Video: Classic Example Of The Left’s Childish “Leave Iran Alone” Campaign

October 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

This was kicked off by Condi saying “Iran is lying” about it’s nuke campaing. Note the strength of their empirical arguments against dealing strongly with the threats. Yeah, it’s all about Halliburton…

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9 Responses

  1. Birdddog

    Ha ha ha! Cute video. :roll: Childish indeed.

  2. EdinTampa

    & now you see why Liberals cannot be trusted to defend this country.

  3. Q_Mech

    I don’t even have to watch and I already know what kind of self-serving, petty drivel it contains.

    I’ve started reading The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and one of the main points is that Rome basically sprouted a very large decadent class in its last days. These were people whose main concerns centered around their own relatively rich, carefree lifestyles and argued loudly against any endeavor that would require them to expend effort. The growth of this movement was what ultimately did in Rome, leading to its demise at the hands of a third-rate military power and a civilization-wide collapse that required centuries to overcome.

    The parallel is obvious. Today’s decadent class goes by the name of “democrats”.

  4. Jarhead68


  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    “We watch Fox so you don’t have to”? That’s freaking laughable. Walid Phares is the EF Hutton of ME affairs…and these fools that did this vid…dismissed him by their asinine assertions? Children should be seen and not heard from. These pinheads ought to stick to what they do best: smoking weed and partying.

  6. Ted B

    A pure ripoff of Jib Jab.

  7. Howie

    I could only watch a couple of minutes, but got the whole jist of the captions.

    Hey, dickhead, yeah you!! The dickwad putting up the captions……I need to see your credentials to get your security clearance!!!!
    You don’t have one??!!
    Then what the FUCK are you doing asking questions that Hillary, Reid, and Murtha have already been briefed on?

    Oh yeah that’s right you are looking for more secrets to put out in front of the world.

    Corporal get your side arm and take this dipshit out and give the answers he is looking for!!

  8. Jim C.

    I thought that was kind of catchy: “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran”!

    The rest of it? Well, let’s just say even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

  9. NV Sailor

    Yet another example of what ignorance can lead to. I’m sure he’s already hard at work on his next catchy tune video, you know the one about how the Bush administration caused both 9/11 and global warming, all so they could steal the mideasts oil, which was used in the hurrican machine to get rid of brown people in new orleans. Sung to the tune of ‘its raining men’.

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