“The Relationship Between His Activities And World Peace Is Unclear”

October 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Czech president Vaclav Klaus: “surprised” at Nobel prize for Gore

Prague (dpa) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus, a rare vocal global- warming sceptic among heads of state, is “somewhat surprised” that former US vice president Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize, the president’s spokesman Petr Hajek said in a statement.

“The relationship between his activities and world peace is unclear and indistinct,” the statement said. “It rather seems that Gore’s doubting of basic cornerstones of the current civilization does not contribute to peace.”

Klaus said in a recent speech that environmentalists’ efforts to halt global warming “fatally endanger our freedom and prosperity.”

The Czech president publicly expresses doubt on what scientists, including those participating in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, also this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate, deem very likely - that global warming is caused by humans.

He also said that rising temperatures may not matter enough for governments to throw funds at halting the process.

In a newspaper interview earlier this year, Klaus said that only Al Gore, and not a sane person, would say that mankind is ruining the planet.

The Czech president has also recently participated in Gore-bashing newspaper advertisements ran by The Heartland Institute, a conservative US think tank.

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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)


    I posted that story in another comment box. You must be reading my stuff? Great minds dude….

  2. political.fish

    Great photo of Gore and his father…touching…

  3. political.fish

    There is no more relationship between Gore and World peace, than there is between human activity and the global climate!

  4. Dan (The Infidel)



  5. slassbag

    The man has seriously gotten huge

  6. Clyde Conneer

    The D’rat’s Pet Rock from Occidental Petroleum.

  7. johnF

    Let’s see, Nobel Peace Prize winners include,
    Jimmy Carter, What a fool
    Yasser Arafat, May he rot in hell
    Rigoberta Menchu, lying communist
    Mikhail Gorbachev, see above
    Amnesty International, see above
    And now, Al Gore, for promoting awareness of Manbearpig, at least I think that’s why he won, or maybe because of his totalitarian tendencies which hide his hubris under the hollow guise of humanitarianism.

    Goddamn Commie bastards
    The only thing more dangerous is Islam

  8. Cridhe Saorsa

    Gore is an F-ing Baffoon.

    Every time I see a photo of this guy he always looks like a poser. Every close-up of his eyes shows that the lights may be on but nobody is home. The fact that there is no intellegence in this guy’s head is revealed as soon as he opens his mouth.

    What a F-ing Rube.

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