Al Jazeera Plays New Bin Laden Audiotape - Asks Iraq’s Forgiveness

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Titled: To The Iraqi People. He tells the Iraqi people that they have to unite against the U.S., and, get this, asks them to “forgive any mistakes Al Qaeda has made.” Developing…

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7 Responses

  1. Jenfidel

    Where’s Dr. Phil to ask OBL, “How’s that working out for you?”

  2. Matt

    Hmmm, sounds like someone high up in AQ is realizing that killing the people your trying to convert is counter productive… I wonder if it will make a difference now.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Jenfidel, thats funny.. Dr Phil :lol:

    Please forgive Al Qaeda for blowing up thousands of your civilians, women and children. Sounds horrible when you put it that way doesnt it? Screw Bin Laden!

  4. Deputy Dawg

    “Dear Osama,

    PISS OFF. And the goat you rode in on.


    The FREE Iraqi people”

  5. StreetDoctor

    My biggest fear is that the these people will actually buy into UBL’s bullshit. The other day a US contingent did a raid in Sadar City, took heavy fire, returned fire and killed a load of bad guys…and now you have the Iraqi PM “protesting” because apparently civilians were caught in the cross fire (unconfirmed by US military mind you). I find it amazing that the Iraqi govt. has the balls to “protest” inadvertent and unfortunate death of civilian life (if it actually happened at all) but wont speak a word about what AQ has been doing for years? Makes me sick.

  6. JayMS

    Oh, this is just too rich :lol: What a bunch of stupid assholes. They ignored one of the cardinal rules of insurgency warfare: Don’t piss off your support base. Now they are doing the same thing with Pakistan. Al Goatfucker even went so far as to declare genocide on the Iraqi people.

    Iraqis are Muslims. They know full well how the Islamic world deals with “apostates” and “betrayers” and that AQ just wants to install a terrorist-sponsoring totalitarian theocracy.


    Street Dr.

    Agreed, this is what happens when the military assumes a PC posture. Again, the path to victory is clear, historically; total war, total destruction of the enemy, followed by a democratic reconstruction. The responsibility of civilian casualties is not ours, that notion is an invention of the left. Our responsibility is to force the enemy to capitulate unconditionally in the shortest possible timeframe, at the lowest possible cost (in men and material)to us, not them. That is it. This is what we should be doing in Iraq, and what we should do in Iran.

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