Brits: Al Qaeda Planning Stadium Attacks

October 14th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

dude..that's a lotta guys
Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium packs ‘em in.

AL-QAEDA terrorists are plotting to bomb a Premiership football game LIVE on British TV.
A shock new government report reveals Osama bin Laden’s fanatics are targeting top soccer stadiums packed with thousands of fans.

They know the awful sight of grounds like Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge or Manchester United’s Old Trafford in flames will flash around the world just like the 9/11 Twin Towers outrage.

The chilling review by Homeland Security Minister Lord West will reveal that despite increased anti-terror spending there are still massive gaps in our defences that Britain’s enemies are determined to exploit. As well as soccer clubs, the experts identify other “soft targets” such as Britain’s biggest shopping centre, BLUEWATER in Kent, and the vast BACTON GAS TERMINAL in Norfolk.

A top-placed security source, who contributed to Lord West’s report, revealed:

“We have concrete intelligence that al-Qaeda is planning an attack that would be seen live on

“We understand they’re targeting a Premiership stadium, probably by a suicide pilot flying a light aircraft right into the stand while a match is being broadcast.

“Although protection is good at some stadiums it’s nowhere near good enough at others.”

And Patrick Mercer—the former Tory security spokesman brought in to advise Prime Minister Gordon Brown—said:

“This is a terrorist’s dream—an iconic target being attacked with big casualties and real-time worldwide coverage.

Full NOTW article by Sophy Ridge HERE

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4 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    What took them so long? Always thought that for pure volume of death a stadium would be perfect, I also believe a full cruise ship would be a plum target for the savages

    If they are truly targeting that, it does show how desperate they are, they have no strategic value, other then horror. The 9/11 targets were strategic. This is just the flailing of a wounded animal.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s because you Brits don’t take your Muslim population seriously enough. Do you really think that Dar al-Islam wants anything but jihad against dar al-harb? Fucking wake up Brits. Get rid of Brown-stain and elect another Thatcher.

  3. danielle

    They showed British Muslims chanting for Sharia Law on t.v., and nobody seemed worried about them, so geez…

  4. One Shot

    It would definitely get the Brits attention and have a negative backlash. Sadly, the pantywaists in Britain would soon forget or forgive the terrorists like the Dihmocrickets over here have.

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