Video: Air Strike In Afghanistan

October 13th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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3 Responses

  1. One Shot

    “Take that homo, fucker, son-on-a-bitch…YEAH…EAT DIRT”

    Love the commentary, ROTFLMAO. :beer:

  2. Jeanet

    Thanks for paying some attention to the situation in Afghanistan as well. I know that due to the MSM-info people get focused on the situation in Iraque, but “my guys” are in Afghanistan right now and I can tell you one thing, it’s more worse than Iraque these days. Seems to me that the problems in Afghanistan with the Taliban get “forgotten” and that could become the biggest mistake since years.

    Iran and Pakistan support the Taliban with the newest weapons. (And yes, Russia is doing it’s best as well.) And they get the best support in technique too. In th ebeginning of 2007 most of the times attack from the Talibs would be a joke. They missed 90% of the time. This has “improved” severly just as the attack with road-side bombs are increasing drammaticly.

    The battle of Chora was only the beginning, BE WARNED cause otherwise we will be jabbed with a knife in our back!!!!

    Furthermore I’m very happy that the Americans refused to give up their bases Anaconda and Cobra to UN/European troops. As long as all the troops under UN-mandate are only allowed to play the sitting duck, nothing will change for the good.

    Mind you, giving toys to kids is already a no-no cause dad, who’s is playing “good guy” during day-time, will take that same toy to make a bomb out of it. Who do you think is learning dad how to do this?????

    Yes, I’m angry :evil: I had to take 2 colleages to their graves the last weeks while “my guys” are not allowed to do a good clean up there although espacially right now, Ramadan is over en winter hasn’t come yet, nothing would be more easy.

    Forced to play the sitting duck is soooooo darn frustrating for an Air-Assault soldier :!:

  3. Howie

    God I hope those guys were Army and not Marines! The way the one guy said “homo” would just make us look weak.

    Good kills!!

    Afghanistan is the first and most successful front in the GWOT (Global War On Terror). It has been forgotten the same way Iraq has over the last few weeks. Not much to report over there with the building of schools, restoration of electricity and water, Iraqi Police securing cities instead of US or Iraqi Armed Forces.
    Man the world must really suck for the MSM!!!

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