The Nobel Political Warfare Prize: Dems Declare Gore A “Demi-God”

October 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Private jet Gore uses for out of state travel

We all know that Al Gore won for one reason, and one reason alone. The Nobel Prize, like the MSM, has been self-degraded from its original purpose into a cheap weapon to be wielded by the Left in their war against against the right, which is to say the Global Civil War between Secular Fascists and Spiritual Traditionalists.

The Prize is no longer a prize, but an object upon which to focus a political, Leftist propaganda statement. The world pretends it’s an award that has meaning relating to its title, in this case “Peace Prize”, but it’s just another base metal cannon fired at the political enemy. The Nobel Peace Prize is now exclusively the Nobel Political Warfare Prize, or Nobel Leftist Propaganda Prize, awarded by a committee of dedicated activist Lefties.

Note this quote from one of the articles below: “The last American to win the prize was former president Jimmy Carter in 2002, when the committee chairman Gunnar Berge called it “a kick in the leg” to Mr Bush for planning a war in Iraq.”

And note the headline used today by the Times: “Nobel for Gore ‘Shows Bush In A Poor Light”

Times Online Excerpts:

The Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore yesterday thrust the former vice-president — and the Norwegian committee that honoured him — into the heart of the 2008 US election battle.

The award citation described him as “probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of ( Political statement alert: ) the measures that need to be adopted”. ( Even an idiot knows that “the measures that need to be adopted” is a point of great debate amongst the broad body of scientists who have studied the matter. But they have chosen to endorse Gore in what are utlimately science-based recommendations. Are the Peace Prize committe folks even scientists? What do they know about choosing what factories to be shut down, and how manufacturing of goods should now take place? Their statement is extremely adolescent and irrepsonsible. )

John Edwards was saying that Mr Gore’s leadership “stands in stunning contrast to the failure of the current Administration”. He added that the award “shines a bright light on the most inconvenient truth of all — the selection of George Bush as President.”

Some highlighted this week’s ruling by a British High Court judge that the film was prone to “alarmism” and contained scientific errors, while Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, declared that the committee had long since “rendered themselves pure, 100 per cent joke”.

One internet blog suggested that Mr Gore’s award was part of a pattern of previous prize winners ranging from Yassir Arafat to Mr Carter — “a subset of cosmopolitan frauds, fakers, murderers, thieves, and no-accounts going back about 20 years”.

NY Times:

“Why would he run for president when he can be a demigod?” said Representative Rahm Emanuel, Democrat of Illinois, who was a top aide in the Clinton White House. “He now towers over all of us because he’s pure.”

In contrast to other Nobel Peace Prize winners in recent years, Mr. Gore is a multimillionaire who has built a media and high-tech empire around himself and his environmental work. He is an adviser to Google, sits on the board of Apple and is the chairman and co-founder of Current TV, a cable network with 38 million subscribers. He receives up to $175,000 per speaking appearance, although he waives or reduces his fee for some nonprofit companies and schools. Fast Company magazine has estimated his net worth at more than $100 million.

Mr. Pure on a typical travel day:

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7 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    Gore upon accepting the Nobel Peace prize: “Everybody is totally stoked on me; even if they don’t know it yet! I’m serial. Believe me, Global Warming is more of a threat to our very existence than Islamic Terrorism!”

  2. JayMS

    I hate to say it, but having Al Bore win a Nobel Peace prize didn’t surprise me in the least. That “award” has long lost it’s meaning since shitheads like Carter, Arafat, and Gorby get to be included on the same list as Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer, Elie Wiesel, and Martin Luther King. I heard that after Gorby won it that several nobel laureates tried to return theirs in protest.

    Yah, the private plane thing is quite hypocritical. But the whole “carbon offsets” scam is what really roasts my ass. Pope ManBearPig thinks poor folks in Rwanda should continue to live in shacks and starve so he can feel better about flying around in his private jet and living in his mansion.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    My reaction to the award of a Nobel Prize to manbearpig: How about yawwwwwwnnnnnnnn….What did Al get his degree in again? Oh that’s right…he doesn’t have one…So…he would be an expert on what topic? Putting an audience to sleep perhaps? The guy should bottle his speeches and sell them as a natural remedy for insomniacs.

  4. RTLM

    Alfred Nobel invented dynamite and owned a large weapons manufacturer, Bofors (for 2 years: 1894-1896)

    That’s the peacemaker in the Nobel rewards.

    I think Gore won the Nobel Agitator Prize

  5. John Cunningham

    Even I can understand that a consensus is not scientific fact. The only fact is that global heating and cooling has happened in cycles. The fact is we’ve been there, done that.

  6. fred

    Mr. Cunningham, to pick on your quote: “The only fact is that global heating and cooling has happened in cycles.”

    I’m no meteorologist but I believe that this atmospheric phenomenon is referred to as ‘weather’. ;p

    But seriously, was ANYONE surprised? We know what the Nobel is all about. We should focus our energies perhaps on personal armament and urban combat training. Because, and I truly hate to say it, a peaceful solution seems to be going further and further out of the scope of possibility. The REAL issue is, will YOU or I have the resolve to pull the trigger when holding one of these squirming scumbags by the collar? We all SAY that,”Man, somebody should shoot that bastard!” Would you be able to? Would it already be too late by the time that we muster the strength and commitment to mount a civil war on the Fascistic Left?

  7. sully

    Gosh. If we could only think of a viable alternative to all those coal burning carbon emitting power plants then we might not have to listen to the Holy Algore anymore….

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