Hey, Let Them Kill Each Other. Palestinian Civil War Heats Up

October 18th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

oink oink

In a move aimed at undermining Hamas, the Palestinian Authority government in Ramallah decided Thursday to dismantle all Islamic charitable organizations in the West Bank.

Hamas condemned the decision as a “declaration of war” on the needy and warned that thousands of families would be affected.

The charities that are being targeted are known as zakah committees. In Islam, zakah (purify) is a portion of one’s wealth that must be given to the poor or to other specified purposes.

The payment of zakah is a way of purifying one’s wealth and saving oneself from greed and selfishness.

PA officials said Hamas has been using the zakah committees as a means of transferring funds to its supporters in the West Bank.

Hamas said the decision would have grave consequences on the lives of tens of thousands of families in the West Bank.

“This is a declaration of war on the poor and needy,” it said. “This decision is directed first and foremost against Hamas.”

Full JP article HERE.

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5 Responses

  1. Jim

    The soap opera

    Will be right back with “Only one gangsta life to live”
    after this comercial break.

  2. Clyde

    Damn, that sounds just like Nasty Pelousy whining, “for the children.”

  3. Ranger

    Oh yea. Maybe in a few years it’ll be nice and quiet…like Morgul after its emptied?

  4. TJ (The kafir)

    “The charities that are being targeted are known as zakah committees. In Islam, zakah (purify) is a portion of one’s wealth that must be given to the poor OR TO OTHER SPECIFIED PURPOSES. “(Emphasis mine)

    Hamas is showing a common lib dem wacko trait by not being completely honest and invoking the name of suffering children in the name of preserving a sacred cash cow. Since hamas isnt getting the UN welfare check , they rely on these “charities” for zakat money to live on and use in their war fighting. As you can see from the quote above, the money is used for other purposes as well.

    The taliban admitted in an article in the MSM (incidentally the MSM never bothered to follow up on the statement)that they use “zakat” monies to fund the war against the US. Lets face it when these islamic leaders talk about the poor children , like the democrats , they are really talking about themselves; the poor, idiotic,spoiled rotten, welfare dependant children that they truly are. :lol:

  5. Howie

    Well if there was one American idea that could be successfully exported it would have to be liberalism, I’m sorry I meant progressive, ideology. Everything is done for the children; the masses are fed shit and kept in the dark; and there is never a need to apologize for your words, actions, or deeds because the results are irrellevent it is the intentions that are important.

    Most importantly, everything is fair if it helps keep the liberals in power.

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