WTC 1993 Mastermind Ramzi Yousef Now A Christian?

October 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, claims he converted from Islam to Christianity, Scott Pelley reports in a story that brings viewers inside the secretive Supermax prison where he is being held.

Pelley also reports that some 900 forced feedings were performed on other al Qaeda terrorists who went on repeated hunger strikes to protest conditions at the Colorado top-security federal prison.


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10 Responses

  1. Gaige Mosher

    Is there any doubt of Christ’s victory.

  2. Leatherneck

    I’d convert too if I murdered a few thousand innocent people.

    Thing is, he’s still gotta meet the Maker & all those slain.

    Frightening stuff man.

  3. David Marcoe

    I hope his conversion is sincere. There is always the looming possibility of a “jailhouse conversion” in a bid to get a shortened sentence or even just to get out of supermax, but there are quite a few sincere conversions out there, so who knows.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    He’s gamming the system. And these guards wouldn’t be so damn short-handed if we just execute these maggots.

  5. John V H

    He’s an evil genius, and capable of almost any deception, so I really wouldn’t be the least surprised this is somehow a part of an ulterior motive. But even if he did convert, I would fully expect him to just start blowing up abortion clinics…..maybe he’s been talking to Eric Rudolph, they could be a super max item.

  6. Jim

    “Is there any doubt of Christ’s victory.”

    Very much so! :idea: ….and BTW, why are
    we force feeding anybody?

  7. Macs

    Good news! If it’s true.

  8. TJ (The kafir)

    Taqiyya my friends. Its one thing to say your a christian, and quite another to demonstrate it. The article doesnt say how his life has changed other than the fact he comes out of his cell. Islam allows believers to show outward signs of conversion while remaining steadfast inwardly towards islam.

    Conversion to the way is not only a verbal acknowledgement it is a complete change in the way one acts. if he is a christian, their wouldnt be a question mark at the end of the headline. :wink:

  9. John Goodrow

    Good if true, but in islam lying is ok if it is for the good of islam.

    Don’t trust anything any of them say.

  10. prayfat

    If God answered all our prayers for Soldiers would it end the war? What if God answered all of our prayers for terrorists?

    Speaking as one who is passionate about my own convictions, I might could say concerning these terrorists, but for the grace of God there go I. What if I had been born in Yemen or indoctrinated in Gaza? Would I be any different? The apostle Paul thought he was serving God with murderous acts of terrorism, until he discovered the truth.

    Can this “first fruit” help us to recognize the engagement needs to be on our knees?

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