wish, and no one dares condemn their actions for fear that may lead to more murdering.

    If america were really as bad as we are described daily in the mainstreamm media, and by these same bastards, you would think they might treat us with kid gloves the way they treat these morons.

    Life just doesnt make sense sometimes :cry:

  6. Q_Mech

    Sounds like the Pakistani army isn’t taking the threat seriously. The Canadians did the same thing at first, but snapped out of it and became pretty effective. Somehow I doubt that the Pakistanis can follow the same course.

  7. LiL Mac

    Enough with the pussyfootin Paki Army

    Send In the United States Marines !!!
    Their chompin at the bit , cut’ em loose

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