Have You Seen Some Of Ron Paul’s Donors?

October 17th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Ron to Mothership Funkadelic!
Ron Paul sports the latest model.
~Bash…just honing my Photoshop skills.

Undoubtedly the Paulites will be in here momentarily to throw red paint on me, but I’m ready…I’ve got my trusty Ron Paul Tin Foil Hat, from RONCO!

A circus clown, diet guru, exotic dancer, monetary architect and slacker in chief: These are some of the folks that help make Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign the choice of individualistic voters.

Paul’s third-quarter financial disclosure report is sprinkled with supporters whose self-descriptions of their occupations are unusual, to say the least. Wade Talkington of Panama City, Fla., who donated $1,000 to Paul, lists his occupation as “tax slave to the Federal Govt.” Erik Hovden of Olalla, Wash., is the “Head slacker in Chg” at Simpson LLC, and housewife Pamela Schuberg of Moorpark, Calif., a $2,300 donor, lists her employer as “our children.”

Donald Cowles lists himself as self-employed and his occupation as simply “Capitalist.” On the opposite end, David Cameron of San Jose, Calif., lists his employer as “Looking for Work” and his job as “Unemployed.” Still, Cameron has given a total of $1,900 to the campaign.

Griswold Draz of Wellfleet, Mass., a $500 donor, is a self-described “curmudgeon,” and Andrew Maul of Pittsburgh, Pa., is a “Citizen Fighting Tyranny.” Others are more coy. James Harper of Vancouver, Wash., a $600 donor, offered “guess? ;)” as his occupation.

Starchild, a San Francisco-based escort and exotic dancer who ended up on Paul’s list as “Star Child,” contributed $300. Starchild, formerly Chris Fox, is a perennial Libertarian candidate in the Bay Area, having run unsuccessfully for district supervisor, the state assembly and the school board. Self-described monetary architect Bernard Von Nothaus, who has said Paul is the “Internet’s favorite presidential candidate,” has created a $1 Ron Paul coin and is listed in the disclosure report as giving a $2,300 in-kind contribution of coins.

Raw Food Diet activist Roger Haeske contributed $500, as has Jim Punkre, co-author of “The Fast Food Diet,” among other books. In the second quarter, self-described circus clown Eric Blair of Greeneville, Tenn., gave $2,300.

Washington Wire article by Susan Davis HERE.

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2 Responses

  1. Bob

    I see the paulites on the road. Their car has a ron paul sticker on one side and a 9/11 conspiracy sticker on the other! I hope they remember to take their meds! Steer clear of these loons!

  2. Kipp

    Ron Paul supporters fall into two categories. The far right kooks (i.e. the government is planting chips in our scalps as we sleep…take up a machine gun and a stick of dynamite now) or lefties who only see him barking out anti-war slogans and ignore his libertarian principles. I’m sure you could get some pretty wacky donors to all the candidates if you dug hard enough.

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