Pelosi Says Rush Limbaugh Viciously Attacked 12 Yr. Old Boy

October 16th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Referring to Rush, Pelosi said “…hate radio has made a vicious attack…”

Seeking support for a vetoed children’s health insurance bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi charged Tuesday that “hate radio has made a vicious attack” on a 12-year-old Baltimore boy who receives coverage through the program.

Pelosi said the allegations were “beneath the dignity of the debate” that surrounds the legislation.

Democrats hope to enact the measure over Bush’s opposition, and a House vote scheduled for Thursday. A two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress is required to override a veto, and supporters of the measure appear well short of their goal in the House.

Speaking at a news conference attended by singer Paul Simon, Pelosi, D-Calif., did not identify the targets of her criticism by name. Numerous conservative commentators in recent days have questioned whether the 12-year-old boy, Graeme Frost should qualify for the program for lower-income children.

Democrats enlisted Frost to speak on a recent weekly radio program, where he said the children’s insurance program allowed him to get medical help after suffering brain injuries in an automobile accident.

“I just hope the president will listen to my story and help other kids be as lucky as me,” he said at the time.

One blog, Free, posted a report that said Frost attended a private school where tuition was $20,000 a year, that the family lives in an area where one home recently sold for nearly $500,000, and that a photo and “shows what appears to be a recent remodeling job with granite counter tops and glass-front cabinets.”

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh also commented. “This family owns a house in a neighborhood of homes valued in the 400,000 to 500,000 range,” he said on Oct. 8.

“They send the kid out to lie,” Limbaugh said of Democratic supporters of the legislation. “He’s 12-years-old! They will use anybody! They’ll corrupt anybody, to get where they’re headed. That’s who they are, folks.”

The boy’s parents, Halsey and Bonnie Frost say they earn between $45,000 and $50,000 a year, a level that places them within the insurance program eligibility guidelines for a family of six in Maryland.

They say their children attend private schools on scholarships and that they purchased their home for $55,000 in 1990 and it has appreciated in value since.

“Because of the intelligence and the aptitude of the son who was in the accident he goes to a private school, because he’s on scholarship there … because the house of the family appreciated, they bought it for 50,000, they make 45,000 a year or something like that … they are calling them wealthy,” Pelosi said of critics of the family.

The vetoed bill would expand an existing insurance program for lower-income children by $35 billion over five years. The Congressional Budget Office says the measure would reduce the number of uninsured children by 3.8 million.


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17 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Grandma bug eyes is at it again, now using children to hide behind. You evil witch. No one is hurting children…shitbird…except you. You hide behind the poor, children and the needy to put forth your hateful attitudes and plans. You lie, you cheat you obfuscate in the name of evil.

    I don’t know about your faith Peloski, if you have any…but in my faith, it says that liars go to hell when they die.

    If you want to do something with children how about not showing up at the next gay pride parade sitting next to the head of the man-boy love association for starters.

    Or is that sort of thing indicative of your kind of love for children?

    There are tons of children’s programs out there…fucking tons…so why do you want to make everyone dependent on the government anyways? Is that your way of buying votes ala Barbara Mikulski?

    And what have you done for the child in question? Have you given any of your money to help out? Or started a foundation to help out? Oh fuck no. Your all about spending tax payer monies and keeping too many in society tied down to the Federal dole.

    You, Ms Peloski are the purveyers of a new kind of slavery.
    And you dare accuse someone of harming a child because you didn’t get your way, because a program was already in place?

    You evil bitch.

  2. Humble Janoslav

    What a straw-man argument! The Democrats will stop at nothing. The recent campaign to slaughter Rush can only make one wonder if they think him more dangerous than Bush himself. If this is so, we really need to back him up and become at least as vocal as the Pinkos who keep that Living Corpse [Pelosi] alive. It is really amazing to watch the Dems try to squeeze water from rocks.

  3. James

    North Korean Kim Jung IL, the worlds biggest known buyer of Hennessy VSOP Congnac–Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the worlds biggest known injector of BOTOX.

  4. Joe M.

    Only the democrats could spin another loss into showing how the big bad republicans are out to get the little people. Guess what, your bill failed, it happens. While I do disagree with the veto, there is no reason to make such a hub bub about it. If you want to get something done, do it the honest way and try and convince people of the benefits of the bill. Don’t start playing a he said she said game to try and win opinions of others through emotions and the rallying cry of “Bush is the cause of all the worlds problems”

  5. JayMS

    What this pinko bitch conveniently fails to mention is this program will be funded by increases in tobacco taxes AND massive cuts to Medicare Advantage. MA serves primarily low income and/or minority seniors by giving them option to choose from private carriers.

    Anyway, lets see if I get this straight… Smokers should pay more in taxes and seniors should lose benefits so that a bunch of rich assholes can pawn off paying insurance premiums for the own children onto taxpayers? Here’s a novel fucking idea….How about helping LOW INCOME families for a change? Is that really too much to ask?

    Shit, if your going to exploit children to further a political agenda why not do it right and have some kid from rural Appalacha speak before congress?

  6. Humble Janoslav

    I actually have to disagree with James. Botox couldn’t possibly be responsible for such a monstrosity. At this point, she looks like a corpse that someone has been keeping conditioned with regular doses of formaldehyde and makeup. Speaking of corpses, there’s the case of Harry Reid…kinda looks like he’s been embalmed for quite some time (you’ll note the glazed-over eyes and gray skin). Ah me, when you make a pact with the Devil, don’t expect it to be bilateral.

  7. TerryTate

    because the house of the family appreciated, they bought it for 50,000, they make 45,000 a year or something like that … they are calling them wealthy,” Pelosi said of critics of the family.


    So, Mrs. Pelosi, let me get this straight what you are saying is that this family isn’t wealthy? So, when you try to ram another tax increase down every American’s throat then these people won’t be considered wealthy right? Um ya. Gee, and to think just a few years ago, a Democrat proposed tax bill would have classified these folks in the upper brackets of the wealthiest Americans, or as they like to call wealthier people “the luckiest among us”. I like how you are trying to have it both ways, Mzzzzzz. Pelosi.


  8. Tom

    Rush, by selling the letter from Douche Reid for charity, got the last laugh on the Metrosexual Media.

    Clinton and liberals tried to blame Oklahoma City Bombing on Rush. That didn’t work.

    Logic and reason must support action. Delusion will catch up with reality at some point. Thus has Amsterdam started curtailing the liberal drug use laws it is notorious for.

    Logic is not the liberal’s friend. Maybe because it is the political persausion that is more feminine and thus, illogical. (Remember when Barbara Streisand gave a “serious” speech at Harvard?) Jihadists threaten, Iran builds a bomb and Al Gore is worried about the one half of one percent of the atmostpheric carbon emissions that humans create. (Let me know when the Kennedy’s abandon Hyannisport, will ya?)

    Rush makes humor out of their pathetic cheap shots. Keep’em comin.

    Rush seems to be handing it.

  9. TJ (The kafir)

    what pelosi fails to mention is that the man of the house runs his own business and they chose not to have health insurance. But hey, dont expect libs to get the facts straight, if they did most of the welfare programs they support would die. :cry:

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  11. John Cunningham

    The bill, from what I understand, would raise the age to 25 and lower the income eligibility to $80,000. It’s a foot in the door to European, Canadian universal health care. They were going to tax evil smokers to finance it. You know the program will continue to be funded if all the smokers either die or stop smoking, it will be funded by you non-smokers. Gee, maybe it would be the catalyst to give up my last nasty habit. I mean it’s not as if cigarettes are like crack. Keep it up, bela pelosi and I’ll either stop smoking or go back to ordering them from my favorite Native American reservation.

  12. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    Doesn’t she have anything better to do like, pissing off other countries.

  13. martymar

    Thes dickocrats are showing how much they are just like terrorists. They use children to go and do their dirty work, then hide behind them. And when something bad happens to the kid they blame everybody else. They won’t blame themselves for putting them in harms way. WTF is wrong with these people. :evil:

  14. ShortFuse

    Peloser is at it again, and she won’t be any more successful in this effort than any other that she has been involved in since becoming bitch of the house.
    I wonder how long the dems put up with her ineffectiveness before someone realizes the emperor has no clothes on and sends her ass packing. What a fucking loser.

  15. vet67

    They probably are poor. 45,000 to 400,000 dollar house, their taxes probably went from 1500 to 15,000. If the government would quit sucking us dry we wouldn’t need them. Thats the point.

  16. mess

    I listened to Rush when he made this statement and it was not an attack on the kid in any way. It was clearly an attack on liberals. There was NO QUESTION AT ALL regarding what was alleged in Rush’s speech.

    The liberals are attempting to silence a private citizen anyway possible.

    If they are so arrogant to disregard the 1st amendment to destroy Rush, where do we stand with them as citizens?

  17. franchie

    yeah, I reckonise her, Mickael mask ! :lol:

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