Video: Rush Limbaugh On Torture

October 11th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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6 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    You’re absolutely correct Rush, it works and it drives the democrats nuts. For me it has been torture. I bought last month a ticket to the Rush show which is tonight. A one man show at the Academy of Music, can’t wait.

  2. Boombop

    I don’t see what the big deal is with the way interrogators play with the terrorist. In my house my wife and I call it foreplay. There’s nothing more stimulating than the waterboard after taking Viagra. A little slapping around to bring yourself back to consciousness. After all of that you still have a nice woody waiting for ya to have that thirty seconds of SCREEMING joy! Sorry I got a little side track.
    It could be worse. They could make the terrorist stand on a box with panties on their heads. At one time that seemed to be like the worse torture ever. Of course that’s like one of my favored foreplay. Any way!
    To tell you the truth. I really don’t give a shit what they do to them. I would have to say that the people that do care what happens to terrorist have made their minds up about which side they are on and its not America.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Torture worked well on the first world trade center bomber…authorized by the zipper skipper himself BTW….
    It worked very well on the CIA murderer, and on Khlaed Shiek Muhammed. So what’s not to like? The poor babies got smacked around a little bit and we got some excellent intel.

    For the girlie-men and kumbaya types who think “torture” soesn’t work or that our methods are cruel. You might want to check out what happened to Bill Buckley at the hands of the Iraniacs and the Syrians. His ordeal lasted three years, and he revealed all.

    And the Geneva convention crap? The assumption that if we follow the Geneva Convention the 7th Century fucktards will do the same is naive. Not once in this war has the Islamo-pukes cut any slack to any US troop that was captured.

    I would advocate reviving general order 100 and using AQ’s methods of interrogation prior to executing the pigs.

  4. Lil Mac

    Head Slappin, Extreme temperature exposure
    Ohhh My !!!
    Ask Daniel Pearl’s family if we should torture or turn the screws a lil bit on our Jihadi Enemies ???
    All the PC & Geneva crap has gone out the window with this enemy my friends , I really dont think were doin enough !
    Oh & Fuck Jimmy Carter, Pelosi,Murtha ,Reid & every other
    Dhimi SurrenderMonkey Traitor

  5. Rush Limbaugh on Torture » Infidels Are Cool

    […] Pat Dollard _uacct = “UA-1237831-1″; urchinTracker(); Posted in Politics, War on Terror by […]

  6. TJ (The kafir)

    these fuck tards dont follow the geneva conventions, UN human rights policies or any other policies except those which come from the book of torture itself: the quran. No matter how nice we are allah accords us evil and worthy of being tortured, mutilated ,decapitated or killed in any other way that shows witnesses that they should fear allah via his followers and submit to their long prescription of rules which include worshipping the arab people and its language, never arguing with a muslim scholar(oxymoron), taking slaves and concubines, beating women etc etc.

    Slapping a prisoner who is innocent until proven guilty is one thing, but a prisoner who all know is a terrorrist and openly admits it, is a means to get information that will protect the lives of many. Remmeber we arent supposed to hit children( unless they are still in the womb) according to the libs, this extends to homicidal maniacs apparently.

    Most of the people complaining about cia torture are teroorrists and their sympathizers who understand that one day they might be captured too. the rest of us have no problem with it precisely because we know that we will never ingratiate ourselves with muslims nor consider conversion and thus not get caught up in the rhetoric of jihad and participate in any way with its fruits.

    quite frankly i think a majority of congress could use a good bitch slapping. :lol:

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