Video: O’Reilly Sickened: Redacted Features Real Photo Montage Of Mutilated Troops

October 11th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


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40 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    WOW, Bash! You’re damn quick! :wink:

    Just got finished watching it on FNC!

  2. Irish Gal

    I’m speechless. How is it people like this never get murdered?

  3. drillanwr

    Hey, DePalma … redact this, you prick:

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    What more can you say about a bundle of snot like DePalma that hasn’t already been said? All I can tell him is that there are a ton of vets out here that are kick his punk ass if they ever run into him.

  5. James

    where the fuck is he? where’s that spineless traitor depalma? I’m looking for him…and when I find him, I’m going to introduce him to my fist. :twisted:

  6. Jim

    This guy is morally repugnant and not worth my time or money.
    Exibiting himself enjoying the pleasure of his own company can only leave us to look on with disgust

  7. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Well, I just turned 21 this past Monday, and with that, am now able to purchase pistols. I’ll be sure to introduce this faggot to the stock of the pistol on sight - he ain’t worth the .45 round.

  8. Future0311 (the infidel)

    This faggot = DePalma, of course.

  9. Arclight

    Hey gang you can look DePalma’s phone # and adress
    up on those sites like intelus or others. I know he
    has a house in Sarasota, Fl and one in LA. Someone
    might just want to say hi to him.

  10. mindy abraham

    what I want to know is who would want to see this movie? Just go online, and you’ll see the soldiers got punsished. By the way pat where is the video of the soldier dipping his bullets in spam? that was funny.

  11. Steve in NC

    mark cuban funded this shit, that should never be forgotten.

    if this get’s too hot, depalma will be left out to dry while cuban tries to lay out bullshit distancing himself from the final cut

    never accept that shit, both need to die soon

  12. Kevin M

    Don’t tell me. Let me guess. It’s ART! He’s just being “courageous.”

    Some people were born at the bottom of the barrell, some dive from a platform to reach the bottom, and now DePalma has reached the bottom and is tunnelling through it to achieve new depths.

    I have a feeling that like that Bush assassination film, this one’s going to tank, and tank horribly. And I can only pray that DePalma is never allowed on a movie lot again…because he’s been pink-misted by a US Marine!

  13. Joanie

    Douchebag DePalma was probably laying in wait, getting ready to pounce on an Iraq War rape story so he could finally remake “Casualties of War”. Is this traitor’s goal to make the word rape synomomous with war? It appears that way to me. It also appears that DePalma is an evil snakeheaded piece of human excrement.

  14. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    Hit these people where it hurts! I wouldn’t see ANYTHING that DePalma is involved in. The same goes for that prick Mark Cuban. They should run him out of Texas and by no means should anyone pay or endorse his team, products, etc! I’m sick of these pukes who are hell bent on destroying our country. I’m :mad: as hell!

  15. Bob USMC

    :evil: Insane stuff like this has become the norm for too many of these left-wing miscreants. Douchebag DePalma’s tasteless antics are just the latest in a long line of lefty insanity that unfortunately, doesn’t go away but seemingly gets worse.

    Needless to say, I won’t be paying to see that movie. If someone happens to get me a download, I’ll watch free or not at all as I just won’t knowingly contribute to lining the pockets of treasonous leftist’s who hate America and it’s warriors. And, honestly, Douchebag DePalma should be charged with treason or sedition or something as we’re still at war.

    The Vietnam War seemed to produce a sense of entitlement for anti-war activist’s of speaking and committing subversive acts that boost the enemy morale. We have laws about this, why aren’t they being used? It’s just ridiculous. Didn’t Lincoln snatch up some newspaper editor’s on sedition charges?

  16. Howie

    I guess the only funny partof this whole mess is the fact, as stated by Joanie, that if DePalma were in college the film would get no credit because he it is plagerism!! That’s right Joanie he already made this one once. “Casulties of War”. Same theme, different era!!
    Future 0311, do not bring your pistol with you when and if you confront the faggot, it will only hurt your going into the Corps. Take it from a former 0313. Besides it will be more fun to drag the beating out an hour or so!!!!!!!!!

  17. deathstar

    The blame must also be put squarly at the feet of that un-American piece of shit Mark Cuban who funded this movie

  18. Top Ward

    Just a little intel; Mark Cuban is rumored to be one of the folks trying to buy the Cubs.

  19. FTL

    Anything to fill theaters & stir press… would not doubt if the whole pr/Cuban thing was staged.

    de palma the old & impotent director would do anything to get his chops back. and he’s just proved it. face it, Blow Out & Dressed to Kill was IT. Even those have not held up over time.

    May de palma find himself between two Marines in a dark alley sometime soon.

  20. mess

    I agree - Cuban is just as bad. The sad thing here is even if Americans don’t go to this movie, this will be all over the internet and will be used by the enemy to further their cause.

    In plain english. - This guy is fueling AQ against America. I wonder how many Americans will be killed because this idiot.

  21. Lamplighter

    I’ve lost what little respect I had for DePalma. What a lowlife. I am so tired of these militant lefties thinking they hold the moral high ground. They don’t. It’s like they don’t even get how wrong they are. Maybe they are possessed by the Devil? :evil:

  22. Sandy K.

    Both DePalma and Cuban are evil in my eyes. They have no regard for this country to have made this film for the reasons it was made. They are traitors.

    TO Future0311 (the infidel)

    Please do not take any action that you described. I agree with the feelings behind your statements more than ever but we need men like you fighting for our country and not in trouble with the law over low-life pigs like these two, DePalma and Cuban. They are not men in any sense of the word nor are they “Americans”. They have displayed that entirely too clearly.

  23. Antonio

    You may all be missing the point here. DePalma’s movie sounds to me like an anti war movie more that a soldier’s bashing movie. The truth (imo)is that the US and the US alone is there fighting a war started with no good and solid reason. It would have been easier to get blackwater easy gunners to assassinate Sadam than to have 3800 lives -precious lives dying for no other cause than oil.

    This is not about you, this is about the current administration.

  24. Antonio

    To: Sandy K.

    Again, you’re missing the point completly, you’ve got to think a bit more out of the box, being anti-war does not mean being un-American. This notion that if you’re against the war you’re anti-American or anti-patriotic is completly wrong, this is what the Giuliani, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and the current President in charge, and of course the Evangelical “nut cases” :roll:

    That’s the real tragedy here, you’ve got to wake up and see the big picture. What has happened during the course of the past 4 1/2 years done to this country (to you) by a bunch of thugs controling and brainwashing the good people that Americans are is frankly an atrocity. We will (unfortunatly) and our kids for a few generations to come pay havely, and that the tragedy.

  25. Mark W

    To be anti-war is not anti-American. That’s what makes this country so great…we are allowed to disagree with our leaders. To hate somebody or desire to kill someone because he/she makes a film that you don’t agree with is fascism, bigotry and idiocy..which group do you belong to? Maybe all 3…

    War is hell…deal with it…good and bad…

  26. Sandy K.

    Antonio and Mark

    You two have the wrong site for your stance. I come here to get away from the rantings of people like you.

    Either way I will respond somewhat. Neither of you understand the scope of what is happening and why we must fight. We are at a point of no return. Look all over the globe and you will see why.

    The same loophole the terrorists use to further their goals, our freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, which people like you abuse in favor of our enemies at a time of war ~ right here in the U.S.A. There are people demonstrating to take over this country in the name of Allah.

    If you think it is not possible - think again. Over a span of time it would be possible and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Murta types are at the tip of the spear.

    From what I have seen and heard there are many who do not seem to understand the true nature of the enemy or the war that is currently being waged. They have blinders on and think we can just tuck our heads in and “mind our own business” and then none of what the Radical Islamists have planned for us and the western world will happen. So not true.

    The Realities of Terrorism

    The Realities of Terrorism 2

    Direct Quotes from some of your favorite leaders:

    Democrats Are Full of Shit When it comes to WMDs

    Osama linked to Saddam News Story

    Various moments in history which lead up to where we are today:

    This Flag - The War Brewing Inside America

    I have chosen my side and you both and many like you have chosen your side. So be it.

    When you turn your back on our men and women in harms way when they are asking us for support and in many cases pleading for that full support - and not in the twisted fashion you call support - you are engaging your political support with the side of our enemies.

    I will always choose to support our military over people like you. Eyes wide open.

    War is hell. It becomes much worse, especially for those trying to protect us with their life blood, when the very people they are trying to protect rise up against them.

  27. Sandy K.

    Some words from our best:

    From an Army Rangers mouth about Iraq

    Vietnam War Veteran Robert Wagner Shames Congressman Murtha

    A Veteran Confronts Senator Murtha

    Iraq war veteran John Kriesel lost both legs in a blast near Fallujah on December 2nd, 2006. It was near the end of his second tour. Listen to why John believes Victory is America’s only choice.

  28. Mike Jones

    Brian de Palma is the reason that murder should be legalized.

  29. Sandy K.

    The official “Boycott Redacted” website, where the mission is to boycott the movie “Redacted” and send a message to the director and the producers. This website was created by volunteers and staunch defenders of this country and for our soldiers, against the treasonous propaganda of the film’s producers, Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban.


    There are also downloads for your sites and pages:

  30. Sandy K.

    The Bashman Vid you really should not miss:

  31. Misha

    If you don’t see the movie how can you discuss it? You are not interested in our media’s redacting of the truth?

  32. mike mason

    I stumbled onto this site while following links about REDACTED and I beg to differ . . .

    It seems that everybody is missing one important point . . . soldiers are dying because they were put IN HARM’S WAY by a lying, military-deserting, Supreme Court Appointed imbecile of a president. That’s not inane leftist dribble . . . that’s the truth. How about calling Bush a faggot?

    Also, I can’t believe how many of the above posters are talking about KILLING DePalma. He’s an American practicing his freedom of expression . . . All you’re doing is reinforcing the view that if you disagree with an American . . . he will ALWAYS react with violence. OK . . so you’ve got plenty of backbone . . . now show some brains.

  33. PDF

    Run Cuban out of Texas? Find out where DePalma lives and go “visit” him? The reason murder should be legal? Beat him with the butt of a pistol? Why are we in Iraq? King George says it’s because we need to free the Iraqi people from the oppression they’ve suffered and that they should be able to live, say, do what they want to.

    What have Cuban and DePalma done? They made a movie and excercised the very rights that we are trying to teach these people in Iraq. But because the movie expresses a point of view that is different than yours, some of you are suggesting that they should be beat up? Silenced? Wow! Our friends and family members are in a foreign land getting killed trying to protect the “rights” of people who don’t even like us, and the majority of you posters here are spouting the same intolerance and bigotry as the religious extremest assholes we’re supposed to be getting rid of over there.

    Do you people actually think before you spout off your nonsense? Can you even formulate an original thought on your own or are you just repeating things you’ve heard from the talking stuffed suits and other idiots that you see on Fox News?

    If anyone is committing treason, it’s you all who say Cuban and DePalma should be silenced. If these guys don’t have the right to make a film about what they believe to be true, then the soldiers that are getting killed every day in Iraq are fighting for nothing and you don’t believe that what they are doing over there is just and right. Our soldiers are losing their lives trying to ensure that the people in that part of the world have the very rights that you don’t want Cuban and DePalma to have. You’re a bunch of idiots.

  34. Eliyahu Bar David

    :twisted: :evil: :beer: :mrgreen: :oops:

    it is interesting to read the view points of both sides on this site about a movie i have not seen but i do plan to buy the film on dvd when it comes out feburary 2008.
    we israelis feel sad for the iraqis just as much as we do for the american military there. war is just evil. some say it is a neccessary evil others say war needs to be eliminated from the human life all together. the fact that no one can dispute is we live in a evil (spiritually fallen)world, with evil (spiritually fallen) people everywhere.
    Winston Churchill said “War Is Hell”. i agree with him war is hell for the vicitms and the aggressors. there are no winners and loosers. war makes loosers out of everyone.
    Freedom is not Freedom when people’s lives are taken, Freedom is Freedom when a person’s is willing to loose their own life for another person’s freedom.
    Ex President William Jefferson Clinton said “There is no respect from people anymore”.
    The Bible says “The love of many will go cold”
    I know one thing i will be glad when this war torn hell bent world is over and peace which comes from hshem will come with his son and on that day his name and he will be one.

  35. Old Uncle Dave

    Brian dePalma is a true American Patriot.
    Bill O’Reilly is a fascist insect who shills for the Masters of War.

  36. joe

    Threatening to kill a man for his viewpoint…better check your dictionaries folks, that makes YOU a terrorist just like those you despise.

  37. Sandy K.

    The movie was made to cause more violence against
    the U.S. troops. It is political. Why can’t
    people like you understand that when certain
    countries - where there is no freedom of speech or
    access to the free media that we have and enjoy -
    that only the rape scene will be played over and
    over again to create more jihadists? Why don’t
    you understand that? There are elements that do
    not want Iraq to resume a normal way of life for
    their people. They will spoon feed clips of this
    movie to create further death and destruction.

    People in free countries can debate and see many
    things without acting out on them. It is because
    they are free. It is in the countries that are
    fully controlled where this particular movie will
    be exploited as a weapon against our men and
    women. It is treasonous during any armed conflict
    to make any movie that incites actions against our
    military by our “citizens”.

    To me so many people have lived in the luxury of
    true freedom in many parts of the world for so
    long that they have no conception of how this
    movie will be used as a weapon against not only
    our U.S. Military but in the killing of innocent
    civilians. It will be used to create more suicide
    bombers. Suicide bombers kill large numbers of
    innocent civilians. Nobody needs more of those.
    Nobody, except the terrorists. This movie helps
    the terrorists.

    Any “American” that thinks they should
    go and see this movie and pay their hard earned
    dollars for it should be well aware of what they
    are contributing to. The likelihood of more of
    our men and women dying for something they did not
    do - and would not do - will increase and the
    damage will be done. I guess there are certain
    types here that are willing to help the terrorists
    justify further violence for a piece of garbage
    movie that Redacted is.

    The movie should be pulled by the cinemas across
    the country. I abhor the movie not because it is
    a war movie but because of the motive behind its
    creation and its release at this time - which is
    very damaging to the entire region of the world it
    will affect. The movie only helps the terrorists.

  38. Sandy K.

    Many of the posters at Pat Dollard’s site are veterans or family of troops in harms way!

    If any of them get angry and say things it is because of where they have been and what they have experienced and the loved ones they have lost.

    What have some of you lost?

    How have any of you served your country?

    Before you slam them - you should think about that!

  39. Proud Army Dad

    De Palma and Cuban should spend a day with the real troops under fire. Then they might appreciate what are men go through in battle. This movie is Al Qaeda propaganda. Do not spend a dime on it…

  40. yomamasass

    America is lost. Some idiot called this Al qaeda propaganda? DO you people think for yourselves or just let the government do it for you? Are you aware we into Iraq under false pretenses? For you simpletons out there that means the President of the fucking United States of America LIED to you, us and everyone. He SHOULD be tried for war crimes, But youre so hopped on blood lust all you can think about is popping a cap in some guys ass when he enables his right to freedom of speech and press. Get your head out of your asshole….i know its in there pretty deep…..but take a look around dipshits. But i digress….you dont deserve to know whats going on.

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