Audio: Stark Stands By His Rant

October 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Can you stand to be even further disgusted than you already have been in the last 24 hours?
Listen HERE.

Bay Area Representative Pete Stark told KCBS he refuses to apologize to Republicans after accusing them of sending troops to Iraq “to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement” during a debate over a children’s health bill.

During his outburst, the Fremont lawmaker said “you don’t have money to fund the war, or children, but you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to sent to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement.”

He went on to say, “in his previous job as an actor, our governor used to play make believe and blow things up. Well, the president and the Republicans in Congress are playing make believe today with children’s lives. The truth is that Bush just likes to blow things up, in Iraq, in the United States, and in Congress.”

From KCBS.

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9 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    There’s always room to be further disgusted, but I’m not surprised. I’m telling you, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The next year is going to be non-stop. I wish to Christ instantaneous communication was still in the dark ages as it was in the 60s and 70s. Every word the daaaveocrats say will be instaneously beamed, interneted and whatever space age communication is available to our troops. That’s what the daaaveocrats are after. They’re moving in for the kill. They will not stop.

  2. Nannykins

    Is this guy Scarry Reid’s Evil Twin!!!! Sure sounds like him!!

  3. jam

    scumbag, douche nozzle, asshat vermin. please call me.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    People like this asshole dont deserve the freedom they enjoy, or over-enjoy in this case. Some things just go too far and this is about 10 miles over that limit in my book. Screw you Pete Stark you anti-American scumbag

  5. John Goodrow

    I want to put a bullet into my computer every time I hear these fucks claim to support the troops and put them and their mission down at the same time.


    I respect the elderly but I would love nothing more than to break the noses of all those worthless, wrinkly, scrotum sacks in congress.

  6. dad 3/7

    john g. ,,,,the troops know who does and does not support them,, the thing is no one will listen to them,, just remember what state the clown is fm,, maybe rush should send him a letter an he can auction it off to get a couple of mil to pay for his drugs..

  7. Howie

    I find it sickening that this Senator has the balls to vote to give the Commander-in-Chief the authority to send our troops to Iraq, vote to cut their funding and say that he supports the troops.

    The good thing is that we now have him on the record as saying that we are fighting in Iraq to protect our children here (USA). “..The fact is I do support the troops in Iraq, and they’re there fighting to protect our children here…..” I wonder how Reid and Pelosi will try to spin this?!

  8. drillanwr

    Oh, let him go …

    Shit-head’s on a roll …

    Give him enough time he’ll short-out like Will Robinson’s Robot … right in front of the cameras.

  9. Jim

    Just shut up and go home to your husband :mad:

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