Awesome: Move America Forward Overwhelms Code Pinkies In Berkeley
The Code Pinkers are washed away in a sea of Red, White, & Blue.
Big Nods to drillanwr! Just click on the link and come back here to comment folks, this is worth a look, no kidding…
Click Here: Move America Forward vs Code Pink in Berkeley.
Um, Code Pink sent $600,000 to Fallujah to fund insurgents???
THAT’S NOT treason??!!
Why isn’t that being investigated?
And what address did they send it to?
October 18th, 2007 at 4:26 pmFinally some opposition!
Wish I was there.
True patriots.
The conservative backlash is growing and I’ve been waiting a long time for it to come.
October 18th, 2007 at 4:32 pmNow this is just awesome! I love seeing more and more Americans coming together and showing their REAL AMERICAN pride
October 18th, 2007 at 4:53 pmFantastic! How magnificent it is to see those “code pink” assholes shut down on both ends of the country within the past few weeks. If you think about it, they have been successfully challenged in their own “turf” - DC, and now Berkeley.
I’m hoping that this is a true representation of how the country feels about itself.
October 18th, 2007 at 6:38 pmThis is great. Those Code Pink hags are seriously acting like wannabe-terrorists toward military recruiters.
October 18th, 2007 at 7:13 pmThe “Silent Majority” has finally got vocal and drowned out the “I hate USA Code Pink Crowd”! I am sick and tired of hearing how San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkley trying their best to run the military out of town so they can setup a Socialist State. We are NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE! These Morons are indirectly endangering my Son in Iraq! When allegations (if they are true) of “Code Pink: giving $600,000 dollars to the Insurgents then they have lost ALL RESPECT FROM ME!
October 18th, 2007 at 7:17 pmThis is the most beautiful post I have seen all day!
and Thank YOU Bashman
October 18th, 2007 at 7:22 pmYeah! HooAh! Opposing Code Pinko, ANSWER, IVAW, Communists, Rhue Paulies and assorted asshats is one helluva fine way to support our braves.
C’mon out, join Gathering Of Eagles, Free Republic or just show up to demonstrate to America that free people do not give up the streets to our enemies and that WE DEMAND VICTORY!
I promise one of the finest days you’ve ever had just expressing your displeasure with idiots who don’t deserve the protection afforded by our fine military.
The asshats squeal like stuck pigs when faced with patriotism.
Zeke Eagle
October 18th, 2007 at 8:05 pm$600,000 to Fallujah insurgents!! That’s just horrible. Why aren’t they in jail!
October 18th, 2007 at 8:07 pmI’ll take the liberty to share a post from the Eagles Forum to demostrate the quality of people willing to face down the Code Pinko insurgents.
I was there, as well. Brought a friend, who lives near Berkeley. He had a wonderful time!!! One thing I noticed - is it a prerequisite to be as ugly and unattractive as possible to be an anti-war scum bucket? Holy smokes, I never saw so many ugly people in my life. Just looking at them hurt. What a wonderful day it was. I’m surprised the walls of the surrounding buildings didn’t come tumbling down with the amount of patriots and Old Glory filling the street!! I overheard two young heroes, Marines, say they fought for their right to assemble and spew forth their garbage but it sure upset them seeing our glorious flag upside down. That’s when I started seeing red. These boys fought for our great nation. What an outrage for them to witness this BS. I then invited a few of the “ladies” to come on over and talk with me. Guess they just weren’t up for the challenge. One of my personal highlights was standing next to an enthusiastic supporter, a woman decked out in patriotic regalia on top of her professional attire. She was quite inventive with her remarks to the pond scum. She had taken BART over from SF on her lunchbreak and had to return to work - unlike the losers standing across the street - and she sure didn’t want to leave. She’s a Freeper. She gave me a big hug good-bye just because we’re on the same side. Damn, we have the best people on our side!!! I am praying the patriots are awakening here in the Bay Area. Guess the proof will be on 10/27. Hope to see Eagles there!!! Cheryl
October 18th, 2007 at 9:03 pmDid you see the linked pictures? You gotta look at them. I love it! I wish I could have been there. Never did I ever think I’d see such a thing in Berkeley! Yeah, what a day.
October 18th, 2007 at 9:10 pmI did a little recon of the pink web site. I couldn’t find one mention the event. They know they got owned.
October 18th, 2007 at 10:18 pmI think that is what election day 2008 will look like!
God Bless America!
Semper Fi
Thanks Bash!
October 19th, 2007 at 12:36 amWhat about the $600,000 you sent to Fallujah to fund insurgents???…what 600,000? comment!
CODE PINKERS ARE DISGUSTING, THE FUNDING TO FALLUJAH INSURGENTS IS TREASONOUS. That “organization” should be shut down within the U.S.A. They need to move their operations to some Islamic Country since that is where their loyalty is.
Ignorant as hell they are. I would not spit on them if they were on fire.
Glad to see they got owned by the Move America Forward crowd! Thanks for the post Bash.
October 19th, 2007 at 5:53 amThis was a collaborative effort among several pro-troop (as a opposed to the lame-d*** media’s description as pro-war) organizations. We have banded together to oppose the America haters and their communist/socialist sponsors. I can speak about the Freepers and the Eagles.
October 19th, 2007 at 6:03 amThe Freepers have been holding troop support rallies outside Walter Reed Military Hospital ever since code stink set up shop there to protest our wounded. The Freepers are there every Friday night, rain, shine, sleet or snow, whether the commie hags show or not. The ’stinks’ have been forced to change their anti-soldier messages from “Maimed for a lie” and “Sign up to die for oil for Haliburton” because of the spotlight being placed on their words. If you can make it up, join them any Friday night. I guarantee you will walk away feeling like you have done something good.
The Gathering of Eagles formed last spring and has been active in countering the anti-war, anti-troops, and anti-America crowds, many funded by the Communist and Socialist leftovers from the ’60s. Same smelly hippies, same tired slogans, sometimes the original signs from a bunch of mostly geriatric retards. GOE is comprised of veterans, retirees, families of soldiers and Marines, and good ol’ patriots that are tired of seeing just one side of the debate — the America is evil side. At GOE III last month, we met them on the streets of DC to give them an earful about how their actions undermine our troops. It was a great day, educating the high schoolers that they bussed in about the other side of the debate and watching the numbnuts try to figure out how to have a “die-in”. It was truely hilarious walking amongst them and hearing “if we are going to have a die in, you people have to lay down.” DUH!!! Anyway, check out the Eagles and their affiliated groups like the Patriot Guard Riders, Rollin’ Thunder, MAF, Gold Star and Blue Star families. Everyone has a place in the organization and the only requirement to join is a love of America and our fighting forces. We are there to protect their backs while they protect us.
Eagles Up !!!
@Deputy Dawg
Keep up the great work fighting the good fight!
The Patriot Guard Riders were here last weekend to stand in honor of one of our local fallen Army Rangers’s funeral. They sure have brought pride and high honor to those biker vests they wear! Growing up, I never imagined I’d bust with pride when I saw “bikers” … Salt (and pepper!) of the Earth … of this nation’s land!
October 19th, 2007 at 7:08 amWhat’s the deal with the $600k? Is that real? Is there any proof of that? If that’s true, that is serious TREASON. If anyone finds any info could you please post it?
October 19th, 2007 at 7:23 amHey go check out the 5th picture down under the 2 videos, someone is holding a sign that says “Marines help slow global warming, they eliminate all C02 emissions of Al Qaeda and those who support them.
Such a great way to put it!
October 19th, 2007 at 7:42 amWow, what awesome photos!
Man, I got all choked up seeing those fine veterans standing so proudly holding up our flag. They are the steel of our country, forged this nation with their blood, and for some idiot to think that they are torturers and murderers of innocents is just stupid.
I would love to know how many of the code stinks have ever served this country, much less anything other than themselves. Pigs and slobs, and yet men and women like those gentlemen I saw fight for their right to be pigs and slobs.
I would have loved to have been there. Great job, people.
October 19th, 2007 at 8:05 amAh, this takes me back to my Protest Warrior days in ‘04. Good times!
October 19th, 2007 at 8:43 amThis is off subject, but I hear the news in Baghdad today is that there is no news, this from ABC, WOO HOO!!!!! More news like that please…
October 19th, 2007 at 8:46 am“What’s the deal with the $600k? Is that real? Is there any proof of that? If that’s true, that is serious TREASON. If anyone finds any info could you please post it?”
October 19th, 2007 at 9:37 amI am planning to attend the Walter Reed counterdemonstrators when I am there next month. As for Bejamin of code stink admitting they donated the $600k–that is giving aid and comfort and funding terrorists. Where is the law enforcement investigation into this?
October 19th, 2007 at 9:51 amI was at the DC Gathering of Eagles back on September 15. It was the same thing- patriotic Americans lining Constitution Avenue and the traitors and morons doing their best impression of 1960s hippies. There were 3,000 of us, and only 15,000 of them! After 6 months of them hanging banners all over Washington, having college campuses and a national campaign to “stop the war!”- all they could do was bring in the same amount of people that work in the Pentagon every day!
It was sweet..
October 19th, 2007 at 11:01 amSully,
October 19th, 2007 at 11:21 amThanks for posting those links. That makes my blood curdle. Why are WE letting shit like this go unpunished? It’s one thing to hold some fake hippy protest, it’s another to aid and abed the enemy. Fuck Code Pink and fuck the anti-war left. Their ignorance makes me want to vomit.
“Why are WE letting shit like this go unpunished? It’s one thing to hold some fake hippy protest, it’s another to aid and abed the enemy.”
There are different rules for ‘radicals’. Been true since the 60’s.
October 19th, 2007 at 12:42 pm‘Hate speech’ and ‘hate crimes’ (like treason) are tolerated if it’s anti-America.
We’re becoming an easy mark for those that want to kill us.
When I hear people I know spew the Dhimmicrat talking points, I always ask why they insist painting a bulls-eye on their own forehead. They usually get some dumbfounded look on their face.
That kid on the vid said “Ignorance will kill us all.”
I dunno… It’s probably better that they are so ignorant. If the privileged fucks actually knew anything about the world they might be worse. Maybe go into politics like Reid and the Clintonistas.
Look at our side: normal people, many of them veterans, who actually have lives, but take the time to come out and voice their support for this country.
On the other side, a bunch of self-hating failures, leftover wannabe revolutionaries from the 60’s, and Troofers crawling out from under their rocks. And the STENCH!!!
October 19th, 2007 at 5:49 pmWow!! All I can really think to say is Thank God, God Bless America and Semper Fidelis!!!!
Gotta love it when a plan comes together!
Sully I haven’t looked at the links for the $600k donation to insurgents yet, I will look at the links next, the question is why haven’t they been arrested, charged and hung yet?
October 20th, 2007 at 10:06 am