Al Gore And U.N. Panel On Climate Change Win The Nobel Peace Prize

October 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


OSLO, Norway (AP) — Former Vice President Al Gore and the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to spread awareness of man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures needed to counteract it.

Gore, who won an Academy Award this year for his film “An Inconvenient Truth,” a documentary on global warming, had been widely expected to win the prize.


Flashback: Egas Moniz wins Nobel Prize for invention of Lobobtomy. In 1936, the Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz introduced a surgical operation, prefrontal leukotomy, which after an initial period came to be used particularly in the treatment of schizophrenia. The operation, later called lobotomy, consisted in incisions that destroyed connections between the prefrontal region and other parts of the brain.

At that time there did not exist any effective treatment whatsoever for schizophrenia, and the leukotomy managed at least to make life more endurable for the patients and their surroundings. The treatment became rather popular in many countries all over the world and Moniz received the Nobel Prize in 1949.
However, by this time the treatment had had its most successful period and in 1952 the first drug with a definite effect on schizophrenia was introduced, chlorpromazine, our first neuroleptic drug. Since about 1960 lobotomy, with a strongly modified technique (more discrete incisions), has been used only when there are very special indications such as in severe anxiety, and compulsive syndromes which have proved to be resistant to other forms of therapy. Perhaps about five operations a year are now being performed in Sweden.


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46 Responses

  1. mindy abraham

    while I am in favor of helping the enviroment I do not think what he did is peace prize worthy. I liked last year’s winner, who was helping poor people get money to get out of poverty better.

  2. Uncle Sam

    LOL!! The $2000 electricity bill guy wins the Peace Prize..what a joke! His so-called movie is propaganda crap just the likes of Michael “Family Guy Look-Alike” Moore I guess the word Hypocrite isnt a word in Norway..what a bunch of Lib Noobs! :beer:

  3. Kevin M

    And Yasser Arafat also won the Nobel peace prize.

    If this prize is given to yet another assclown fraud of a self-promoting lunatic, they’re going to have to change the name to “Oscar.”

  4. Steve in NC


    A sign that the end is nigh

  5. Dan2



    This has to be one of the biggest frauds perpetrated on mankind in the history of this world!

    WTF? Noble Peace Prize? Al Gore?
    :shock: INSANE! :shock:


  6. Boombop

    When ever the UN backs something its usually because there is a lot of money to be made and every one else is getting fucked over. It’s never because these assholes care about anything. Only their sorry asses.

  7. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Al Gore And U.N. Panel On Climate Change Win The Nobel Peace Prize […]

  8. Steven D

    Fellow nominee Rush Limbaugh would have made a much better choide.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Who cares. There’s nothing in the Nobel Prize SOP that says that the award can’t go to a complete idiot. Therefore AlGore was eligable to receive it.

  10. Gandalf

    Another degradation of the meaning and value of the Nobel Prize. Pretty soon they will come with the pop top of coke cans and in cracker jacks boxes. The dumbing down of a once stunning achievement.

  11. franchie

    then why Schwarzie is so interested with the same preocupation ?

    I didn’t watch Al Gore ’s propaganda, seems he wanted some kind of self promotion, but I am aware that the bees are dying or disappearing because of climate going warmer, and that will make difficult the pollenisation of fruit trees and agricultural plants ; it meens in times there will be less food for earth population, therefore wars for surviving in perspective

    as far as Lobotomy, seems your country made a great deal of it though

    CIA experiences in Montreal with the help of Dr Cameron and Gotlieb in the US (ref. Gordon Thomas, “secret arms of CIA”)

    Hollywood movie, “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”

  12. deathstar

    Not surprising, the Nobel prize organization is a joke. Fucking Arafat got the peace prize.

  13. Gary in Midwest

    The “Scam Man” has put one past the weak scrutiny of the Nobel commitee. With today’s standards P.T. Barnum would probably have won easily.

  14. HaESHAW

    Wow, what a way to denigrate the Nobel Peace prize.

  15. David M.

    The nobel peace prize is given by Norway.
    Why does this matter?

    There are a couple of other strange developments this weekend.
    If Michelle Malkin is correct the Empire State building will be
    bathed in green light to celebrate the islamic festival of eid
    for two or three days.

    Over one hundred islamic clerics have writen to the pope suggesting
    that the two religions, (I guess they mean catholicism and islam),
    should find common ground to save “humanity”.

    The last two are an invitation to accept dhimmitude (a sort of
    submitted state to islam wherein life is allowed to the infidel but
    not much else). The Al Gore thing is an irrelevance except insomuch
    as a leftist victory would encourage surrender to our enemies
    as soon as possible.

    Ignore Gore. If there is any way to stop this insane act of
    dhimmitude in NYC, then ket’s hope it can be found.
    And the letter to the pope. Not too worried about that, because
    the pope only speaks for catholics, but see the designs of our
    enemy for what they are, Unless we find common ground with
    them then all of the world is doomed.

    Who said that?

    Any of us threatening to end the life of all the world?
    No more jews, christians, buddhists, hindus, zoroastrians,
    chinese religions, animists, native american religions,
    rastafarians, and even muslims?
    We didn’t say it - you did.
    Call off your stupid wars around the world. Accept that you have
    no other choice than to play nicely in the yard even with the
    people who don’t agree with you - and it will be over, just like

    If you choose otherwise, the pope cannot help you.

    And Gore facing Zawahiri saying but I cut down the use of
    fossil fuels in the USA? Puhleeze.

  16. Jon

    The peanut farmer got one too….what started out as a worthy form of recognition has become a carny sideshow prize.

  17. sully

    Another Jimmah Carter in the making….

    All just another means to beat America into submission to Central Planning by having us believe all the worlds ills are America’s fault.

  18. Kurt(the infidel)

    BLAAAAAH! Al Gores head just grew by 30 fold..Which is bad news because he has really been legitimized now, which means he will never shut up

  19. Q_Mech

    Yasser Arafat gets it, then Mo Elbaradai (sp?), now Gore. Sounds like he’s in exactly the company that he belongs with.

    “Peace prize” my ass. They should promote truth in advertising by renaming it the “Anti-American Jackass Prize”. As a scientist, I hope to win the thing solely for the acceptance speech I could make… That, and I could donate the prize money to the NRA or something, just to piss off the europeans. :twisted:

  20. ShortFuse

    ANY researcher working on breast cancer cures and treatments has done more in one day at work than Al Gore has done in his entire existence on this planet that he ACTS like he gives a shit about. What an asshole. That bastard is not smart enough to even respond to questions about his supposed gw bullshit.

  21. ShortFuse

    The photo at the top of this blog is another one of those photos that wants to make ALGORE look like he can actually think. He should take some time and think about helping his own son grow up and live a reasonably sane life.
    Just a hypocritical asshole in each and every respect.

  22. Greg M

    I love the environment but come on the noble peace prize the hell? He did nothing… other than maybe bitch and moan.

  23. Goodbye Natalie

    I think this is great! Who ever thought winning a Nobel Peace Prize would become the equivalent of winning a Sundance Film Festival award blasting America? Did Brian De Palma split the award? I haven’t read of this big a comedy since Yasser jihaded his rubes into a Nobel Peace Prize.

    Do you figure Al will plaster the Nobel Award sign on the side of that fuel guzzling Gulfstream he cruises around in while telling us minions to ride our bike?

    For some strange reason, I think sane people are recognizing we are about one step from hearing Al scream “Let them eat Cake!”

  24. EZ Rider

    What does a smoking hot Earth have to do with peace? I guess if we cool down the planet people in the ME won’t have sweaty balls all the time… then they won’t be as angry? This is pure comedy.

  25. Vigilante

    Gulfstream? Are those things still around? Yeah! I agree, Greg! Let’s outlaw them and, while we’re at it, all those Humvees, too! It’s a start, anyways! I think you’re getting it! No more bitching and moaning for you, huh!?

  26. sully

    “Let’s outlaw them and, while we’re at it, all those Humvees, too!”

    What’s it like riding that short bus back and forth to work?

  27. Dean Wormer

    Gee, where was Al when the award was handed out? San Fransisco! How unusual!

  28. TJ (the Kafir)

    This prize has been so politicized that after a person is nominated he can lobby to win it which is exactly what gore did. he actually went norway to talk with the commitee itself. there is no objectivity anymore , its pure politics just like the UN. they are cohorts in crime. :mad:

  29. BlueOval8950

    I found this quote extremely telling on the new Liberal religion of Global Warming and its messiah ALGore.

    “One of the advisers said that while Gore is unlikely to rule out a bid in the coming days, the prospects of the former vice president entering the fray in 2008 are “extremely remote.”

    “Perhaps winning the Nobel and being viewed as a prophet in his own time will be sufficient,” said Kenneth Sherrill, a political analyst at Hunter College in New York.”

    This news makes me sick (right up there with the PA youth that had the “arsenal” 30 Airsoft toys and one real AK-Style rifle, yet the MSM never mentioned they were just airsoft toys…they just said he was stockpiling an arsenal and showed plenty of pictures of a table full of toys!!)

    If ALGore is a prophet I say we airdrop his ass into Tehran and let Mookie and his boys do what they do to false prophets.

  30. Knobs

    My hat is off to him. I can’t see what good it does to stand up and take a shot at anyone who gets an award. Wether you like it or not, he’s put a lot of time into talking to people all over the world who share a common comcern. That sort of thing brings people together, and it is something we as a nation should get better at doing.


  31. Lamplighter

    If you at the list of winners, some of them you wouldn’t know what they did or recognize their names. Of course they are going to give it to Gore. They gave it to Jimmy Carter for negotiating weapons treaty with N Korea that stopped their nuclear program. Oh, N. Korea still went ahead and developed them anyway and ripped us off while they did it. Oh, so what else new?

  32. Lamplighter

    franchie: the warming trend of the last 30 years or so (before that, we were supposed to be starting a new Ice Age, according to the alarmists) is probably caused by sun spots. The whole world’s economy would have to stop using oil based products for there to be a significant lowering of the temp. That ain’t going to happen. Also, while the polar ice is melting, the antarctic ice coverage is the highest it’s been in ages. So, what gives? Yes, they have estimated the melting of the ice will cause approx. one polar bear a year to die. How about they stop shooting the approximately 1000 bears each year they currently shoot, if they are so worried about polar bears?

  33. franchie


    difficult to know to whom we should accord our confidence, then just the facts can be explored ; well, warmth or not, the bees are dying ! it’s pollution or OGM seeds :?:

    even the scientists are contradicting each others

  34. Dan (The Infidel)

    Bees dying doesn’t prove anything. Only that one species is dying because of colony collpse disease while sweat bees and bumble bees are thriving. This is not the first time that honey bees have experienced this problem in the last 50 years.

    Al Gore on the other hand is a complete liar. His film has been debunked ad nauseum. His “facts” are cut and pasted not facts, but opinion.

    For every “global warming” scientist there are two that refute it, because Global Warming is all about higher taxes and making money for Al Gore’s Carbon Offset company. It’s a political theory …not a factual one.

    When weather forecasters can’t even get a three-day weather report right, or project accurate weather data past those three days, then how in the hell are these same “experts” going to be able to tell anyone what’s going to happen 50 years from now? With computer data? The same way that they predict hurricaines in this hemisphere? What a joke that is.

  35. sully

    “Do you figure Al will plaster the Nobel Award sign on the side of that fuel guzzling Gulfstream he cruises around in while telling us minions to ride our bike?”

    maybe after he’s done using it as a club (along with his oscar) to make YOU ride that bike while China, India and Russia are telling him to go fuck himself. Every word out of that fat fucks mouth is an ‘assault on reason’.

  36. Ted B

    Pfft, is anyone really surprised? :roll:

    Nothing less than self aggrandizement by Gore. Nothing less than pure partisan politics by the Nobel review board.

  37. Dan (The Infidel)

    “It’s a political theory …not a factual one.” My bad. There’s no such thing as a “factual theory”. Algorism is pure conjecture. A theory is just that…a theory…until it can be proven in a lab. I wouldn’t call Algore’s views on global climate change a theory? That would assume that Al made some sort of educated guess. Al isn’t that smart.
    Algorism as it relates to global climate change is more akin to a “barker” who’s working for PT Barnum.

  38. BlueOval8950

    I think it is also something to note that NASA recently had to revise its temperature data due to a “bug” int here processing. The hottest days in record are no longer in the 1990’s - 2000’s, but are in the 1930’s. Additionally there is a meteorologist local to me that has began auditing where NASA has there temperature recording stations. Many are placed next A/C exhausts on buildings, in the middle of blacktopped parking lots and other place that would produce higher temperature results.

    There is way to much political and monetary gain in the global warming issue for many of these so called experts and groups to take anything they provide at face value, since often examination of their sources and data shows bias or faulty methodology (or even outright falsification).

    Considering that this was the second year in a row that we were told the US South/Caribbean would have a record Hurricane season and it has yet to materialize, I think it is quite clear these so called experts can’t predict the future as well a they think. Heck they can barely get 3 days into the future right, let alone 30 years.

  39. Lamplighter

    Knobs: we as a nation ARE good at that. It’s the MSM brainwashing everyone into believing we aren’t that’s the problem.

  40. Dan (The Infidel)

    One of my favorite anti-Algorists:

    “Prague (dpa) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus, a rare vocal global- warming sceptic among heads of state, is “somewhat surprised” that former US vice president Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize, the president’s spokesman Petr Hajek said in a statement.

    “The relationship between his activities and world peace is unclear and indistinct,” the statement said. “It rather seems that Gore’s doubting of basic cornerstones of the current civilization does not contribute to peace.”

    Klaus said in a recent speech that environmentalists’ efforts to halt global warming “fatally endanger our freedom and prosperity.”

    The Czech president publicly expresses doubt on what scientists, including those participating in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, also this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate, deem very likely - that global warming is caused by humans.

    He also said that rising temperatures may not matter enough for governments to throw funds at halting the process.

    In a newspaper interview earlier this year, Klaus said that only Al Gore, and not a sane person, would say that mankind is ruining the planet….”

    Not everybody in Europe is an idiot.

  41. CJWarner

    Al Gore has now been awarded an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize this year.

    I heard he’s in the running for the Heisman Trophy as well.

    If he wins the Heisman, I’ll vote for him as president.

  42. Jenfidel

    Algore is a putz and global warming is a big fraud.
    I hate living in the 21st Century where little men like Owlie Bore are taken seriously and too many people become hysterical about some “Soylent Green” type hoax which is designed to deprive them of living their comfortable lives while there really isn’t a “crisis.”

  43. NV Sailor

    Since when do they give out a Nobel Prize for fiction? :?:

  44. old11B


    “difficult to know to whom we should accord our confidence”

    Caveat emptor “Let the buyer beware”……

    a very appropriate saying to pay attention too in this world of propaganda.

    Another more recent saying ” If you can’t convince them …Dazzle them with Bullshi-”

    Politicos and lefties love the latter

  45. franchie

    old 11B

    you may not know, the greens are not powerful by us,

    their party is too politised with far lefties, they only got about 1 % in the last elections

    but, as the subject comes fast in everyday news or TV reports, it is a major question

    now, as far as me, I just try to get information, but don’t change my life for so, just that I get a bit more careful with the depenses of energies, because of their cost

  46. old11B


    The greens are the Dazzle or should I say Trojan horse. Try not to depend on “information” as information is presented in many forms…. lies, dis-information, repetitive inaccuracies, hidden truths, etc…

    Use your good senses !

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