For Those Who Say Internet Jihad Is No Big Deal
I use Google Earth a lot, have all my old houses marked. Above is Disneyland.
From The JAWA Report:
This is a brief post to those who have downplayed the importance of the cyber jihad. I hope it illustrates the connection between cyber jihadis and real terrorists who kill.
Earlier today a Jawa Report reader–someone who the New York Times might flippantly call an “online vigilante”— came across some disturbing images at an Islamist forum. There were several Google Earth images of a town in Iraq. The images were detailed enough that you could see the buildings and even vehicles.
The images showed the location of U.S. and Iraqi troops and police. Each compound was circled in bright red with a description of what went on inside.
Do you still want to argue that the cyber jihad is no big deal?
Big Nod to Dr. Rusty “John Doe” Shackleford at The JAWA Report
It’s been really obvious for quite sometime that the irhabis have been using our technology against us. The question is whay aren’t we shutting down these sites, since most of them are hosted on western servers?
October 16th, 2007 at 3:44 pmSince Google earth has already been proven to be a serious liability for our military in Iraq, why the hell dont we shut them down, at least for a while? I mean who even benefits from such programs? I know its cool to zoom in on the world and see exotic places you cant actually visit (blah blah blah) but its not worth giving our positions away to the enemy.
October 16th, 2007 at 7:49 pmGoogle is an enemy of Coalition Troops and an asset the terrorists. Google is out of control dangerous. Not only that, but for the nine years in a row, Google declined to mark Memorial Day with its trademarked holiday logo modification – something the company has done for the Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, Halloween and other observances that have nothing to do with American patriotism or commemorations of military service or war dead. 98 percent of all political donations by Google employees went to support Democrats, and as a matter of fact, Al Gore is now a senior adviser to Google.
October 16th, 2007 at 8:16 pmGoogle CEO Eric Schmidt gave the maximum legal limit of donations to Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry and to primary candidate Howard Dean.
Schmidt also contributed the maximum amount to Sen. Clinton. I say, “Boycott Google” Google is a friend of terrorists.