CNBC Bigwig Slams Ron Paul Poll Assault
The following is a portion of an open letter to Ron Paulites from Allen Wastler,
the Managing Editor, It is in regards to those wonderful 70% plus numbers Ron Paul received in the poll CNBC took after the recent Republican Presidential Debate they hosted.
The foil hats are vibrating in Ron Paul chat rooms all across America today. ~Bash
Dear folks,
You guys are good. Real good. You are truly a force on World Wide Web and I tip my hat to you.
That’s based on my first hand experience of your work regarding our CNBC Republican candidate debate. After the debate, we put up a poll on our Web site asking who readers thought won the debate. You guys flooded it.
Now these Internet polls are admittedly unscientific and subject to hacking. In the end, they are really just a way to engage the reader and take a quick temperature reading of your audience. Nothing more and nothing less. The cyber equivalent of asking the room for a show of hands on a certain question.
So there was our after-debate poll. The numbers grew … 7,000-plus votes after a couple of hours … and Ron Paul was at 75%.
Now Paul is a fine gentleman with some substantial backing and, by the way, was a dynamic presence throughout the debate , but I haven’t seen him pull those kind of numbers in any “legit” poll. Our poll was either hacked or the target of a campaign. So we took the poll down.
The next day, our email basket was flooded with Ron Paul support messages. And the computer logs showed the poll had been hit with traffic from Ron Paul chat sites. I learned other Internet polls that night had been hit in similar fashion. Congratulations. You folks are obviously well-organized and feel strongly about your candidate and I can’t help but admire that.
Read the whole letter HERE
Paul is a loon and the supporters he attracts supports that assertion.
October 12th, 2007 at 11:37 amDamn, even CNBC has figured out that the Rhue Paulites are neo-conartists. The cat’s out of the bag now…
October 12th, 2007 at 11:51 amI still don’t understand what the problem is. What do want Paul supporters to do? note vote for their guy? not organize so well? not share their opinion on an article or blog about their guy? Not go to straw polls? Not create their own campaign signs and banners and stickers?
Not be passionate about the candidate because, why?
Seems like so much jealousy to me.
Ron Paul and his supporters do not have a monopoly on the internet, the street corners or the blogs. “flooding the polls” as if that’s a bad thing?!!?
I’m supposed to not vote for my candidate in a poll because other people are as well? that absurd. lets not forget that a huge part of paul’s base is on the internet and is younger than 35, the ones most likely to be voting in an online poll.
There is nothing stopping supporters from any other campaign from doing the same, in fact, i wish they did it would show that people want to participate in the system.
The thing is if the supporters of the other guys can’t even manage to get organized or passionate enough to vote online what makes you assume that they’ll bother to show up to vote in person, or that paul’s passionate followers will not?
October 12th, 2007 at 12:12 pm‘OH my. What’s a poor ole Ron Paul supporter to do??’
I think the guy’s point was that you don’t get to ‘raise your hand’ 7000 plus times and have it count 7000 plus times and then get mad cuz you got called on it. Make any sense yet dumbass?
October 12th, 2007 at 12:34 pm“I think the guy’s point was that you don’t get to ‘raise your hand’ 7000 plus times and have it count 7000 plus times and then get mad cuz you got called on it. Make any sense yet dumbass?”
Is this directed at me?
Is there any evidence of hacking? none given.
was there some shadowy software used by Paul supporters to keep other people from voting? no.
Basically the author is angry because a candidate’s supporters successfully got more supporters to vote for their guy.
what’s wrong with that?
and the other candidate’s supporters don’t give a crap, same reason Paul has beaten Guiliani in 29 out 33 straw polls as well, cause we get off out butts.
October 12th, 2007 at 12:49 pmPeace is War, Sacrifice Freedom for Liberty, We decide which vote counts. Wow. Editors at CNBC are freakin clever, but America will not fall for their tricks. Will we?
October 12th, 2007 at 12:51 pmSo let me get this straight. In an election one can only vote once, but in an online poll one can vote as many times as they want to? That’s the jist of this argument.
Your mention of straw polls is about as feckless as your candidate Rhue Paul. He’s got ZERO chance of getting the nomination. Got that: zero.
Go ahead and cheat all you want Paulies. It doesn’t mean a thing.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:13 pmDan (The Infidel)-
no one voted more than once, you can’t it blocks your IP address every net user knows this and so soes every poll taker, that’s why CNBC doesn’t claim that’s what happened, their just upset that too many Paul supporters “flooded” the poll by getting other paul supporters to vote as well.
no one cheated, read the letter.
the guy is just made that so many of us voted and so took down the poll.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:21 pmPeace is War, Sacrifice Freedom for Liberty, We decide which vote counts. Wow. Editors at CNBC are freakin clever, but America will not fall for their tricks. Will we?
That’s some moonbat shit you got going on Dennis. While you may be AN (as in 1) American, you are not “America”.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:27 pmShane:
ROFLOL. You must sell used cars for a living?
October 12th, 2007 at 1:33 pm“Is this directed at me?”
It certainly is. Like the Editor said (I’d argue with the “fine gentleman” characterization though as I think Paul is a loon):
“Now Paul is a fine gentleman with some substantial backing and, by the way, was a dynamic presence throughout the debate , but I haven’t seen him pull those kind of numbers in any “legit” poll. Our poll was either hacked or the target of a campaign. So we took the poll down.
The next day, our email basket was flooded with Ron Paul support messages. And the computer logs showed the poll had been hit with traffic from Ron Paul chat sites. I learned other Internet polls that night had been hit in similar fashion. Congratulations. You folks are obviously well-organized and feel strongly about your candidate and I can’t help but admire that.
But you also ruined the purpose of the poll. It was no longer an honest “show of hands” — it suddenly was a platform for beating the Ron Paul drum. That certainly wasn’t our intention and certainly doesn’t serve our readers … at least those who aren’t already in the Ron Paul camp.
Some of you Ron Paul fans take issue with my decision to take the poll down. Fine. When a well-organized and committed “few” can throw the results of a system meant to reflect the sentiments of “the many,” I get a little worried. I’d take it down again.”
Nuff said.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:33 pmShane, if you in your wildest hallucinations imagine that Pahl received that many votes legitimately, you are as off the wall as he is.
Is that plain?
BTW, I can set up a browser to delete or not accept cookies and vote a bazillion times in most any poll. Are you that internet naive?
One Shot…out
October 12th, 2007 at 1:35 pmonce again, no one has a better arguement for taking down the poll than “too many paul supporters voted”.
wait till you see the primary votes counted…
nuff said.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:38 pmHave fun with the election. I’m sure one of four top tier Republican candidates with 30% of the vote out of the 30% of the people in this country who still think this War is a good thing will surely cream the Democrats.
BTW, nice debate; it was really important to see Romney and Giuliani bicker on line-item vetoes. Also, it was a good thing we got to see Giuliani do some Hillary-care soundbites. After all, I would only have been *informed* if an actual doctor was asked a question about healthcare.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:49 pmAw go hop back in one your idols yellow submarines. You guys aren’t gonna “cream” anybody but yourselves from your love for the has been Libertarian.
October 12th, 2007 at 1:59 pmGot news for you Paulites, your boy, is going no place fast. Your dellusionary tales are being bought by no one in here or for that matter in the general population at large.
We’ll have a good time with the election, when we send your moonbat general Paul packing back to his tinfoil spaceship come nomination day.
Like Steve said, go on back to your yellow submarines, or whatever VDS that you’re on. We ain’t interested in your
October 12th, 2007 at 2:06 pmlunacy. Or your loonie bird candidate.
Gotta give credit where credit is due. That would be sully not steve. Another outstanding comment sully.
October 12th, 2007 at 2:07 pmI’m hoping that the Hale-Bopp comet comes cruising by again sometime real soon to pick up Pahl and his flock after they all cut their balls off. Sure as shit wouldn’t want them procreating anywhere in this universe.
October 12th, 2007 at 2:28 pmNo better arguement Shane? Did you not read Oneshot’s post?
Like he said, it really isn’t that difficult to clear your cookies, temp files and get away with something like this with only a few people.
So you answer your question about no better arguements. As stated before, they hacked (used in a loose term because it isn’t to hard to do what they did).
I know you will come back with the same that it was legitimate voting only because your obviously limited knowledge of the internet/networking world will not allow you to understand or accept this.
So have fun watching your candidate loose.
October 12th, 2007 at 3:49 pm2 Trindan,
October 12th, 2007 at 7:32 pmYou obviously didn’t read Shane’s comment. He was referring to blocking IP addresses. Deleting cookies, using multiple browsers etc will have no effect if the ip used is the same. Paul can gather crowds of 2000 but you find it hard to believe that he can get 7000 supporters to vote for him online? I guess all his supporters hacked the fox cell text poll by buying multiple cell phones / sim cards. The question is where are all the thompson/gulliani supporters?
“Paul can gather crowds of 2000 but you find it hard to believe that he can get 7000 supporters to vote for him online? ”
me: A pile of horse shit draws lots of flies too. So what?
And you people did exactly what one shot said. For anyone to believe otherwise, would be like buying a used car from a lousy salesman.
In effect you tinfoilheads cheated the system. You can dellude yourself into believing anything that you want to.
But you ain’t selling that crap here.
And where are all the Guliani/Thompson voters? They’re all over the place. They’re in here. They’re in your neighborhood, my neighborhood, they’re all over the US.
The difference between them and you…is that they vote once.
October 12th, 2007 at 8:26 pm“me: A pile of horse shit draws lots of flies too. So what?”
So what? the point was to provide a case that if Ron Paul can actually get 2000 people to get in their cars and drive to a location, then it is completely feasible that he is able to get 7000 people to take 30 seconds to vote in an online poll. What can’t debate with facts so you resort to mud slinging?
“And you people did exactly what one shot said.”
Do you even have a basic understanding of tcp/ip networking concepts? Cookies and history have nothing to to with IP address logging. You are assigned an ip address from your ISP this is unique to the computer, if a poll is setup to allow 1 vote per ip address then it doesn’t matter if you clear your browser history, you are still blocked because the ip address is the same.
Your argument has no merit if you can’t support them by facts.
October 12th, 2007 at 10:22 pmOnline polls only count one vote per IP address. You can’t vote twice from the same computer. SOOO saying that it was simply a handful of people “raising their hands” hundreds of times is ridiculous! They would have to have thousands of IP addresses at their disposal.. same goes for phone polls, one vote per phone number.
Stop trying to play off Ron Paul as someone who is only followed by a group of crazed zealots who “hack” online polls. I would suggest the only reason he’s not showing the numbers in the “legit” polls is because other candidates have more money to bus people in by the hundreds to vote IN-PERSON. Ron Paul on the other hand is not a frivolous spender like Guiliani or Romney, and is mainly backed by a lot of real Americans who realize their only practical means of voicing opinion is through the internet.
WAKE UP!! RON PAUL IS A REAL CONTENDER WITH REAL SUPPORTERS!! Saying that polls must have been hacked or spammed is simply ignorant and shows that you are in denial about the “Ron Paul Revolution”
October 15th, 2007 at 12:40 pmoh c’mon, it’s obvious that there’s only 1 or 2 kee-razy Ron Paul supporters (living in their mother’s basements, no doubt) - those 2 freaks gamed the system by donating over $4 million to his campaign on November 5th…
November 5th, 2007 at 9:46 pmI’ve noticed that the people on this string supporting Ron Paul are simply trying to defend their candidates position while the ones attacking Paul are being blatanly rude and childish kind of like the media which also says his supporters are hacking the phone lines in their polls and flooding their e mail boxes. Ofcourse noone in any of the other campains has figured out how to fool the system even though they supposedly have far more supporters online. Alot of the people who tear Paul down may actually agree with him on a whole list of issues if they actually listened to him on youtube instead of listening to someone elses spin. Paul has more supporters in the military than the other candidates also. But maybe their secretly traitors ready to shoot their buddies in the back at the first chance they get. Perhaps the veterans supporting Paul are really deserters who went to Canada during the draft. The millions Ron Paul supporters have raised is really monopoly money. His voting record over these many years for insane evil concepts like fiscal responsiblility, border security, smaller government, pro life, school choice, balanced budgets, veterans rights the second amendment, privancy issues, civil liberties and so on and so forth was a secret plot on his part to lull conservatives into his confidence so one day he could destroy America.
November 20th, 2007 at 12:23 am