$1.00 A Week Fundraising Drive

October 19th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


Okay, even Frenchie, not the most US pro-U.S. guy on the boards, stepped up and paid a year’s subscription to help the site going. It’ll be funny to see him outdo some of my homegrown readers. Athough I deeply respect that everyone can only do what the can do. And FYI, Tony Scott and I have had to forgo any of our fees from cable TV for the YA series, in order to use our advance to finance the rest of post-production and new shooting. And just me and Tony. The editor has deferred his fee as well So anyone who thinks I’m about to be rolling in Ya dough has another thing coming. If I see a penny from DVD’s by next Summer, I’ll be a very lucky boy. And anyone who wants to bitch about how long this has taken, needs to keep in mind that it took that fat bastard Michael Moore two years to make “Sicko”, and he wants dealing with 700 hours of footage shot in three AO’s, and didn’t have to suffer the delays of battling an anti-war Hollywood to get it onscreen. 8 episodes. Four hours. Legal and political hassles. This was a genuine mission. And we’re donating a lot to families of Marines I was with. Funds have already been sent from my Fox biopic script fees and my agency’s ( William Morris Agency ) commissions. So basically…

Pat Dollard.com needs your support. It costs money to keep the site running and updated 24/7, and I’ve brought on a team of people to help keep it going, and haven’t asked them to work for free. There are more improvements coming. If you can just make it a point to donate a dollar a week, we can keep going, and keep going stronger.

Please help out by clicking the green “support this site” button up at the top of “Today’s Posts”, and making a small contribution. If you scroll down the buttons you’ll see where you can sign up for an automatic recurring Sponsor charge starting at $1.00 a week. That simple subscription would be most appreciated.

I hope the site is worth a dollar a week to you all.

Thanks again,

Pat Dollard

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85 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    I’m in! Its worth every penny to get the news that matters without the MSM spin.
    Thank you Pat.

  2. Future0311 (the infidel)

    I’m in. May not be right off, because I’m kind of out of luck as far as money goes at the moment, but the moment I get a hold of something I’ll send something your way.

    Thanks for providing the truth. It is truly appreciated.

  3. Fight4TheRight

    Glad to help, Pat. Your site is spot on and a class act. PatDollarddotcom is an oasis in a world of moonbats and islamofascists and home to the best commenters in the blogosphere.

  4. Axem

    A dollar a week? No problem. I’m happy to make it a weekly habit. I’ll just do it every Monday morning. Except for today.

  5. Kevin

    Definitely worth a $1 a week. $50 on it’s way. I’ll consider it an annual subscription.

    Keep up the great work. Never submit.

  6. patriot

    Dang, I’m under 18, have no credit card, and no PayPal account :sad: . Sorry Pat, I’ve failed you. FAILED YOU LIKE A DEMOCRAT FAILS OUR TROOPS :cry: !

    BUT, I will spread the word about this site to my friends and family.

  7. franchie

    52 $ dollars a year, nothing much when a cigarets pack costs 7,50 € x 2 or 3 a week ; may-be I can reduce my consummation :?:

  8. 007

    Thank’s for all you do Pat! $25.00 on it’s way.

  9. EdinTampa

    On it’s way Pat… thanks for the hard work. I wish I could give you more!

    Thank all the Troops for me too, I pray for the all!

  10. TUSK

    Can I send you a USPS money order Pat?

    Addy needed to send.

  11. ESquare

    Thanks Pat for your efforts, I have several hours of ot coming next payday. I’ll send you an “annual” subscription then. Thanks

  12. DMac

    Hey Pat not sure where this button is to do the $1 a week recurring payment, can you give me special ed level instructions so I can figure this out…

  13. RTLM

    Is there a PO Box to send a money order to?

  14. Richard Quinn

    Pat, $50 bucks on the way to you! Just had several e-mail exchanges over the last couple days with James-aka-Freedom Defender initiated from your website. If he is any indication of the character of the patriots represented on your site this country is truly blessed! Even though my son has served 4 tours in Iraq and will be deployed again in February, I am none the less truly humbled by his experiences.

  15. Sandy K.

    That is quite a deal Pat. I love your site and everyone that makes it possible. (I think I am still covered from my initial contribution at that rate though! lol!) I will always do what I can for Dollard Nation and our Young Americans. We all know it is worth way more than a dollar a week! I will get on the subscription plan soon. :smile:

  16. Ted B (follower of the book)

    PayPal on the way. Keep the shirt, it won’t reach me here in India anyway.

    I literally get to Jonesing when I take a day off of the computer an can’t hit this site.

  17. Skydivejnky

    Yes this site is the only place you can go to get the truth about the war in Iraq. Dam well worth every penny.

  18. Mike F

    Thanks for what you do, and thanks to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Keep up the great work Pat! $20.00 has been sent!

  19. NickD


    As soon as I get paid on the 15th I’ll have $20 on the way. Thanks for the great work you’re doing!!

  20. John Goodrow

    As soon as I earn spendable money, it’s your’s.

    Bills suck!

  21. John Goodrow

    50 bucks soon to come!

  22. Ted B

    I look at it this way, I can do without beer for a week as this is a worthy cause. I dig where everyone is coming from, not many folks can do better than paycheck to paycheck, but this place is vital to getting the truth out about our military and the job they do.

    Send whatever you can, I’m sure it will be appreciated.

  23. steve m


  24. Right_Is_Right

    Done. :beer:

  25. Steve in NC

    .1428 cents per day!!!

    How will I pay for my bourbon?

  26. MIkeP

    I pay a lot more than that a week for the lousy daily paper I get. And I get a great deal more from this site than that lousy rag.
    Glad to help any little way I can.

  27. Frank Tomlinson

    Fight on Pat. Glad you asked for help.

  28. DMac

    Somebody help me out on where I sign up for the $1 a week thing, I’m just not locating this mysterious button.

  29. Steve in NC

    the location of the mysterious button? Isn’t that the girl in the pink canoe? :twisted:

    it on the front page, top right corner, above todays posts

  30. Mike - libNOTSr

    Easy decision………..I’m in - done!

    Good luck Pat!

  31. LadyAngler

    You got it. Thank you, Pat! AND all of you for throwing your bucks in along with every issue-specific two cents. Together we WILL accomplish anything! This site… our site… must go on and on.

    DMac~ Click on “Support” in the navigator bar. You will figure it out from there.

  32. patriot

    Is there a place where I could just mail money to?

  33. DMac

    Thanks Steve, I was going to the support button on the main menu. Pat you should get both of those linking to the same spot, that support buttone on the menu at the top is much easier to find.

  34. TBinSTL

    As soon as I find a job, I’ll be signing up. Here in St Louis refusing to join a union is the kiss of death if you want to make any kind of a living.

  35. tsarbomba

    Pat, got an address for checks?
    I’ve been getting scam emails for months now, trying to get my PayPal info. Funny thing, I don’t even have a PayPal account. I’m not exactly computer literate, so I don’t trust my banking info out there on the net, yet.

  36. Mike in CA

    Oh hell yea! :beer:
    Hope to buy you a beer one day.

  37. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Alright, here’s the deal. Since I’m out of a job right now and my bank account isn’t set straight, money’s kind of hard to come by. However, whenever I come upon some money, I’ll set aside a couple dollars each time, and then send you the lump sum when everything comes together. It’ll be more than $50.

    This site is well worth the money. I’d throw a fit if this site ever shut down. I’m on here like several times a day. lol

  38. Dan (The Infidel)

    I’m with Future. I need my fix. Done…. :beer: :beer:

  39. Jay

    I want to contribute. I dont see any buttons.
    I would rather send a check.

  40. Jay

    My post disapeared.
    Dont see a button.
    I would rather send a check

  41. Jim

    I’m in :beer:

  42. Jenfidel

    Sending $$$ your way, Pat!
    You’ve earned it!
    PatDollard.com is the new Drudge Report–I come here several times a day for the *REAL* news.

  43. D_Mac

    $20 for the last 20 weeks i’ve been on and I subscribed for the future. I’ll do a bigger subscriptions soon as my damn bimmer sells.

  44. Scotty

    For sure Pat, wouldnt think twice about it to keep this site going!

  45. LiL Mac

    On the Way Pat !!!
    Read your site everyday
    It’s the least we all can do !!
    God Bless the Troops & God Bless America

    Thanks for All You Do ! :beer: :beer:

  46. DMac

    When and where can we see YA anyway?

  47. old11B

    ok ! You bribed me with Bashmans quick one shots. I just sent $35 . Every bit helps

    Keep on Chooglin

  48. Dan (The Infidel)


    BTW…frenchie says she’s a girl.

  49. Steve in NC

    Hey -
    just went gold, if I ever sell anything again I’ll toss you some more

    Thing is it’s my money, frenchie’s is probably from some gov’t subsidy

  50. Dan (The Infidel)

    I think I’ve made the argument before that “Dollard Nation” should be a “members only” club. Fee: pick one. 50.00 bucks maybe? US military members would get a free ride. Jest my suggestion.

  51. Sandy K.

    Pat, I sent $50 earlier today and I will get on the subscription rate soon. :smile:

  52. political.fish

    Pat, et. al.,
    Its a privilage to contribute and participate. Keep up the good work!

  53. The Prophet

    Sorry it can’t be more…
    Thanks for everything Pat. Have a cold one on me.

  54. TomYaz

    Just completed my 1.00 a week pledge. :mrgreen: Keep up the good work!

  55. franchie

    Steve in NC funny how the prejugees get a long life, do you think we should stay in the G8 too ?

  56. Dan (The Infidel)

    Steve in NC:

    Your comment sailed right over frenchy’s head.

    Frenchie: What the hell does préjugées have anything to do with anything? He just doesn’t like you. He’s not alone.
    You’re a leftist. That makes you the enemy. Why don’t you get smart and jump on the team and come in for the big win, instead of always being a loser?

  57. franchie

    Dan stop being the watch dog for every one, arent’ they big boys ?

  58. RVN68Mike

    To Dan (The Infidel), isn’t that a take off on “Full Metal Jacket”?

  59. Dan (The Infidel)


    Sure is. Liked the movie too. I liked Hamburger Hill better. But…good movie….


    “Dan stop being the watch dog for every one, arent’ they big boys ?”

    Yes they are. I just like fucking with you Frenchie.

  60. Steve in NC

    hey franchie, you say anything else and I’ll have someone stick up for me!!!

    so we get a few months of sane speech by sarkosy and we are to forget the last 200 years? love the lady liberty, but since our revolution when have you put your necks out for someone else? it’s not prejudice, it’s reality

    BTY way, I have German ancestors so when I was in Paris I was overcome with an uncontrollable urge to goose-step when I was walking under the arch de triomphe, I got a few good strides off before my wife pulled me off my feet.

    It was nice of you to build that pretty arch to welcome your conquerers du jour.

    I did have some of the best meals there, gotta give you that. KP duty is your nations forté now?

    BTY in Clarksville now, there is a bird up with my son in it; due in Monday 0200

  61. Bashman

    @Steve in NC:

    I am so happy to hear your boy is on the way home.

    Thats just freakin great! I’m sure you’ll have a great week.

    Tell him I am proud of him, and thanks.


  62. franchie

    Stevie, glad you return home, may-be you’ll have some spare-time to get some real books of history, and that the reader-digest you took from O reilly will smell like a bad “piquette”

    now, lets see if one of your ancestors didn’t fall under the “poor” quality balls of our resistants ; I am sure I can find one just for my own pleasure

  63. franchie

    euh, I ment bullets of course

  64. Pat Dollard


    12021 Wilshire Blvd.
    Los Angeles, Ca 90025

    Check: CMSU, LLc

  65. Dan (The Infidel)

    So frechie is reading real history now. LOL…Like what? Howard Zinn’s complete guide to moronic pentameter?

    Or Chomsky’s How I sold my soul to the devil and became a millionaire by denigratind my own countryman.

    Or how about the Complete Guide to being a traitor and a useful idiot by Dan Rather, Christian Amandpour, and Keith Overbite?

    Frenchie you are a trip girl. And how come you aren’t out enjoying the night life in Paris instead of hanging around here? Or are you too bourgeois for that?

  66. Dan (The Infidel)


    Take your son to a good bar and tie one on. Throw the biggest, loudest comming home party for him. Let him know that his service is honered by all of us in here. (Well you know which ones I mean…fuck the libs …).

  67. Dave

    worth the money, donated

  68. Jim

    “Howard Zinn’s complete guide to moronic pentameter?”

    Dan got me again :mrgreen: LOL

    Steve, to you and your son :beer: :beer:

    Frenchie, Franchie or Axiom…is it a mood thing :?:

  69. haeshaw

    Add me to the list of supporters. Paypal is on it’s way.

  70. franchie


    I was wondering when you’ll be surging , “22, v’la le flic” !

    hehe, seems you know well that litterature your quoting, I am afraid not me ! so I am not perverted by your sources ; apparently yours have an anglo-saxon version, trying to undermine what is not in your frame ; and of course we’ll never enter into it, unless that fits your agenda

  71. franchie

    Jim, I am OK, no more problem, I think my motors got the cruise speed now

  72. Dan (The Infidel)

    Perverted by my sources? WTF is that. I see that my comments sailed right over that petite fille bourgeois head of yours again.

  73. Jerry

    Can a link for donations be put up? I can not find one anywhere here. I could go to the Jihad Killer T-shirt order form and choose to decline the T-shirt in the comments section. Any suggestions. I am ready, just need a direct link or a paypal account to send it too.

  74. franchie

    hehe, you keep repeating that, up to you :cool:

  75. Dan (The Infidel)


    “hehe, you keep repeating that, up to you” That’s because you keep proving me right all the time baba. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it…

  76. slassbag

    heh, leave franchie alone, he knows if it wasn’t for us he would be speaking german anyways

  77. Dan (The Infidel)


    No she (not he) isn’t that bright.

  78. John Goodrow

    I donated but this credit card stuff freaks me out so I’ll be sending checks from now on.

  79. DsvewasindeSwamp

    Cashier’s cheque sent this morning. Thanks ,Pat.

  80. Scotty

    Long time reader, dont post much but you can definitely count on my subscription! People are quick to take things for granted, maybe a section with special articles and other benefits for members will persuade more people to subscribe?

  81. slassbag

    I think a member’s forum would be cool.

  82. RIchard Quinn

    John Goodrow

    I’ve found the secret to anxiety free web transactions is to let my wife keep the credit card almost maxed out. Phishers and other ilk cannot scalp too deep then! :lol:

  83. Nick

    $25 on the way Pat! Thanks again for all you’re doing!

  84. Infidel

    “Or Chomsky’s How I sold my soul to the devil and became a millionaire by denigratind my own countryman.”

    “Or how about the Complete Guide to being a traitor and a useful idiot by Dan Rather, Christian Amandpour, and Keith” Dildoman.–Dan the Infidel

    ROTFLMAO! Pat, I’m in, as always.

  85. Sandy K.

    I have been running scarce of time for awhile but I am now a weekly sponsor. Have not commented on many things due to time but have kept up reading!

    The site is growing in readership and support. It is great to see. The entire crew that keeps this site going is very much appreciated. :smile:

    Thank you Pat.

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