Gov Arnold Bans Words “Mom”, “Dad” - Boys Can Use Girls Restrooms, Vice Versa

October 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


World Net Daily:

“Mom and Dad” as well as “husband and wife” have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose.

“We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California,” said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute.

“The shocking hate mail we received shows that those behind this legislation do not promote true tolerance,” said England. “Only politically correct speech will be tolerated. Those with religious or traditional moral beliefs will not be allowed to express their opinions in public schools.”

“With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their children out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination centers.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered young children into the hands of those who will introduce them to alternative sexual lifestyles,” said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, which worked to defeat the plans. “This means children as young as five years old will be mentally molested in school classrooms.

“Shame on Schwarzenegger and the Democrat politicians for ensuring that every California school becomes a homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination center,” he said.

“Because no textbook or instruction in California public schools currently disparages transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality, the practical effect of SB777 will be to require positive portrayals of these sexual lifestyles at every government-operated school,” CCF noted.

CCF noted that now on a banned list will be any text, reference or teaching aid that portrays marriage as only between a man and woman, materials that say people are born male or female (and not in between), sources that fail to include a variety of transsexual, bisexual and homosexual historical figures, and sex education materials that fail to offer the option of sex changes.

Further, homecoming kings now can be either male or female – as can homecoming queens, and students, whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify.

It also creates the circumstances where a parent who says marriage is only for a man and a woman in the presence of a lesbian teacher could be convicted of “harassment,” and a student who believes people are born either male or female could be reported as a “harasser”

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33 Responses

  1. Future0311 (the infidel)

    What the fuck…

    What has happened to this state? We MUST not let this cancer spread.

    I’m seriously at a loss for words. I had to read that three or four times to make sure I was seeing right.

  2. Ted B

    Kalifornia, the Orwellian nightmare is upon you.

  3. TJ (The Kafir)

    if your a californian, I suggest you organize and take to the streets, the schools, and the governors office to show your dissdain for this law.

    Imagine the gender identity issue being abused. Even if stephen wishes to be called stephanie, what if Julie onbjects to having a girl with a penis using the toilet next to her. And what about showers? I could see many boys pretending to be “girls” on the inside. In fact, I suggest a large group a boys organize and do just such a thing to expose this stupidity.

    Boys could explicitly harass a girl, “accidently” walk in on girls changing in the locker room or bathroom, and then claim a “gender identity crisis” when the girl files harassment charges.

    I used to respect shwarzenegger but boy , he’s a fu**ing lunatic :oops:

  4. just posting

    yea, i love california arent u all jealous ur not living here…in summer school after freshman year, my teacher told me i couldnt say jesus in class but obviously i chose jc over shithead starbucks drinkin liberal doushe and he didnt do shit. and now im at junior college, 4 out of the 5 class days we’ve had, shes said daily show style shit talking about iraq war, and changes subject when i call bullshit on her..anyways it started with christmas break changed to “holiday break”, shithead tellin me cant say jesus, now the cockgobbler governor doing this. if i didnt have electricity i’d have no idea the rest of the country wasnt insane like california

  5. just posting

    ^^only taking a phycology class by the way ,but she always finds time to slip her 2 cents in

  6. just posting


  7. EdinTampa

    Everything is upsidedown in the Liberal world and California appears to be leading the charge. It is a cancer that is spreading like a wildfire.

  8. Jerry

    I live here, now to be referred to as the PRC (Peoples Republic of California)

  9. franchie

    isn’t San Francisco in California ?

    hehe, I bet he is taking care of his lobby
    because his family background is rather traditional (Carinthia : whose representative is from the extrem right wing)

  10. Boombop

    Like I’ve said before. If California keeps going the way its going God will have to resurrect Sodom and Gomorrah and apologizes for destroying them because of their Godless ways.
    Looks like the Hollywood elite finally got its socialist government.The only thing left to do now is have family services take away the children from heterosexual parents because it offends gay couples.
    I bet Arnold has made uncle Teddy Kennedy so proud that he’s wiping the tears from his eyes thinking what a great democrat Arnold would make.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Arnold has sure turned into a first class girlie-man. In order to appeal to a small minority he has chosen to make the majority accept their views, not by debate, but by legislation. Arnold is no Republican. That’s a Democratz leftist strategy… I’d expect that from Komrade Nancy Peloski, but not from Arnold. Ah, what do you expect from a member of the Kennedy clan? Reasoned debate? Naw…Never happen….

  12. Zachary

    “whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify.”

    If this is true, and I’m not entirely convinced, then I’m forseeing a lot of boys claiming that they identify with the female sex. Class action sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.

  13. mindy abraham

    This is a rapist and pedophile’s dream :mad:

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    When I was a kid growing up in school, there was an invisible line that you did not cross, which was in front of the girls rest room. Believe me as young grade school males, nothing would have sent the testosterone levels higher than being able to go into the girls rest room and see what’s underneath the skirts.

    Yet no kid ever tried. That’s because the rules of common sense and the teacher’s ruler made sure that that line was never crossed.

    And so now Arnold the girlie-man has defied the laws of common-sense and probably his own upbringing in order to pander to a small minority of his constituents.

    I’m burning my Conan movie. Arnold is too weak to have my respect anymore.

    I second Boombop’s comments.

  15. Ted B apparent homophobe

    How is it that the government there can be turned on it’s head like this? Are you sure this isn’t some sort of gag?

  16. sully

    This is just the beginning and mild compared to what the Dhimmicrats have in store for the rest of the country if they get complete control.

  17. John Cunningham

    I’d like to see the vote breakdown when they voted on these bills in Sacramento. It’s possible Californians may have the government they ask for. Sorry, just sayin’.

  18. cplusmc

    This sounds like it’s from The Onion or The Peoples Cube… Too ridiculous to be real… But alas… such is liberalism.

  19. fred

    It may as well have been legislating Islam as the State Religion! Would any of you Californians have risen up then? Would anyone of us have? Our country is being perverted and twisted and we sit here and say, “Oh look! It’s going to shit as we speak! Hope they don’t elect a Dem!” Is it not clear that the Reps are in this too? Where’s the federal outcry? Where’s the Republican outcry?

    When they came for the parents,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a parent.

    When they came for the heterosexual couples,
    I remained silent;
    I was single.

    When they came for the Christians,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a Christian.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out…

  20. fred

    One more thought. I agree with todays Liberals on only 1 issue: that American troops should withdraw from Iraq immediately. The death count of Iraqi civilians would be high, perhaps in the future (if either of our countries is still around) we could apologize to them for it. But imho it is far more important that our troops fulfill their sworn duty at home: To protect America from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC!!!

  21. Heckler

    So, we must not offend the gays? Is that what this is? Well fuck you assholes IM OFFENDED by this bill. Why is it ok to offend us clean living family types but not the minority freaks of all kinds? Im also offended by the restrictions on my fucking free speech. If I feel like offending someone …I CAN and WILL. watch Fuck you fags! Your wreaking my country. There i feel better

  22. Dan (The Infidel)


    Interesting comments. As to your position on the war, you are in the minority here. We prefer to win. It’s a soldier’s mentality that when you start a fight, you finish it. Or that you defend yourself when attacked. It’s also a Marine’s mentality. That’s the kind of people “Dollard Nation” are.

    We aren’t in this to lose, or to quit.

    But you are entitled to your opinion.

  23. Sandy K.

    :arrow: mindy abraham

    This is a rapist and pedophile’s dream

    Yep ~ and on every other level the previous commenters have summed it up well.

    Looks like private schools and home schooling will be booming in the future. I do not know of any parent that would want this kind of b.s.

  24. sully

    Hmm…. this newly legislated morality is not going to go well with Islamic politics and Sharia.

  25. KG

    I teach at a California school and haven’t heard anything about this…. yet. Something doesn’t sound quite right. I just don’t see HS girl’s parents going for a boy, no matter what the sexuality, wanting to change in the girls locker room.

    If this is true, we should be getting some sort of notice from the administration soon.

  26. John Cunningham

    KG, feel free to drop in an OT to keep us informed. Or, better yet e-mail Pat and maybe he’ll bring this story out again.

  27. Future0311 (the infidel)

    This can’t be real. It can’t be…

    I know this is a stupid question, as these people obviously don’t think… but do these people THINK before passing laws like these?!

    California is becoming more and more of a cesspool by the day!

  28. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Gov Arnold Bans Words “Mom”, “Dad” - Boys Can Use Girls Restrooms, Vice Versa […]

  29. Ranger

    Oh man to be a young schoolboy in California, with this perfect resolution passed just for you.

  30. Daniel

    Great American.


  31. LftBhndAgn

    Can someone please advise me of a nice conservative state that we can move to once my husband retires from the Military?


  32. Jeanet

    What I’m most ashamed of is that the picture shown with this article is a kids-book-cover, written bij Dutch writers.

    (Can some-one pass me a shuffle so I can dig a deep hole to crawl in or give me a new passport? I could sometimes cry for being Dutch :cry: )

  33. Lamplighter

    It is an Orwellian nightmare. Parents don’t want school indoctrinating their elementary school kids or exposing them to sexual ideas, period (other than study of the human body in science). That’s why we desperately need school vouchers. I have had my kid in public schools for 3 years (3 years too long) and can hardly wait to pull her out. I should have done it this year, but became complacent and didn’t apply in time. Now, next year, she’s out. John: we do have the government we deserve. The legislature is full of lame brain losers. SB777 was introduced by Sheila Kuhn, the lesbian psychopath who ran the state legislature for years and now is almost termed out. It actually redefines “sex” in the law. For Arnold to have signed this, shows he’s become the opposite of what he said he was when he ran. Also, notice his kids are in private school.

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