Video: High School Run By USMC

October 15th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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11 Responses

  1. JayMS

    Awesome! :mrgreen:

    To hell with the whiny ass libs. But I guess it’s better to send your kids to some inner city shithole school with gangbangers than to have them wear military uniforms. Black and Lation parents are too stupid to make that decision so the moonbats will make it for them.

    Kickass! I think it’s a great idea and I’m glad Chicago is offering this option.

  2. Grumpy

    If the Left can have every other public school in the US, why can’t the USMC have one school set aside for Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Military schools are great for developing discipline, ledership and espirit in young people. I don’t care what city it is in. The education kids get there is better than they’ll get in other public schools.

    Catholic schools use to be the same way. They were all about education and achievement…and not taking any shit from kids. You either towed the line or hit the road.

    These kind of schools emphasize intellect and achievement and they give kids a leg up both on college and on life.

  4. CPLViper

    I would love to see their test scores compared to those attending similar inner city schools taught by the NEA. I have a feeling the USMC will kick ass in that arena too.

  5. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Haha! They said in this video that the military unfairly targets poor “minority” kids. Didn’t I just read the other day that they were complaining about there not being enough “minorities” in the military?

    I wish they had that school up when I was in school, though. I’d definitely attend.

  6. David Marcoe

    I could just imagine the “practical component” of a geometry test being windage correction tables and ballistic trajectories for taking out a target at 600 yards. A 1.5 MOA is an A .

    On a serious note, the Marines bring a lot experience in education, being known as the “warrior scholars” of the armed services and Marine drill instructors being masters of the art of molding young minds. You won’t find an institution that has a better melding of theory and practical application.

  7. J. Northmore

    I didn’t even know JRTOC still existed. I brought up the subject to the principal of my school, when I attended HS, and I just sorta of got a blank stare. There should be more schools like this and more like the KIPP programs in Texas.

    At least from my public school experience (graduated in ‘05, now a college sophomore about to start Army ROTC) there is a complete lack of discipline and not enough focus on just how important your education is.
    Todays public schools seem to just worry about test scores and education rankings…

  8. TJ (The kafir)

    Fact: inner cities are dangerous places to grow up in and go to school

    Fact: Inner city students are at the lower half of the socioeconomic structure of our country

    Fact: a majority of african americans and hispanics live and go to school in inner cities

    The idea that these military academies “unfairly” target blacks and hispanics is precisely because these groups need the discipline and structure that too many inner city public schools lack.

    Since the libs can not attack these programs as religiously affiliated as they shoot down school choice programs, the libs have to focus on the war component of military academies. Naturally, students will likely have greater respect for the military by attending these schools, just as students tend to have greater respect for religious institutions after attending religious schools, but students also find out whether such programs are something they could make a career out of.

    Blacks and hispanics mostly know that such institutions will help give hope and discipline to their kids and this explains why so many are supporting these programs. Like school chioice naturally the looney libs are against minorities empowering themselves and becoming independent of the welfare state.

    unfortunatly for the libs our constitution doesnt have a military establishment clause in the constitution. :lol:

  9. mindy abraham

    I wonder how many police calls this school will get. I don’t get the controversy-a little discipline is good for kids, and I don’t think they will join the Marines unless they want to.

  10. Lamplighter

    The last statistic says it all “7500 applications for 700 spots.” It’s a voluntary public magnet school. The school is offering the discipline and structure that many homes and society in general lacks. JROTC is a wonderful program. Good for Chicago.

  11. ssgduke54

    Hmmmmm….A few protesters didn’t like this school. Well if I understood the video clip that up to the parents if they want their kids to go to it. So no one is forcing anyone kids to go. The few protesters can cry all they want because they have not a leg to stand on this. I am glad Chicago is showing some kind of patriotism while the CORRUPTED SAN FRANSISCO pukes have or still trying to get rid of anything Patriotic or Military. :wink:

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